Psychological trainings quite successfully replace individual consultations with psychotherapists.
Online trainings by psychologists are aimed at working through specific human problems. With the help of distance learning, you can increase your effectiveness as an employee or manager, deal with your fears and barriers, and improve relationships with loved ones.
We have compiled for you a large list of centers that provide psychological training, which you can complete remotely and increase your effectiveness in all areas.
mental skills
Website: Phone: Cost: from 800 rub. for the training
Online training “Psychology of influence.
How to influence people” - you influence, not on you, you decide, not for you, they follow you, not them!
- Colleagues in five minutes convince the client to pay twice as much for functions that are not useless, but how is it unclear?
- Do you deserve a higher salary, but your boss doesn’t “see” it?
- Do you want a new handbag, a vacation at sea, change your car, but your husband doesn’t “hear” you?
- Do you need to fulfill your sales plan, but can't?
- Have you been waiting for a promotion for a long time, you work for two people, you told the management about this many times, but they appointed someone else?
How to achieve your goals? What do you need to do to get everything from life? The answer is simple - learn to influence!
Online trainings are also available:
Feedback Psychology of compatibility Setting goals How to understand a child? Personality types, etc.
Terra Amour
Website: Phone: Cost: from 4900 rub. for the training
Why might you be interested in Terra Amour psychological training?
Online psychology trainings save you money on solving psychological problems because their cost is less than participation in face-to-face psychological trainings. Your costs for organizing psychological training are minimal - a personal computer connected to the Internet.
You will be able to participate in the training from any convenient place - in the office, on a business trip, on vacation, at home. This means you won’t have to interrupt important and interesting learning, even if you just need to find a computer connected to the Internet.
During the online psychological training, you will receive access to your personal account, where you can download a video recording of each lesson, as well as all handouts.
- How to stop quarreling?
- How to choose a future profession?
- Wise parent?
- How to end the conflict?
- How to manage emotions?
Website: Cost: from 600 rubles. for the training
Supervisory online group
The group is a small expert community whose main focus is the analysis and maintenance of the professional activities of each of its participants, the opportunity, with the help of other specialists, to see their clients, themselves, and their place in the profession in general, more voluminously and comprehensively, research and the formation of an individual style in work, awareness of one’s strengths and areas of growth.
"I'm fine!" — online group about overcoming anxiety and uncertainty
The online group “I’m doing well” will give you the opportunity to exchange your emotional states and receive feedback from other people. This will reduce the feeling of loneliness or, conversely, tension from the inability to be alone, and will help you more easily adapt to the new situation. At the same time, it is the prevention of nervous breakdowns and dark thoughts.
"7 days without stress"
Have anxiety, uncertainty and panic settled in your home and are taking away more and more strength? Maintaining internal balance and calm in a crisis is real! The time has come for new opportunities - let's discover them together at the online marathon!
Training for schoolchildren
Social-psychological training: “I and WE”
Description of work: this program will be useful primarily for educational psychologists when working with children of middle and high school age (from 4th to 11th grade). Groups are formed based on the principle of homogeneity (children of similar ages with similar needs). The purpose of the training: developing interpersonal communication skills and self-knowledge. This training was regularly conducted by me at my previous place of work and showed good results, according to the reviews of the children who participated in it and their teachers. Goal: schoolchildren to overcome psychological barriers caused by a lack of social experience, control their emotional state, and also build their confidence in themselves and their abilities. The leading type of activity, according to the classification of D.B. Elkonin, in adolescence is communication and the formation of interpersonal relationships. Therefore, it is very relevant, at this stage of development, for the fullest and deepest realization of life potential and harmonious development of the individual, to master the skills of effective social interaction. Structure of the training: The training consists of five lessons based on ideas about the mechanism of group dynamics. Each of the training sessions has the following structure: 1. Games and exercises for group cohesion: aimed at removing psychological defense mechanisms and maintaining group dynamics.
2. Exercises aimed at expanding social experience. 3. Reflection on your condition and acquired experience. 4. Exercises aimed at expanding self-image and organizing feedback. Organization of the training: this training is designed for 2 classes, including 3 blocks lasting 2 – 2.5 hours each (depending on the characteristics of the group). Classes should be held in a separate, warm room, preferably soundproofed and locked from the inside. It is also desirable that this room have comfortable chairs and free space for movement, which would help improve the efficiency of classes. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the group: the training is designed for teenagers and young men aged 15 years and older who want to expand their social experience, gain a sense of self-confidence, learn to feel and understand others. The optimal group is 6 – 12 people. A decrease in the number of training participants less than optimal leads to a slowdown in group dynamics due to a qualitative decrease in the activating experience in discussions. An increase in the number of group members more than optimal makes the group unstable due to a decrease in the ability to control group processes on the part of the coach. First lesson “Acquaintance and self-presentation”
First part Goal: acquaintance and group cohesion Objectives: 1. formation of group cohesion; 2. development of group rules; 3. motivating training participants to work. Exercise 1. “Say your name + business card” Purpose: to introduce training participants. “We begin our lesson with the traditional introduction procedure. Now each of you will draw up your own business card, and on it you will indicate your name.” Write your name and a positive quality (what you value in yourself) starting with the first letter of your name, in a circle. DISCUSSION: “What do you like most about yourself?” “Was it difficult to find good qualities in yourself?” “How did you feel when others named your quality?” Exercise 2. “My goals” Goal: to identify expectations from the training among group participants, to form a conscious attitude towards the classes. Material: Whatman paper, marker, leaves (green and red) The presenter talks about the goals and objectives of the training. Participants are given sheets of colored paper (green) on which they are asked to write what they want to get from the classes. Then the leaves are glued with tape onto a pre-prepared Whatman paper with a picture of a tree. Each participant names their expectations and glues a piece of paper to whatman paper. It is expected to answer the following questions: “What do I want to get from the training?”; “What am I willing to do for this?” “How can the group help me with this?” DISCUSSION: “Why is it necessary to specify the goals and expectations from the training?” “Was it difficult to describe your expectations from the training?” “What useful experience did I gain from this exercise?” Exercise 3. “Snowball” Purpose: Introduction The first participant says his name and hobby, the next repeats everything that the first said and adds his name and hobby, the third repeats everything that was said before him and adds his own, and so on until All participants will not give their names and hobbies. Exercise 4. “Rules of life in a group” Purpose: to form rules of interaction in a group based on the personal experience of the participants. I. The presenter reads the questions. Participants think: could they answer these questions in a group? Questions: What do I not like about myself? What should I do to make many friends? What is happiness and am I happy? Am I a good person or not? II. The group is divided into small groups according to the following safety scale: I would not like to answer questions in a group I could answer some questions I could answer all questions in a group There may be 2 or 3 groups (5 minutes). III. The facilitator suggests discussing in groups and writing down answers to the following questions on a piece of paper: What people around you are doing or saying that prevents you from talking about your experiences; What are people doing around you that help you talk about your experiences? IY. One participant from the group reads out the answers, you can write them on the board (15 minutes). V. The presenter proposes to create some general rules, the implementation of which would provide the opportunity to freely communicate and talk about their feelings (10 minutes). Suggested rules: Sincerity (speak sincerely or remain silent); Confidentiality (do not talk about the experiences of other group members); Do not evaluate participants; Support from the group, etc. DISCUSSION: “What personally prevents you from speaking openly or doing something openly in the group?” “Do you need group rules?” “Which rule do you think is the fairest?” “What additional rule would you introduce?” Exercise 5. “Share the joy” Goal: learn to establish contact You need to approach as many people as possible with the words “share my joy with me” and establish contact on 4 levels: • Emotional • Eye • Touch • Verbal DISCUSSION: “what did you like best?” when do you approach or when do they approach you? “What difficulties were encountered?” “What worked best” Exercise 6. “Correspondent” Purpose: getting to know each other and uniting the group The game is carried out in two stages: at the first stage (“interview”), participants are divided into pairs and talk about the topic for three minutes "my interests and hobbies." After the time of the first stage has expired, the second stage ("note") begins. One of the pair members should introduce the second player to the group as best and as interesting as possible. DISCUSSION: “Which was more difficult to do: find out information about a person or tell a group about him?” “Which caused more excitement: when they talked about you or when you talked about someone?” “What useful experience can be gained from this exercise?” Exercise 7. “Spark” (with compliments) Purpose: expanding information about group members, developing group cohesion Material: box of matches The group, including the coach, sits in a close circle. The coach lights a match and passes it around. The one in whose hands the match goes out gives himself a compliment. Then he lights a match and passes it to the next participants. Then the task becomes more complicated: whoever’s match goes out, the training participants give three compliments. DISCUSSION: “How did you feel?” “Which was more pleasant to say or receive compliments?” Exercise 8 “Nobody Knows” Purpose: developing the skill of self-presentation Leader: “Now we will take turns completing the phrase: “Everyone knows that I ...” Second circle: “None of you know that I ...” (what I have ...) Third circle: “Actually, I…” DISCUSSION: — “Was it easy to tell about your secrets?” - “What useful things can be learned from this exercise?” Exercise 9 “Gift” Purpose: group unity. Presenter: “Now we will give gifts to each other. Each person takes turns using pantomime to depict an object and passes it to the neighbor on the right. DISCUSSION: - “Was it difficult to understand another without words?”; - “What helped / hindered understanding the other?” - “What useful things can be learned from this exercise?” Exercise 10 “Block Feedback” Purpose: maintaining group tradition.
Presenter: “Now we will discuss the experience gained in this block.” — What did you remember (like) in this block? — Was there anything that surprised you in this block? — Name one thing you liked and one thing you didn’t like. Second part
Goal: to continue acquaintance, practice and consolidate the skills and conditions achieved in the introductory lesson.
Exercise 1 “Wish” Purpose: To identify the participants’ mood for the lesson; warming up the group. Material: ball Presenter: “Let's start our work by expressing wishes to each other for today. You throw the ball to someone and at the same time say your wish. The one to whom the ball was thrown, in turn, throws it to the next participant, expressing his wish for today.” Exercise 2 “Fairy tale in a new way” Goal: developing the ability to track and maintain a logical thread when communicating. Presenter: “Now we need to come up with a continuation of one of the famous fairy tales, or compose a new fairy tale. We will do this in the following way: I say the first sentence, and everyone adds a sentence so that we get a complete story.” DISCUSSION: - “What do you think this exercise does?” “What was more interesting to listen to others or to come up with yourself?” Exercise 3. “Mirror” Purpose: development of psychological contact Participants break into pairs and stand facing each other. One of the players makes slow movements with his hands, head, and whole body. The other’s task is to exactly copy all the movements of his partner, to be his “mirror image”. Exercise 4. “My name is my character” Purpose: to consolidate the skill of self-presentation Material: paper, pens Presenter: “Write your name on a piece of paper. Write down your positive qualities in the first letters of your name DISCUSSION: - What did you like about this exercise? — What was difficult to do in this exercise? - How did you feel? Exercise 5. “What am I?” Goal: to evaluate the view of yourself from the outside I. Fill out the questionnaire: I want to be ________________ (3-5 character traits) I don’t want to be ____________ The questionnaires are read in a circle (15 minutes). Then the participants pair up as desired. Work in pairs. A. Using the questionnaire, put points from 1 to 10 next to the character traits - how many in your opinion do you already have this trait. B. Exchange profiles and tell your partner how many, in your opinion, he has of those traits that he put in his profile. Analyze your own questionnaires, where the scores are the same, where there is a difference. You can have someone in a circle who wants to talk about their condition. II. Using the questionnaire, write 5-7 phrases about yourself. The last phrase will be: “The main character trait that I am proud of is ....”. (for a positive attitude towards your character traits). DISCUSSION: “Is it difficult to talk about yourself?” “What do we mean when we call a person “good” or “bad”?” Exercise 6. “Drawing yourself” Purpose: developing self-presentation skills Presenter: “Now I invite you to draw yourself. But only one fragment of the drawing. Next, pass the drawing to the neighbor on the right. He must complete another fragment, etc. This way you get your portrait through the eyes of the group.” DISCUSSION: “How consistent is your self-image with the group’s?” “How did this exercise make you feel?” “What new did you learn from this exercise?” Exercise 7. “Judgment: Self-presentation: pros and cons” Goal: developing a conscious attitude towards self-presentation 1. Three winners are selected in the game “rock, paper, scissors.” They will be the judges. 2. The judges, using the “empty-thick” game, divide the remaining members into 2 subgroups. Principle: “empty” – accusers, “dense” – defenders. 3. Each side prepares a speech and questions for the opponent within 5 minutes, with the goal of defending its position. 4. A tournament is held between opponents. 5. The judges pronounce a verdict. Exercise 8 “Block Feedback” Purpose: maintaining group tradition.
Presenter: “Now we will discuss the experience gained in this block.” — What did you remember (like) about this block? — Was there anything that surprised you in this block? — Name one thing you liked and one thing you didn’t like. The third part
Goal: practicing and consolidating the skills and states achieved in previous lessons.
Exercise 1. “Impulse” Goal: uniting and warming up the group. Participants sit in a circle. The right hand, palm up, is placed on the left knee of the participant on the right, and your left hand, palm down, is placed on the palm of the neighbor. You need to slap your neighbor's palm as soon as you feel the clap on your palm. Discussion: - “What useful things can be learned from this exercise?” Exercise 2. “I am very good, we are very good” Purpose: building self-confidence, uniting the group One of the participants (and then everyone else) goes to the center of the circle and says the words in turn: “I” “very” “good” first whisper, then loud, then very loud. Participants expand the circle and, holding outstretched hands, repeat the same thing, only together saying instead of “I”, “we”, “very”, “good”. Exercise 3 “Sculpture” Goal: group cohesion The leader selects three volunteers. The first is a sculptor; the second is clay; the third is a critic. The essence of the game: the critic goes out the door, and the sculptor must come up with and depict any object out of clay, for example, the Statue of Liberty, a turtle, etc. After the sculpture is ready, a critic is invited, who must guess what happened. Exercise 4. “Trust Fall” Goal: removing psychological defense mechanisms, building trust in the group. Presenter: “Stand in a circle very close to each other. This is not an ordinary circle, but a magical one, since the children who stand in the circle will do everything to ensure that the one who stands in the center experiences amazing sensations. Which one of you would like to be the first to stand in the middle? Everyone else, raise your arms at chest level. When ..... falls in your direction, you must understand it and carefully return it to its original position. DISCUSSION: - how did you feel in the center of the circle? — Did you trust your comrades? Exercise 5. “Film Festival” The group is divided into spectators and actors, and the actors into subgroups of 3 people. Each group draws out a piece of paper with the task of preparing (10 minutes) and demonstrating (5 minutes) a skit of the following genres: • Action • Comedy • Melodrama • Horror The audience votes which film they liked best. The winners receive the Audience Award. Then the audience becomes actors, the actors become spectators. DISCUSSION: “Who did you enjoy being more, an actor or a spectator?” “What does this exercise do?” Exercise 6. “Eye to eye” Purpose: obtaining feedback on the presentation itself Using the “hot chair” principle, two people are opposite each other. Exercise 7. “Farewell” Purpose: maintaining group tradition.
Host: “Now you have time to say goodbye. Come up to each other and wish something nice, hold hands, look into the eyes.” DISCUSSION OF THE LESSON: - What did you remember (like) from today's lesson? - Was there anything that surprised you during the lesson? - Name one thing you liked and one thing you didn’t like. Second lesson “Cohesion and interaction”
First part Goal: continuation of work aimed at cohesion and increasing the degree of interaction in the group Exercise 1 “Greeting” Goal: maintaining group tradition Presenter: “We started our work in the first lesson with getting to know each other and exchanging greetings, now this the procedure will become a tradition for us and will open all our classes.” Exercise 2 Magic wand Purpose: warming up and uniting the group Participants move in a circle and the leader gives the task: “I have a magic wand in my hands and I want us to turn into a herd of hippopotamuses.” After the participants have lost one round, the leader passes the baton to the next, and so on. Exercise 3 “Guess the touch” Goal: creating a trusting atmosphere. The participant closes his eyes and turns away. He must guess who is approaching him and touching him in some way. Exercise 4 “Choice” Purpose: determining mutual preferences in the group Participants sit in a circle. At the leader's command, each of them must point his finger at one of his group mates - for example, at the one with whom he would like to pair up in some other game. The goal of the players is to achieve in one of the attempts such a choice that the group would split into pairs of participants who mutually chose each other. Exercise 5 “Reflection” Purpose: the opportunity to put yourself in the place of another Leader: “Split into pairs. At my signal, begin to pronounce a word syllable by syllable. For example, SA-MO... the third syllable could be –KAT-, -LET-. The task of one of the participants is to adapt to the partner, i.e. achieve the coincidence of your third syllable with his third syllable. The other participant’s task is to avoid adjustment and achieve mismatch. You must pronounce the third syllable at the same time.” Exercise 6 “Narrow Bridge” Purpose: to practice interactions in the group. The leader draws a line. This is a bridge. Two participants are selected to come from different sides of the bridge. They meet in the middle. Everyone's task is to reach the end of the bridge. Attention is drawn to how they cross the bridge. Will they be able to politely disperse or will one push the other? Exercise 7 “Scout” Purpose: development of social perception Presenter: “To understand another person and predict his plan, you need to be able to observe. After all, a person speaks not only with his tongue - with his eyes, face, and whole body. It is necessary to learn to read these manifestations.” One participant is selected - a scout. The leader says the command “freeze” and the whole group freezes motionless. The scout tries to remember the poses of all participants. Then he leaves the room. During this time, participants make several changes in position. The scout's task is to detect all changes. DISCUSSION: “What did you like?” “What benefits can be gained from this exercise?” Exercise 8. “Block Feedback” Purpose: maintaining group tradition.
— What did you remember (like) about this block? - Was there anything that surprised you? - Name one thing you liked and one thing you didn’t like. Second part
Goal: continuation of work aimed at unity and increasing the degree of interaction in the group.
Exercise 1. “Bouquet” Purpose: warming up the group The leader stands in the center of the circle of participants sitting on chairs. Group members choose a flower from three suggested by the presenter or participants, for example, rose lily of the valley and peony. At the command of the driver, those participants whose flower he named change places, and at the command “bouquet,” all participants change places. The driver must have time to sit in the place of one of the participants, who becomes the next driver. Exercise 2. “Spark” Purpose: expanding information about group members, developing group cohesion Material: box of matches The group, including the coach, sits in a close circle. The coach lights a match and passes it around. Whoever holds the match goes out, group members ask any three questions. The person answering the questions lights the match again and passes it around. Exercise 3. “Homeostat” Purpose: identifying relationships between participants. Presenter: “Clench your right hand into a fist, and at my command everyone throws out their fingers. You should strive to ensure that all participants throw out the same number independently of each other, without agreeing.” Exercise 4. “The Blind Man and the Guide” Purpose: to develop the skill of kinesthetic influence Leader: “Now you need to divide into pairs. Let one of you close his eyes, and the other guide him around the room, so as not to collide with other pairs and obstacles. Switch roles." DISCUSSION: “How did you feel when you were blind?” “Did your guide lead you carefully and confidently?” “Was there a desire to completely trust your partner?” “When was it better for you: when you led or when you?” Exercise 5. “Contact” Purpose: to develop the skill of kinesthetic influence. Participants are divided into pairs: one leader - the other follower. The follower closes his eyes, and the leader leads him. Contact between them is maintained through a handle that rests freely on the open palms of the players. After a minute they switch roles. DISCUSSION: “Which role was more difficult for you as a leader or a follower?” “How successful were you in maintaining contact?” Exercise 6 “Associations” Purpose: team building One of the participants leaves the room. The rest choose the participant they wish for. The driver returns, and his task is to guess this person with the help of leading questions. For example, “if it was a flower (animal, weather, furniture) then what...” DISCUSSION: “Was it difficult to select an association?” “What helped you guess?” Exercise 7. “Broken phone” Goal: developing attention to how we listen to each other. The participants sit in a semicircle, the Leader whispers in the ear of the first player the wish that he would like to hear today. After that, he is transplanted to the end of the row. The wish is whispered to the end of the row until the last person in the row says it. The first player becomes the leader and everything is repeated again until each player moves to the end of the row. Exercise 8. “Nonverbal telephone” Purpose: to identify the features of nonverbal language. As a “deaf” person only communicates with gestures. Exercise 9. “Cryptography” Goal: learn to recognize and satisfy the hidden needs of the interlocutor Presenter: probably everyone is familiar with the feeling of alienation that arises between two people: partners cease to feel and understand each other.
The opposite feeling is probably also familiar: absolute mutual understanding arises between people. The proposed exercise allows you to solve the problem of transition from alienation to contact. Participants are divided into pairs. In each pair, players distribute the roles of “frozen” and “reanimator” among themselves. At the signal, the “frozen” one freezes motionless - with a petrified face and an empty gaze. The task of the “reanimator,” for which one minute is allotted, is to rescue the partner from the anabiotic state and revive him. The “reanimator” has no right not to touch the “frozen” person, nor to address him with any words. All he has is a look, facial expressions, gesture and pantomime. Signs of successful work can be considered laughter, smiling, etc. Part three
Exercise 1. “confidence fall” (difficult) Purpose: Warming up the group Performed as usual, but the participants fall from a small elevation. Exercise 2. “Add-ons” Purpose: familiarization with different types of communication in a playful way. In theatrical art, there are 3 superstructures: From above - the entire posture of a person indicates that he despises those around him, looks down on him, his shoulders are straightened; From below - he is despised, there is no reason to love him, those around him are better, smarter than him - this is what a person from this superstructure thinks; Equally - not strained, friendly relations with comrades. Walk around the hall, changing positions. Divide into pairs, ask your interlocutor for something using the superstructure from above, then from below, and finally, on an equal footing. Switch roles. DISCUSSION: “Which type of add-on was more convenient for you?” “Which type of setup was least convenient?” “How can the knowledge gained be used in life?” Exercise 3. “Give me a flower” Purpose: increasing interest in the possibilities of conversation Participants sit in a general circle. Anyone who wishes takes a flower, everyone in turn asks to give this flower to him. The flower is given to the one whose request is most liked. Moreover, the person explains why he preferred this particular request (10 minutes). Exercise 4. “Guard” Purpose: familiarization with the stages of conversation Participants stand in a common circle, each turning to their right neighbor. Assignment for everyone: attract this person’s attention (5 minutes). Exercise 5 “Unclench your fist” Purpose: taking into account the position of the interlocutor in a difficult situation (carried out in pairs). One clenches his fist, the other tries to unclench it (do not break his hands or fingers!), then the partners change roles. DISCUSSION: “Did the position and desire of the partner be taken into account when performing the exercise?” “Were non-forceful methods used – requests, persuasion, cunning.” “What conclusion can be drawn from this exercise?” Exercise 6. “Sassy” (role-playing game). Goal: awareness of behavior in a situation of defending one’s own interests. The group is divided into two teams: active and observers. For the active situation in the store. Roles – “seller”, “impudent”, “queue”. Then the group changes places. DISCUSSION: “What emotions and feelings did you experience?” “What are self-interests, and why do they need to be defended?” “Which actor’s behavior did you like the most and why?” Exercise 7. “Active listening” Purpose: To master active listening skills I. Participants sit in pairs. One person tells something (2 minutes), another listens to him very carefully (1 minute), and then, at the leader’s sign, does not listen to him. Partners switch roles and then discuss this exercise. II. In the general circle, participants show poor and good listening. General discussion of what you saw and your experience in pairs. Draw the attention of training participants that the active listening mode has the following signs: a person comes up to you, he is excited, something happened to him, he wants to tell you, and you want to listen to him. III. The algorithm is written down by the presenter on the board, and by the participants in notebooks Active listening What prevents your interlocutor from speaking Sit opposite Look at your interlocutor Assent “uh-huh”, “yes-yes”. Direct repetition of words, echo Clarification of details Engage in unrelated matters Look closely in the eyes Use the following phrases: “It’s because of you...” “And I had it too...” “Don’t worry” “You’re all lying...” “So what?” this..” “If I were you...” “Let’s think logically..” Exercise 7. “Secret algorithm for refusals” Purpose: practicing the skills of saying “no.” I. Participants disperse around the hall in pairs, agree on what their situation will be, preferably from real life (maybe they once had problems refusing someone). II. One person persuades another, but he must refuse. They then switch roles and discuss their experiences. III. In a general circle, two people show everyone their skit (the skit can be discussed). IV. The presenter intrigues the participants with a secret refusal algorithm, and then analyzes it together with the participants (30 minutes). SOLID FOUNDATIONS Do you really need to refuse or are you being flirty? Yes, no, maybe they will persuade me Create some space for yourself; this algorithm does not suit you (for example, do not sit if the one who is persuading you is standing) and remember, you have the right to refuse NUCLEAR MESSAGE “I can’t do this because... THE MAIN REASON” HELP THE ONE WHOM YOU REFUSE, After all, it’s more difficult for him than for you! “don’t be offended, I really can’t..” The important secret and the whole difficulty of refusal lies precisely in finding exactly the main reason for the refusal, because if the reason is invented, it is easy to check, if it is not a number of main reasons, they easy to break. V. Those two people who showed the skit to the whole circle repeat it, using the algorithm and the help of the group leader. VI. The group repeats their skits using the “Did you find the main reason?” algorithm. “What new things have you found for yourself?” Exercise 8. “Role carousel” Goal: skills to start, maintain and end a conversation. Participants sit in two circles, facing each other. The presenter reads the situation and the task: start a conversation and conduct it for 1 minute. After listening to the situation, the outer circle begins a conversation, and the inner circle supports it. The outer circle then moves one space to the right. The situation is the same, but now the inner circle starts the conversation, and the outer circle supports it. The inner circle moves one space to the left. The presenter reads the second situation, etc. (20 minutes). Situations: 1. In front of you is a person whom you know well, but have not seen for a very long time, you are happy about this meeting. 2. In front of you is a stranger, get to know him, find out his name, where he studies, etc. 3. There is a small child in front of you, he is scared of something and is about to cry, calm him down. 4. You were pushed hard on the bus, you looked back and saw an elderly man. 5. There is an unpleasant person in front of you, but you are visiting your mutual friend, and you need to maintain decency in the conversation. DISCUSSION: “How did you feel?” “What difficulties arose?” “What was easy?” "What's difficult?" Exercise 9. “Titanic” Purpose: completion of classes in the group The group is divided into two subgroups: one is those leaving, the other is seeing off. Participants are asked to imagine that they are in a port and in a couple of minutes they will board a ship and begin their journey. They have time to say goodbye, and “TITANIC” is written on board. DISCUSSION OF THE LESSON: - What did you remember (like) from today’s lesson? — Was there anything that surprised you during the lesson? Name one thing that you liked and one thing that you didn’t like.
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Website: Phone: +7 (812) 509-62-20 Cost: from 1800 rub. for the training
To improve your relationship with the world and yourself, you need to learn to understand your feelings and emotions. They are a powerful resource that gives a person energy and strength to move towards happiness and success. Feelings are literally a sensor of processes occurring inside us. The ability to understand yourself will be your best assistant in the game called “life.”
At the “How to Manage Emotions” training, you will understand the true nature of illnesses, learn to manage yourself and the situation, distinguish real feelings from feigned ones, identify emotional pressure, manipulation and resist them.
Attention: this training is aimed at in-depth study of the psychological states of the individual. Girls, bring mascara and foundation with you to restore your makeup after class. Also, those who are more than 15 minutes late are not allowed into the hall, because it is during these 15 minutes that psychological “immersion” occurs.
Both men and women can take part in the training.
Exercises for training
Not a single training session is complete without training exercises, and especially psychological exercises stand out , which help you understand yourself, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and also teach you to understand others, become more successful, and happier. These exercises are varied and aimed at developing different qualities, so the specialists of the training portal have developed the following basic psychological exercises:
- “Gift” – the main goal is to increase self-esteem and mood. Usually carried out by a group of 8 to 16 people and takes 25 minutes. Participants sit in a circle and each gives a gift to the neighbor on the left. The one who gives a gift must silently make it clear that he is giving, and the one who accepts the gift must understand what was given to him. When all the gifts have been given, the trainer asks the participants which gift was given and which was accepted, and discrepancies in answers are clarified with the participation of the whole group. This exercise helps to establish understanding in communication and focus participation with people.
- “My shortcomings” is aimed at improving one’s assessment and self-analysis. The number of participants can be any, the time taken is 25 - 35 minutes. The main thing in this exercise is to find a different name for your bad qualities in order to look at them in a new way. In no less than 5 minutes, you need to make a list of personal shortcomings, and imagine that they belong to another, but loved one. Then cross out those that can be forgiven and that will not interfere with loving another person, and those that can be overcome. If shortcomings still remain, then you can learn to live and fight with them.
- Psychological exercise for the development of personal qualities “I want to change in myself . For this exercise, you need to draw a table, in one column write those qualities that you need to get rid of, in the other - those that you would like to acquire. Write without thinking or analyzing, the first thing that comes to mind. Then, divide all these qualities by importance, assigning each category its own letter: A, B, C, and start working with the qualities that are of the highest priority in importance.
- “No Judgments” is a psychological exercise whose goal is to teach you to be more loyal to people. Participants are divided into pairs, and each takes turns talking about mutual friends, but does not evaluate them. The second participant must ensure that the speaker does not give any assessments. Then you need to analyze the mistakes made and what difficulties there were.
- The psychological exercise “Tangled Chain” will teach you how to work harmoniously in a team. The group stands in a circle, and, with their eyes closed, their right hand clasps with the hand that comes across first. Then they do the same with their left hand, then they open their eyes and unravel without unclenching their hands. You will get either a circle or several chains. As a result, you need to find out: what made the exercise easier or more difficult, who can be praised or noted.
- “At risk” , or on trust. Ask participants to trust and join the circle. This is where the exercise ends, and you need to find out why someone entered the circle and someone didn’t, maybe people trust in vain without thinking.
- "Life goals". This exercise will teach you how to determine your goals in life. On the piece of paper you need to answer the question: “what do I want from life”? You can write whatever comes to mind, you can fantasize, for 15 minutes. Then, choose realistic goals that can be achieved over the next 3 years, then for the next 6 months. So, constantly correcting them, you need to move in a given direction to achieve your goal in life.
These are the basic and widely known psychological exercises for training, but there are also simply interesting exercises:
Interesting exercises
- Exercise for training “Castles in the Air” – teaches teamwork. The group can have up to 30 people. The group is divided into 4-6 participants, and in 15 minutes they build a tower out of paper. Whoever gets the tallest tower wins. Then they sum up: what helped or hindered the work, and whether they liked the tower. Whole group discussion makes the exercise fun and friendly.
- “Come out of your shell” – trains the experience of persuasion. A circle is drawn on the floor, and one of the participants stands in the middle, the rest must convince him to leave the circle. You can persuade, promise something, explain. After the participant leaves the circle, the methods of persuasion used should be discussed.
- Exercise for training – “Crossing”. An interesting exercise aimed at identifying positive and negative qualities in teamwork. It can take up to an hour and involves up to 20 people. For the exercise, you need to place two ropes of 1.5 meters each on the floor, at a distance of 4-5 meters. The group stands on one of the ropes and needs to cross to the other rope. Do not touch the floor between two ropes, or use foreign objects. Afterwards they discuss teamwork, determine the leader and the one who did nothing.
- “The Knight at the Crossroads.” Presentation and persuasion experience is developed. The group is divided into 3 people, leaving one who will play the main role. The exercise is performed based on the fairy tale about Ilya Muromets, who must choose which direction to go. Each team must convince the main character which way to go, and that their direction is the most profitable.
- Exercise for training – “Ticket to Hawaii” – trains the method of persuasion. The group is divided into teams of 3 people, and they are told that they have received a ticket to Hawaii, but only one person can go. After 5 minutes of discussion, the groups decide who will go to Hawaii. During the discussion, they find out why they made this decision.
Training games
In addition to psychological and interesting exercises, there are also training games. The games are mainly intended for children of primary school age , to make it easier for the child to survive the transition from kindergarten to school. Training games will teach you communication skills, sociability, how to behave in various situations, and prepare you for a more adult life. There are also warm-up games that need to be played at the beginning of the training to make it easier for participants to tune in to the main lesson. There are quite a few warm-up games, but the main ones can be highlighted: “getting to know each other” – a game for getting the group to get to know each other; team building games; role-playing games; psychological games; business games.
The choice of exercises, games, and training methods depends on the goal set for the lesson. For example, if this group has gathered to learn how to work as a team, then the coach will develop both exercises and games for team building . The correct selection of a teaching method contributes to quick memorization of the material and its use in life situations. In general, everyone who wants to achieve personal growth, develop various qualities, and achieve certain goals in life should engage in training.
Website: Phone: +7 800 707 6294 Cost: not specified
Online training Puppeteers | Manipulation Without Boundaries
You will learn:
- How different psychotypes try to control you. The main types of unconscious manipulations.
- You will become familiar with the main personality types and the basic manipulation patterns of each. Learn to quickly determine your psychotype.
- Types of manipulation from “toxic” people. You will become familiar with advanced types of manipulation. Learn to see how psychopaths and toxic individuals are trying to control you.
- Types of hypnotic manipulations. You will learn what hypnosis is. Get to know the types of hypnosis. Find out how Directive Hypnosis differs from Ericksonian Hypnosis. Get acquainted with Gypsy hypnosis, and most importantly, learn how to use it all and defend yourself.
Training takes place on a special ICDS platform. Each student has an assigned supervisor - a practicing ICDS expert. The curator checks homework and gives feedback. Leads the student all the way until he understands the topic of the lesson. Through the curator, you can get an answer from any course teacher.
Website: Phone: , Price: from 4500 rub. for the training
Self-confidence training
Does it bother you when people get impudent? Are you getting insolent at home, at work or on public transport? But would you agree that the most offensive thing is when someone who does not have even 2% of your beauty, your intelligence or talent achieves your goals? And you stand there and think: how can this be? The thing is that they believe in themselves and do not doubt for a minute that they deserve success. Unlike you...
Do you often doubt yourself? Do you think about decisions for a long time? Are you afraid to take the first step? You can't say, "No!" Do you sacrifice your desires for the sake of others? Do you often feel awkward, embarrassed or ashamed? Are you used to being comfortable and good to everyone? Have you forgotten when you did something for yourself?
The course “Self-Esteem for 10 Cows” is:
- 10 video lessons.
- 15 podcasts.
- 24 exercises.
- 21 homework assignments.
- 3 meditations.
- 2 decks of metaphorical cards.
- 3 weeks.
- personal feedback.
- 10,000 students (in 6 months).
4.0. Trainings for students, material on psychology on the topic
Mini-training to relieve tension and anxiety among students before an exam.
Most students experience stress before an exam, being in a situation of constant fear or anxiety. What happens to them?
Constant stress weakens the immune system, blood pressure rises, and the large heart muscle contracts. Along with long-term memory, short-term memory also suffers, and vision deteriorates.
To “recognize”, reduce the level of tension, overcome stress, and can reduce and eliminate existing stress, you can use relaxation exercises.
This training is designed for 40-45 minutes
Goal: Relieving emotional stress and anxiety among students before exams.
The set of group exercises offered in this training does not last long from 5-10 to 20 minutes. They can be carried out both at the appointed time and during breaks.
Contents include:
1. Warm-up exercises
2. Games that unite
3. Themed games
4. Games to activate the right hemisphere of the brain
When selecting games and exercises, we used Klaus Vopel’s collections “The Energy of a Pause” and “Cohesion and Tolerance in a Group.”
Warm-up exercises. "Feather"
This game is an ideal stress reliever, which is a prerequisite for effective studying. The feather dance is a wonderful symbol of inquisitive learning, learning and play.
Please start walking around the room. Feel your feet, fingers, feel your arms, hands, fingertips, your head, chin, eyelids. Now imagine that you have turned into something very, very light - namely, a small feather, maybe even a delicate fluff.
Start moving around the room so that your whole body expresses this lightness, depict the soaring and dancing of a feather carried by the wind around the room. Sometimes it may spin, sometimes it flies low over the floor, sometimes it hovers high - all very lightly, with unexpected, beautiful, harmonious movements. Think about how you can use your arms and hands to express the lightness of this feather.
And at this time, when you are “flying” around the room, you can say to yourself: “I am light as feathers, I can move very easily, I can easily invent new movements, I can become completely light and enjoy dancing.” (1-2 minutes)
And now the “feathers” should gradually calm down and freeze - slowly fly back to their places.
Warm-up exercises. "Mood"
This game is appropriate after long sedentary work. It develops fantasy, imagination, and a willingness to experiment with the image of one’s “I.”
Please start walking around the room. At the same time, feel your whole body, your legs and feet, arms and hands, spine and head. Notice which parts of your body you feel awake and which parts feel sleepy. Now think about the mood with which you began the exercise, and express this mood with your gait. Please do not talk or pay attention to other group members while doing this (15 seconds).
And now you must express a different mood with your walk. Imagine that you are completely exhausted. Walk for a while like someone who is very tired (15 seconds).
Now go as a completely happy person who has received wonderful news (15 seconds).
Now he is a very timid person (15 seconds).
Then walk like a sleepwalker wandering in his sleep with his eyes open (15 seconds).
And now - like someone who has a bad conscience (15 seconds).
Now walk like a genius - you just won a Nobel Prize (15 seconds).
Now walk like a very collected person, become a tightrope walker walking on a wire (15 seconds).
And in conclusion, you can come up with what you would like to express with your gait (15 seconds).
Stop for a minute and try to understand how you are feeling at the moment. Return to your seat and express this mood with your whole body.
Games that unite. "Yes!"
In this lively game, you can learn to accept other people's suggestions without question. (5-10 minutes)
Set the crowns and tables aside so that participants can move freely around the room.
Formulate the rules of the game: “Now we will all play together a game with the unusual name “Yes!” First, let's stand in a circle in the center of the room. We can imagine that it is a beautiful sunny day, we have no responsibilities, and we can follow our fantasies for once. Walk around the room in all directions (1 minute). Now I will propose to carry out a certain action, and in response everyone should loudly and enthusiastically shout “Yes!” Immediately after this, we will all carry out the proposed action together.”
Next, say the following: “Of course, I’m not the only one who has these ideas. If someone wants to make the next proposal, we will move on to perform a new action. It is not at all necessary that there is a logical connection between your wishes. You can listen to each other absolutely spontaneously and vividly. And now I make the first proposal: Let's swim!
Make sure everyone in the group shouts “Yes” loudly! and began to “float” across the room. Probably, after a while, the players themselves will begin to make suggestions: “Let's play badminton!”, or “let's iron a shirt”!, or let's have a cup of coffee! Participate in common work, this will be a good catalyst for the creativity of the participants.
Play a few rounds so that the players can fully relax.
Summarize the game and discuss the following questions:
Did you feel embarrassed?
Was it easy to seize the initiative?
How did the team react to your suggestions?
Do you know more people who constantly block someone's initiative? What could be the reason for this behavior?
What are the consequences of an initiative being ignored or blocked?
Did your embarrassment disappear as the game progressed? Which offer gave you the most pleasure?
Themed games. "Improvisation"
Many people experience fear of public speaking. This game provides an opportunity to practice giving impromptu speeches in front of a group. Everyone can use their knowledge and everyday experience. The art of the speaker is to present the memories that come to mind associatively, without a preliminary plan.
This is a great opportunity to increase your self-confidence. For many, the need to speak publicly without preparation is brought back to life by childhood memories; they again feel like helpless children, and criticism received from parents or siblings unconsciously surfaces. It is children's fears that make public speaking so risky.
Start with a short form of the game - volunteers are given thirty seconds for a public speech. As the game progresses, gradually increase your speaking time. Later, when the participants feel confident enough, you can set the topics for speeches that the group has recently worked on.
Another warrant game. Give the speaker a “talking stick”, and with it he gets the opportunity to compose on the go: a short story, a mini-detective, a short novel, etc.
I invite three volunteers to speak to the group for a minute. Is there anyone who wants to take the risk? It is wonderful. We can choose the topic they will talk about. Who has an idea? I will write your proposals on the board, and each of the three speakers can choose one topic for themselves.
(If you are trying this game in a group for the first time, then the topics should relate to the daily activities of the participants: playing football, roller skating, cleaning the room, computer game, Russian language lessons, etc.).
Thank you very much for your suggestions. Which of the three would like to start? You? This is brave! You have exactly one minute of time to talk about your chosen topic. But I'll make a few more additions. I want it to be an impromptu speech, which means you speak without stopping or pausing other than to take a breath. If you hesitate, then come up with something, but always stay within the chosen topic. This is a convenient opportunity to begin to get used to speaking in front of an audience without prior preparation.
Games to activate the right hemisphere of the brain. "It's hard!"
From time to time, the leaders surprise the group members with something. Let's try to put one of these methods into practice. (10 minutes)
Explain to group members that this game tests coordination.
Participants can sit wherever they want: on chairs, tables or on the floor, or stand.
Warn players that this drill is very difficult to complete in one fell swoop. That way, they won't be disappointed when they fail.
First, each participant draws a circle in the air with his right hand, as large or small as he wishes. It is quite simple and everyone can complete the task easily.
Then, each participant draws a cross in the air with his left hand. That's easy too. Everyone can do it at once.
And now comes the difficult moment: you need to perform both movements at the same time. Some may find this almost impossible. Usually only one out of thirty participants completes the task, and very rarely two.
Variations: Participants sit either on chairs or on a table and use their right foot to circle in the air for about half a minute. As they continue to draw circles with their feet, they try to write their name in the air with their right hand. This is practically impossible.
The task can be made easier if you draw circles with your left foot and write the name with your right hand. This option is often handled by several participants.
Discuss with the group the possible reasons for these difficulties. Explain to participants that with practice they can learn to perform these tricks.
Why is the task so difficult to complete? At the neuronal or physiological level, there are no obstacles to performing this exercise!
Games to activate the right hemisphere of the brain. "By her own"
(10 minutes)
This trick has deep implications.
This is a simple game you can use at the very beginning of class.
Players are divided into pairs. Partners stand in front of each other. At the same time, the hands of one hang along the body, and the second clasps the right hand of the person standing opposite with two palms and, holding it tightly, tries to prevent the partner from raising his hand up. (The first participant keeps his arm straight and tries with all his might to raise it, the second holds his arm with all his strength).
In a minute you give the "Stop" signal! – and both partners stop performing the task. What's happening? As if by magic, the unheld hand rises up on its own.
Then the roles change. The game is played according to the same rules. The partner whose hand is being held, after the “Stop” signal, can try to keep his hand down, but such an attempt is almost always doomed to failure.
Website: https://www.mcpir.r Phone: Cost: not specified
Training “Psychology of Love Relationships”
During the training you will receive tools and understand how to use them:
- To build harmonious relationships with the opposite sex without manipulation
- To improve self-esteem and self-acceptance
- To improve relationships with parents and loved ones
ATTENTION! The training will not include esotericism, palmistry or fortune telling on various subjects. All training methods have been tested in hundreds of individual consultations and are a successful psychotherapeutic experience that has proven its effectiveness, helping to improve relationships and solve problems for hundreds of couples.
VALENTIN PLOTNIKOV - author and presenter of the training “Psychology of Love Relationships”
Practicing psychologist-psychotherapist, certified trainer Current member of the professional psychotherapeutic league Psychological education: Kirov University of Practical Psychology Advanced training: “Psychological counseling and psychotherapy” - First University of Professor V.V. Makarov according to the professional program (grants the right to conduct professional activities) “Eriksonovskaya” therapy” – Institute of Group and Family Psychology and Psychotherapy M.R. Ginsburg
Wellbeing Academy
Website: Cost: from 2700 rub. for the training
Thanks to the online training “Positive Thinking”, you will master practical technologies for getting out of difficult situations, quickly finding the right solutions, and creating a great mood in any conditions. Learn self-healing techniques. Learn to harness the power of your unconscious.
Get answers to your most important questions:
- Why is negative thinking more common than positive thinking?
- how to learn to think in such a way that your wishes come true easily and quickly
- how to use the power of the unconscious for self-healing and in order to get the results you want to get
This training will have a positive impact on all areas of your life. Each technique is a clear algorithm, having mastered which you will be able to control and direct the course of your thoughts. You will become masters of your thoughts! It will become much easier for you to cope with everyday tasks, make the right decisions, get to the essence of things, easily manage your mood, throw out of your head what you consider unnecessary.
Author's training by Tatyana Rusina
Website: Cost: from 5000 rub. for training
Great training PRO Relationships
After the training you will learn:
- Why is it difficult for you in certain relationships?
- How to find your partner if you don’t have a partner or relationship right now
- Create a partner with the qualities you need
- How childhood experiences influence current relationships
- About the difference between male and female perception of reality, their attitude to the same things and phenomena
- Improve your relationship with your partner by correctly distributing roles in the relationship
- What kind of relationship do you need?
- What are the ways to resolve conflict situations?
- Stop devaluing your family life
- Where do your conflicts come from?
Purchasing training materials is absolutely safe for you: the author assumes all risks. The guarantee period is 90 days from the start date of the course.
Conducting training
As a rule, a leader is selected. Usually this is a psychologist if we are talking about training as a professional correction method. The group itself is arranged in the shape of a circle.
The main difference between the socio-psychological method and other trainings is that its content always includes a discussion, the purpose of which is to intensively and productively solve group problems. During the discussion, participants:
- use arguments and logic to influence the opinions, positions and attitudes of other participants;
- through the comparison of different and even opposing points of view, they learn to understand and respect others and themselves;
- learn to see a problem from different sides;
- prevent and resolve conflicts;
- work in a group, accept and assign responsibility;
- satisfy the need for recognition and self-realization.
The discussion can be built on the background of a problem, a story, a real incident from the life of a participant. The discussion is carried out in three stages: preparatory (organizational), main (free or programmed conduct, or a compromise form) and final.
The effectiveness and success of the discussion largely depends on the personality of the leader:
- ability to communicate in formal and informal settings;
- leadership qualities;
- ability to navigate conflicts and resolve them;
- analytical skills: collection and analysis of information, its search, evaluation and comparison;
- ability to plan and spend time rationally;
- the ability to evaluate and analyze your decisions;
- ability to find a way out of non-standard situations.
In addition to discussion, the training includes role-playing games. Signs of a role-playing game: a controlling model, roles with different goals and interactions with each other, general goals of the game, many solutions and alternative outcome scenarios, group or individual evaluation of the game, emotional tension (controlled).
Why are role-playing games so popular in psychological training? They have a number of features:
- remove all shackles from the participants (more often the role is far from real life);
- conditional;
- promote relaxation;
- develop creativity;
- allow you to experiment with behavior patterns without consequences;
- expand individual experience and behavior strategies, teach more successful models.
Role-playing games identify errors in communication and behavior and help analyze them. At the same time, the emotional state of the participant is adjusted and experience in constructive conversations is accumulated. In addition, ineffective behavioral stereotypes that inhibit personal development are identified.
There are two types of role-playing games: spontaneous (improvisation) and plot-based (scripted). Spontaneous games do not require preparation; they develop the creative potential of participants and are focused on currently relevant problems (can be invented right during the training).
Story games solve popular problems and general tasks that the presenter sets before the training. As a rule, these are more complex games. They are not suitable for teaching new behaviors.
Example of a role-play: participants need to imagine that they are at a press conference. A presenter is selected. Each participant writes three questions regarding values that he wants and can answer. Next, the presenter randomly indicates who should exchange sheets. As a result, in pairs, one person asks questions, the other answers, but this happens in front of the group. Both the “journalist” and the group have the right to ask one question on their own, but the interviewee is not required to answer it.
Several types of exercises are used:
- Entertaining. They relieve tension and release emotions, do not require preliminary warm-up, do not carry a semantic load, reduce the distance in communication between participants, promote relaxed communication, and are suitable for any type of audience.
- Warm-up. They remove stereotypes and habits of everyday communication, create a relaxed atmosphere, change environmental stereotypes of communication and behavior.
- Dance and song. They relieve stiffness and constriction, the fear of expressing themselves and standing out, unite the group and increase activity, identify leaders and show the structure of the group, the individual and personal characteristics of the participants.
- Developing empathy. The name speaks for itself about the goals. Without empathy, productive and healthy interactions are impossible.
- Relaxation. It is carried out to relax the group, at any time when the leader detects group fatigue. These same exercises allow you to get to know yourself better. They are especially popular with teenagers. Any exercise to analyze your own feelings and relaxation is suitable.
- On the development of non-verbal language, without which social contacts are unthinkable. Exercises involve eye contact, tactile interaction, communication through facial expressions and pantomime. You need to know these languages and be able to apply them appropriately in every situation.
An example of a fun exercise. All participants are located in a circle, the leader throws the ball (throws it randomly). The task of the one who receives the ball is to complete the phrase “None of you know that I...”. The ball can be thrown several times to the same participant, but each member of the group must be involved.
An example of a warm-up exercise. "Defile". Participants, individually or in pairs (threes), must go to the center of the circle and walk in an original way - so that they are sure to be noticed.
An example of a dance and song exercise. "Choir." Participants are divided into groups, each is given a sheet with a task. The task is to perform a written song with the specified motive and (or) accompanied by certain actions. For example, “Little Christmas Tree” to the tune of “Katyusha” and moving left and right.
An exercise to develop empathy. "Imagination of the group." On a piece of Whatman paper, each participant sketches his association with the group. You can approach the sheet several times, but draw only one image (association) in one approach. All discussions are held after the exercise and are in the nature of an exchange of feelings and impressions.
An example of a nonverbal communication exercise. From an arrangement in a circle, participants approach each other and greet each other in any non-verbal way (both participants offer their own option). Then each participant from the pair moves to the new partner and begins with the greeting with which they were addressed before. If the greetings are the same, then at the time of transition you need to come up with something new for the next partner.
I would like to add a few more words about exercises for the development of nonverbal language. Non-verbal behavior is more difficult to control, which is why “non-verbal” exercises are of particular value in psycho-gymnastics. They teach you to express your attitude towards a situation, yourself, a person without words. We receive more than 70% of information non-verbally, and more importantly, truthful information.
These exercises eliminate uncertainty and relieve stiffness, but it is important to take into account the mood of the group and the feelings of a particular participant. You should not immediately give “heavy” exercises with more contact than a handshake. It is this type of exercise that requires special skill and caution of the leader. For example, the leader has planned one of these exercises, but during the lesson he sees that the group is completely unprepared for it - which means he needs to immediately get his bearings and choose another one. As in medicine, the rule “Do no harm” applies.
Other methods
Role-playing games and discussion are basic methods of socio-psychological training. In addition to them, business games, non-verbal techniques and video analysis are used.
Personal Development Center "Arcanum"
Website: Cost: 6500 rub. for the training
Online training “The power of thought: managing the future”
Your close friends have long been materializing all their goals in reality, and you remain an observer from the outside.
You came to this planet with the gift of having everything you want, living where you want, doing what you want.
These blocks obscure not only the mental layer of consciousness and thought, but also descend to the physical layer, being reflected in the body and changing physiology.
- Techniques for managing your reality.
- Methods of influencing space and situations.
- Working with concentration and remote viewing techniques.
Website: Phone: Cost: from 7000 rub. per person
Positive Parenting
Training – PRACTICUM is interesting for:
- Parents of children and teenagers
- Teachers and psychologists working with children and families
- Coaches who choose to specialize in working with parents
As a result of the training workshop you:
Research from the point of view of positive parenting and get an answer to your specific situation in relation to your child (children) Develop communication skills with children in a coaching style Master a 7-step model for the development of exactly those qualities of a child that are important to him and you
This will allow you:
Hear and listen to your child, building a harmonious relationship with him Ask effective questions that develop your child Help your child to be more independent, creative and effective in studies and extracurricular activities, clubs Create even greater trust and understanding in relationships with your child and in the family in in general Strengthen the child’s motivation to study and achieve
Psychological game training for children of primary school age: “Games with friends”
KOU VO "Elan - Kolenovsky Central Medical and Practical Medical Center"
Service of psychological and pedagogical medical and social assistance to children,
those in need of state protection, and families "Harmony"
Psychological game training
for children of primary school age:
"Games with Friends"
Teacher-Psychologist: Volina Yu.V.
Training is one of the most popular and effective methods of achieving results, used in practical psychology. It is based on the use of a number of psychocorrective and psychotherapeutic techniques.
Psychological game training
for children of primary school age:
“Games with Friends” helps develop skills:
- interpersonal and intergroup interaction;
- communication;
- self-regulation.
Purpose of the training:
with the help of psychological exercises, work through the main internal problems of children of primary school age and teach them to cope with them independently in the future. Relieve tension, psychological pressures, develop communication skills, speech, learn to talk about yourself.
Number of participants:
18 people
1 hour, 20 min.
Psychological training for children 7-9 years old includes:
- acting techniques;
- relaxation exercises;
- various diagnostic techniques;
- art therapy;
- role-playing games.
They will help you simulate different situations and play out possible behavior options.
Equipment: microphone
(to improve concentration on the speaker), a “Barometer” picture, a drawn clearing on whatman paper (for reflection), soap bubbles.
children sit on chairs, forming a circle. There is room in the circle for free movement.
(2-3 min.) :
Dear guys, I am glad to see you at the psychological, gaming training “Games with friends.” As you guessed from the title, today we will play and perform various exercises and tasks. Let's get acquainted, my name is Yulia Viktorovna Volina, I am an educational psychologist and the host of today's event.
You now know what my name is, and now I want to know what your name is. I will ask the adults here to sign your name tags and help attach them to your clothing.
I want you all to be active, kind, positive today, and at the same time listen carefully to me and each other (only the child in whose hand there is an improvised microphone will have the right to speak).
So, here we go, and first I suggest measuring your current mood:
“Mood barometer”
(2 min.)
To begin, the game leader must show the children a real barometer (or a picture) and tell them what it is and what it is used for. After this, the guys must use their hands to “measure” their mood. For example, tightly clenched palms indicate a bad mood, and widely spread hands indicate a good mood.
“What I Like to Do”
(15 min.)
This game allows children to learn something new about each other. One of the participants should, using gestures and movements, “tell” the children about any activity that he likes: reading, drawing, dancing. The rest look carefully and try to guess what activity is meant. After the showing participant finishes his “story,” everyone begins to guess. It is necessary to say at the end whether any of the guys guessed it. Next comes the next player.
In the next game we will check whether you remember well what the guys like to do.
“I like...”
(15 min.)
The guys stand in a circle. The person starting the game should turn to the person sitting on the left and start talking with the phrase: “Kolya (Misha, Sonya, etc.), I like...” Then comes any compliment to the participant: “... your eyes / how you draw / how you dance.” And so on in a circle until it reaches the one who started.
Training game “Dragon biting its tail”
(2 min.)
This game helps children get rid of existing fears, relieve tension and neurotic states.
During the game, cheerful music is turned on. Children, lined up in a chain behind each other and holding the shoulders of the comrade in front, depict the body of a dragon. The child standing first, who represents the head of the monster, tries to catch the “tail” - the last child in the chain, whose task is to deftly dodge.
Training game “I am your friend”
(15 min.)
A very good exercise - it helps develop a sense of empathy - the ability to empathize, make friends, help, and also teaches group work.
During the game, children get acquainted with a certain hero (for example, it could be a toy parrot) who is in trouble and in need of help. Having invited the children to stand in a circle, the leader can tell how a parrot flew into their class: “He probably accidentally got out of the cage, he doesn’t know how to get back to his owners, he’s scared and lonely.” Children are offered a toy parrot with whom they must make friends, stroke it, talk affectionately, let it understand: no one will hurt him, they will help him, he is among friends.
Training game “What are you, Blob?”
(18 min.)
The game contains elements of artistic creativity and helps relieve aggression and fears.
Children are encouraged to work on developing their imagination by making blots on paper.
For this exercise you only need paper and gouache paints. The child chooses the paint he wants. (based on this choice, a conclusion will be made about the child’s psycho-emotional state: the choice of dark colors indicates his depression).
And then, having collected it on a brush, you need to spread it on the prepared paper (the sheet is already bent into two halves, there are signatures 1, 2). If you fold a sheet of paper in half so that a spot of ink is imprinted on the other half of the paper, you get a kind of image. You can invite children to fantasize: what or who do they see in the resulting “composition”, is it scary or funny, evil or good?
“Soap Bubbles”
(2 min.)
A game exercise to develop diaphragmatic breathing in children. Creating a positive attitude.
Multi-colored balls!
Let's fly into the courtyards!
Why are children happy?
Yes from soap...
Answer: Bubbles
The presenter calls one child to guess the riddle first. Encourages the child to blow soap bubbles through the ring. The child blows bubbles (exhales slowly), and the other children blow on them and do not let them fall.
Psychological exercise for self-control
(1 min.)
A very important psychological exercise for children, which teaches them to restrain negative emotions. Schoolchildren need to be reminded more often that when they are angry, and even more so want to hit someone, they need to pause, take a deep breath and exhale several times, and then stand up straight, close their eyes, count to ten and, smiling, open their eyes. Anger and irritation are afraid of calm and a smile.
It is important to emphasize that when children learn to manage their emotions, they can be considered truly adults, worthy students.
“Kind warmth”
(2 min.)
Children stand in a circle and take each other’s hands. This game exercise is to transfer spiritual “warmth” to each other. This is done with a gentle handshake. The first player passes to the player on the right, who passes to the other, and so on until the chain ends with the one who started. At first the game is played with open eyes, and then, at the beginning of the second round, the guys close their eyes. Nice music sounds.
Well, you guys are great, our game is coming to an end.
I ask you to come to the table, choose a sticker and stick it on our prepared clearing for games, the flower will characterize your mood after our training today as excellent, good, and the cloud as bad. (2 minutes.)
(1 min.)
Awarding of game training participants (medals).
International educational
Website: Cost: from 7900 rub. for the training
Does your child provoke you - as if he deliberately wants to annoy you?
- He gets stubborn and does everything the opposite.
- Doesn't hear you or your requests.
- He is capricious, whines and distracts from business.
- Manipulates to get his way.
A GOOD CHILD AND A CALM MOM IN 6 WEEKS This comprehensive system of basic knowledge on child psychology will help you step by step build a respectful, trusting and supportive relationship with your child, where there is no place for shouting, threats, insults and punishment.
In just 6 weeks you will learn to negotiate with your child quickly and easily in any, even the most difficult situation!
Who will this be useful for?
- If you are expecting a baby and want to learn in advance how to raise a child in an atmosphere of respect, acceptance and support.
- If your child is from 2 to 12 years old, he is a toddler, a preschooler or a primary school student and you understand that it is important not to miss the time of personality formation, which will affect his entire life.
How to develop a training program: basic exercises
Any training program consists of mini-lectures and various exercises. And there are only five types of exercises. In the last article we looked at warm-up exercises in detail. And today we will also analyze the basic exercises .
They are also called thematic.
- These are exercises that directly train the skills for which the participants came to the training.
These are the main exercises in the training. Hence their name. In public speaking training, these are exercises that develop the ability to speak in front of an audience, the ability to gesture correctly, and the ability to answer complex questions. In sales training, these are exercises that develop the ability to clarify needs, use a question funnel, work with objections, etc.
- In skills training (the task of which is precisely to develop the necessary skills), it is the main (thematic) exercises that should occupy the largest part of the training time. Up to 70% of the total time.
- Motivational trainings have a different task - to create powerful motivation for change in participants, to form in them important awareness about themselves, about relationships, about the world. Such trainings may contain very few basic exercises, and sometimes even do without them.
How do you know if this exercise is basic or not? Easily. You just need to ask yourself: what skill is it training? If a skill is not trained, then it is not the main exercise.
all training participants have time to work in it . The main exercise, where only a few people from the group trained, is unacceptable. After all, all participants have an equal right to gain the skills they came to the training for.
Therefore, basic exercises are most often carried out in pairs or threes...
And also in mini-groups of 4–6 people. These configurations make it possible to ensure that all training participants have time to practice the skill.
For example, we are conducting public speaking training, and we want each participant to come out in front of the group and give a rousing speech for 3 minutes. Let's say we have 16 participants in the training. If everyone comes out to the general circle and speaks, it will take us more than 2 hours: 3 minutes. for performance plus 5 min. for feedback (after all, many will want to speak out, after all, public speaking training), a total of 128 minutes per group, plus the legendary “this and that”...
Usually, when conducting trainings, we try to do as much as possible, and there is traditionally not enough time. Exercise for 2–2.5 hours is a luxury. And another important point - the group will get bored, the energy, involvement and motivation of the participants will greatly “sag” if we do the same thing for 2 hours.
What's the solution? There are two ways out:
- Reduce the number of speakers. We invite 4-5 “most courageous” to perform. For them it is a huge experience. After analyzing the pros and cons of each speech, we move on to a mini-lecture on the tools for an effective and incendiary speech. A good option! It’s just that this will no longer be the main exercise, because the majority of the group has not trained anything in it.
- Divide participants into mini groups. For example, the 4 “bravest” participants speak to the general group and are given detailed feedback under the guidance of a coach. Then we form 2 teams, each of which should have 2 people who have already performed (let them be “team captains”) and 6 participants who have not yet performed. Now in mini-groups it is necessary to continue working so that everyone speaks. “Captains” organize the process and quality feedback. The coach approaches one or the other team, helping with feedback.
What we have in the second option:
- Time is reduced from 2 hours to 1 hour 20 minutes.
- In this case, all participants train the skill.
- The tone and involvement of the participants was at a much higher level, because they worked independently, were involved, involved.
- Plus, we gave the opportunity for active participants to appear in the role of “team captains,” which is good for group dynamics, as it will speed up the distribution of roles in the group. But this is a completely different story... And we will definitely examine it in our subsequent articles.
If you need to further reduce the time , then we let 3-4 active participants speak, then we form 3 teams, each of which will have 4 non-performing participants. In terms of time we get approximately 1 hour. And all the above advantages remain.
Making more than 3 teams within our conditions (16 participants) is no longer justified. The feeling of speaking in front of an audience will be lost if only 2-3 listeners are sitting in front of you. Here the trainer always needs to look for a reasonable compromise so that the load on the participants is maintained and time is saved.
Core exercises are large-scale, long-duration exercises. They often take from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. Since each participant must thoroughly work out the skill that is laid down in this exercise, everyone should be given enough time so that they do not have to rush. And it is also important to give enough time for feedback, because in the main exercises it is no less valuable than the practice itself.
When colleagues bring me their new training programs with a request to look at them, make changes, and I see that 10–15 minutes are allotted for the main exercise, this immediately raises doubts in me. Well, it doesn’t happen like that)). Or the skill chosen is too small. Or not enough time was given to work it out. Or maybe not everyone participates in the end...
Where do you get the basic exercises from?
The good news here is that they're fairly easy to make yourself! We simply take situations, cases from life related to the topic of our training and transfer them to exercises. Shall we create one?
- Sales training? Let this be an exercise in pairs. One is the seller, the other is the buyer. The seller needs to sell the goods we offer to the buyer according to the scheme that we gave. For example, we just learned how to build a funnel of questions to find out what a customer needs. The seller’s task: using this “funnel” to make a sale.
How much time should I give for work? Since the “funnel” is new, participants will have to think carefully and select the right words, so a lot of time must be given. For example, 7–10 minutes to work one way. The timing, of course, also depends on the complexity of the product.
Immediately after the time for “selling” has ended, a mandatory component is feedback within the pairs. This is extremely important. Feedback allows the “seller” to reflect on his work, express his feelings without accumulating them. Feedback allows both participants in the pair to consolidate their understanding of the question funnel.
- An exercise carried out without feedback (immediately after the completion of the “sale”) loses its effectiveness by up to 50%!
What is the best way to build feedback in basic exercises?
1. First, it’s always better to let the person who “sold” speak: How did you feel? How effective was the “funnel” in his opinion?
2. Then give the “customer” the opportunity to express his opinion: Was the “funnel” used effectively? What went well? What else should you pay attention to and improve?
3. If we plan to present feedback to the general circle, then it is first better to give the participants the opportunity to speak within pairs, and only then to present it to the whole group.
But let's get back to creating the basic exercises. It’s just as easy to come up with basic exercises for any other training topic:
- Influence training? Please. We are looking for cases from life where the ability to influence is important. Participants in pairs. One side is the driver who broke the rules because he was in a hurry to get to the airport. The other side is the traffic cop who stopped him. It is important for the driver to convince the traffic cop to let him go as soon as possible and without fines.
We ask ourselves, where else in life are there bright cases of influence? For example, one of the pair is an official who may or may not give the necessary certificate (he will make the decision). The second task is to convince the official to issue such a certificate in 7–10 minutes.
- Interpersonal relationship training for couples? And we want to teach participants how to negotiate.
Great! This means that one will play the role of a spouse, the second - a wife. And they need to agree in 10–15 minutes: they will buy a car (the desire of the spouse) or new furniture for the kitchen/fur coat (the desire of the spouse). The amount of money is limited - either one or the other, half a car and half a fur coat - you can’t . Let's agree!
Of course, it is logical to put the main exercises after the mini-lecture , in which you gave a certain scheme that needs to be worked out in this exercise. In our examples, before the main exercises, we will give a diagram of a “funnel of questions”, an “algorithm for effective persuasion” and a mini-lecture on “how to easily come to an agreement in a couple”. By the way, we will also talk about how to create a strong, memorable mini-lecture in one of the subsequent newsletters.
As you can see, creating basic exercises for training is quite simple. If you want to add ready-made and “tasty” basic exercises to your repertoire, you can always purchase them in our “Exercises for Training” section. Set the filter to “basic exercises” and choose what you need!
And we still have 2 more professional coaching points to consider:
- Pairs or triplets? What to choose?
All of our exercises can be done in threes. Then the third will play the role of “observer”.
What are the pros and cons of being an observer? As a person not involved in the sales process, he will give more objective and deeper feedback. That's a plus. It will take 1.5 times longer for everyone to work. This is a minus (although sometimes a plus ). Since all members of the trio will go through 3 sales rounds, the skill will be mastered at a much more stable level. This is definitely a plus!
So, working in threes (compared to pairs) provides a deeper level of development, forms a more stable skill, but requires more time.
It is also worth considering that working in threes requires a certain level of trust in the group. Just “selling a product to a colleague” or “selling a product when an observer is watching your sale” - for most training participants these are “two big differences”.
Therefore, in the first stages of training, it is better to work in pairs. Working in pairs most quickly builds trust in a group. When trust is formed and the participants are ready to work openly, we give the main exercises in threes.
What product to sell in the main exercise?
There are 2 main options here: build a sale on a real product - the one that participants sell in life. Or on a product that is unrealistic for them, with which they do not work in real life.
Many trainers choose to always work on a real product. And they are wrong. After all, mastering a new method of action on a real product is much more difficult! There are a lot of “tails”, past experiences that pull towards the usual way of selling, the participants “slide” into “the way they always did”, rather than practicing the scheme that the coach suggested.
The more complex the skill, the more important it is for us that the participants really master it - the better it is to do it on a product that is “unreal” for them!
Do they usually sell cars? So, let’s say that in the main exercise they sell phones. Or let them sell each other a can of coffee according to the scheme you proposed.
By the way, the more unusual the “unreal product”, the more it increases the involvement, energy of the participants, and their interest in the exercise.
For example, the task of “selling a comb to a bald person” or “snow to an Eskimo” usually helps not only to practice the skill, but also greatly invigorates the participants.
Of course, having mastered a new skill on an unreal product, you must then transfer it to a real product and give participants the opportunity to transfer it to their own specifics.
Therefore, experienced trainers often give 2 main exercises for an important skill:
- The first one is simpler. In pairs and on an unreal product.
- The second is more difficult. For example, in threes and on real goods.
And then the skill is really formed! And our trainings become truly effective!
Well, it’s time to finish... I want to say so much that I just can’t write short articles)). Let's take a look at an example of a real basic exercise for sales training.
In a mini-lecture, the trainer introduces the group to the technology of competent PPV proposal:
- Traits (red)
- Advantages (bright, stands out from others)
- Benefits (they will pay attention to you)
Next he gives an exercise, let’s call it “Finest Hour”:
After we learned about the algorithm for proposing PPV, it would be logical to work it out, as they say, on “cats”. In our case, the cats will be plastic cups.
Next, the trainer divides the group into mini-groups of 5-6 people, and gives each group identical plastic glasses (one per group).
Each team needs to come up with the maximum possible number of PVP chains per plastic cup. 10 minutes are given for this work.
Next, we will play an analogue of the once-existent popular children's program “Finest Hour”. One team names its PPV chain, the other must name its own. And so on, one by one, until the list or imagination runs out. The interesting thing is that the chains must always be new and it is impossible to repeat already named chains, including those named by another team.
But I hope everyone understands that there can be one trait, but there can be several benefits and advantages from this trait, and accordingly, several chains of emergency programs can be built for one trait.
Groups take turns calling chains of emergency calls until they run out. The trainer comments on the chains, if there are inaccuracies in them (for example, advantages and benefits are mixed up), corrects them, and suggests.
Time for the entire exercise: about 30 minutes.
Required resources: plastic cups according to the number of groups.
- Is this a basic exercise? Yes.
- What skill does it train? Make chains according to the emergency response scheme.
- Is everyone participating? Yes, everyone in mini-groups participates in the discussion and development of chains.
- Is the exercise based on a real or unreal product? On the unreal (plastic cups). This means that the CPV scheme will be learned faster, and the exercise itself will be cheerful and energetic.
After this exercise, it would be appropriate to give another basic exercise for training PPV on a real product in order to consolidate the skill and integrate it into the situation of the participants.
Whole pieces of training are already being born here!
Academy of Female Excellence
Website: Phone: +375 (29) 344-44-80 Cost: from 5000 rub. for the training
If you understand and feel that your life is not yours at all, but you don’t know how to change it, then this training is definitely for you. The purpose of the training is to analyze points of failure and find out areas of growth, come to an agreement with the subconscious and remove all obstacles on the path to the life of your Dreams and take the most important and first steps towards a happy, fulfilled and abundant life.
Having a difficult relationship with your partner? Problems with children? Poor financial condition? Illness, depression and depression?
Darling, it's never too late to change everything! Do you want to be happy? Do you want to live well? Do you want to get everything from life?
- earn a lot
- have a dream relationship
- travel around the world
- build a successful career
- have perfect health and a beautiful body
- live an ideal life
Psychological training “Getting to know each other” lesson plan on the topic
Developed by teacher-psychologist GPOU “SAT” N.V. Kokovkina | Approved and recommended for use meeting of the methodological association of educators "_04_"_September__2013_ Deputy Director of State Educational Institution "SAT" __________/V.A. Pilipenko |
Lesson with elements of the “Getting Acquainted” training
(adaptation of first-year students to technical school)
Training work is one of the most effective forms of work with students. The group form of training makes it quite easy to simulate the process of interpersonal interaction, to work out various situations, taking into account the individual level of development of communicative activity and the level of socio-psychological adaptation.
Social-psychological training (SPT) involves the combination of information preparation and training (“game”) exercises with subsequent analysis of situations that arise during their implementation.
The main or core goal of SPT is the development of communication competence. However, this is not the only goal facing the practice of socio-psychological training. It is accompanied and no less important by two other goals - the development of an active social position of the individual and the improvement of psychological culture.
The objectives of the training involve solving the following problems:
- development of the process of self-knowledge of participants by reducing the barriers of psychological defense and moving to a personal level of communication;
- awareness of the conditions affecting the functioning of the group;
- mastering the skills of analyzing individual, group and organizational problems;
- mastering the techniques of effective interaction;
- expanding the range of creative abilities.
Contingent: 1st year students (participation by the class teacher of the group is possible).
Purpose of the lesson: optimization of the process of adaptation of first-year students to the learning conditions at the technical school.
Main goals:
- getting to know the group;
- awareness of personal qualities and scenarios manifested in communication;
- practicing effective interaction skills;
- the opportunity to express yourself in a group and receive feedback;
- acquisition of skills for joint activities;
- determination of status and role position in the group;
- creating a positive microclimate;
- orientation towards interaction, mutual assistance and support.
It is recommended to conduct the lesson in a certain sequence:
1. Introduction
- Introductory information
- Goals and objectives of the lesson
- Clarifying group member requests
- group rules
2. Warm up
- "Snowball"
- "The Blind and the Guide"
- Exercises on perceiving oneself through the perception of other people (“feedback mechanism”)
- "Interview"
- "Business card"
- "I am responsible for you"
- "Talent Tree"
- "Fax machine"
- Final part
- "Image of the group"
- Reflection (summarizing work)
For the easiest and fastest way to remember the names of group members and the ability to address them by name, I suggest preparing in advance badges or business cards for each group member indicating his name, origin, and a brief description.
Before the start of the training, it is necessary to distribute badges to the group participants, including the class. supervisor and ask them to carefully pin them to their clothes.
VALENTINE (Latin) "Strong" loyal friend, loves to relax in nature, enjoys sports, inclined towards philosophy, psychology | VLADIMIR (Slavic) "Owning the world" inquisitive, prone to risks and adventures, but listens to parents’ advice | VLADISLAV (Slavic) "Owner of Glory" has shown strength of character since childhood, hardworking, responsible, sociable |
Communication between people is an extremely complex and delicate process. Each of us learns it throughout our lives, gaining experience, which is often built on mistakes and disappointments. Is it possible to learn to communicate effectively without using only your real experience? Yes, and this can be done with the help of game exercises. A game is a model of a life situation, in particular communication, during which a person gains certain experience. In addition, when making mistakes in an artificial communication situation, a person does not feel the responsibility that is inevitable in real life. This makes it possible to try more, experiment, be creative, look for more effective ways to interact with each other and not be afraid of “defeat”.
The positive aspect of game exercises is the opportunity to get an assessment of your behavior from the outside, compare yourself with others and adjust your behavior in subsequent situations. It is important to remember that it is much easier to notice mistakes and inaccuracies in other people’s communication than your own.
Recommendations for the presenter. Next, you should talk about the goals and objectives of the training and clarify the request of each group member.
group rules
Each group may have its own rules, but those given below can be considered basic. They are discussed by all group members and accepted as the basic rules of the relationship or rejected, and alternative rules are put forward.
- Communication based on the “here and now” principle. Many people try not to talk about how they feel or think, because they are afraid of seeming funny. They are characterized by a desire to go into the realm of reasoning. But the main task of our work is to turn the group into a kind of three-dimensional mirror in which everyone could see themselves during the most diverse manifestations of character and behavior. Therefore, during class, everyone only talks about what worries them right now and discusses what is happening to them in the group.
- Personification of statements. For more frank communication during classes, we refuse impersonal speech, which helps to hide our own position and thereby evade responsibility for our words. Therefore, we replace a statement like: “Most people believe that...” with this: “I believe that...”. We also refuse to make undirected judgments about others. We replace a phrase like: “Many did not understand me...” with a specific remark: “Olya and Sonya did not understand me.”
- Confidentiality of everything that happens in the group. Everything that happens during classes is not disclosed under any pretext. We are sure that no one will talk about a person’s experiences or what he shared. We trust each other and the group as a whole.
- Inadmissibility of direct assessments of a person. When discussing what is happening, we do not evaluate the participant, but only his actions and behavior. We do not use statements like: “I don’t like you,” but say: “I don’t like the way you communicate.”
- As much contact and communication with different people as possible. Each of us has certain likes, we like some people more, others are more pleasant to communicate with. But during class we strive to maintain relationships with all members of the group, and especially with those we know least.
- Respect for the speaker. When one of our comrades speaks out, we listen to him carefully, giving him the opportunity to say what he wants. We help him, showing with all our appearance that we listen to him, are happy for him, are interested in his opinion, his inner world. We don’t interrupt until he finishes speaking.
- "Stop" rule. During the work of the group, any group member can stop the conversation, question addressed to him or any other action if he considers it psychologically dangerous for his inner world. A person feels empowered to try new ways of behavior only when he is free to make decisions.
Exercise "Snowball".
The purpose of this exercise is to create a friendly atmosphere, emancipation, and get to know the training participants.
Each group member names his name and personal quality for which he can be valued, loved, respected, etc. The first participant names his name and quality, the second participant names the name and quality of the first, then his own, etc. Thus, names and qualities grow like a snowball. The last participant calls everyone.
If you have already gotten to know your classmates well enough, you can indicate the qualities of your comrades on your behalf; if not, use his business card.
- What helped you complete the exercise?
- In what cases did anxiety arise?
- Did the speakers look into the eyes of those they were talking about?
- How did you use memory techniques?
- Were you able to remember the names and characteristics of all group members?
- Have you often used business cards?
Exercise “The Blind Man and the Guide”.
The goal of the game is to build trust in the world around you.
I want to offer you a game in which your eyes will rest, and your hands, ears, and intuition will guide you.
I suggest you split into pairs. One person from the pair closes his eyes (you can blindfold your eyes with a scarf). The second becomes a guide. He must guide his partner throughout the room, avoiding obstacles. The “blind” must trust his “guide” and under no circumstances open his eyes. Having walked around the room, the participants of the pair change roles.
For this exercise, I recommend placing the chairs in a chaotic order throughout the room in which you are conducting the training session, on which the children sit during the training.
The guys use any techniques to guide their partner around the room, some holding his hand, some on their back, it turns out very interesting.
- Which of the participants liked being a guide more, and which liked being blind?
- How did you feel in these roles?
- When have I felt insecure?
- When did I feel confident?
The next two exercises are interconnected and follow from each other. The purpose of these exercises is self-disclosure, self-expression, more detailed and intimate acquaintance of group members with each other, and bringing the team closer together.
Exercise “Interview” Performed in pairs.
“You have 20 minutes during which you need to interview each other. You should learn as much as possible about your partner: his life, interests, values, important life events, in order to get an idea of this person as accurately as possible.”
Exercises “Business card”, “I am responsible for you”.
To perform the exercise, participants sit in a circle.
Each participant talks about their partner for one minute, introducing them to the group.
The presenter can ask clarifying questions, helping to make the “business card” the most informative.
Exercise “Talent Tree”
Goal: self-disclosure of group members, formation of positive self-perception and perception of other people.
Materials: drawn on a sheet of paper, leaves cut out of colored paper, glue.
In the previous exercises we learned about what you like to do. But for sure, each of you has something to share with each other in terms of skills. What can you do well or even better than other people? These can be not only academic skills (solving problems, writing essays), but also the ability to do something with your hands (fixing an iron, sewing, cooking), as well as universal human skills (making friends, loving, listening, supporting in difficult times).
In front of you is a tree of talents. But there are no leaves on it, only bare branches. Our task is to decorate this tree with our talents (leaves cut out of colored paper are handed out, on which each participant in the lesson writes one or more of their talents).
Presenter's conclusion: Now go to the tree of your talents, admire how beautiful it is, despite the autumn cold, and when all the trees have already shed their leaves, your tree pleases the eye with the abundance of your best skills.
An example of an already completed talent tree for one group,
as well as a decorated alley of talents for freshmen:
Exercise "Fax"
Recommendations for the presenter. To complete the exercise, you need to prepare a cardboard with the sentence “We are the best group!”, a pen and paper. You can choose calm music to perform the exercise, because... it must be executed silently.
All participants stand in a column or snake one after another. The last participant receives a message unknown to the group (“We are the best group!”). He conveys the message one letter or symbol at a time (draws with his finger on the back of the person in front). Each participant passes the received letter (symbol) to the next one, writing it on his back. The participant who stands first writes down the letters received. There should be a proposal. If one of the participants did not understand the letter that was given to him, he pats himself on the shoulder, which means it needs to be repeated. It is better to use printed letters.
- Are you satisfied with the result of the work?
- What helped and what hindered you from completing the task effectively?
- What can you say about the coherence of the group?
- Did you perform your functions responsibly enough?
Exercise “Group Image”
“I would like now for each of you to express your personal vision of the group as a whole, coming up with some image, comparison or symbol. For example, you can say: “It looks like a cage with lions, where beautiful and powerful animals, little known to each other, are squeezed into a small space. The bars prevent them from moving, the cramped conditions and anxiety make them aggressive, and, on top of all this, they are also fed food that is unusual for them.” Another group could be described as: “A Mercedes without a motor that passengers must power by pedaling. It looks great, but it lacks the powerful engine to propel it forward.”
Think a little about what metaphor would be appropriate for your group.” Each participant offers his own metaphor, after which the group can discuss the following questions:
- Is there something common in all these images?
- Did you like all the images?
- Why did certain images arise?
In the second part of the exercise, participants create metaphors that characterize an ideal group, that is, one in which they could learn with joy and passion. After listening to everyone, again try to find commonality in all the metaphors and formulate the goals that the group members strive to achieve.
Reflection. This procedure ends the lesson.
It is necessary to listen to each group member, find out about his emotional state, and give him the opportunity to express his attitude to what is happening. The discussion can be guided by the following questions:
- How do you feel when you finish class?
- What exercise was the most effective for you?
- What helped and what hindered you from completing tasks?
- What new things did you discover during this lesson?
- Are you satisfied with the result of our work?
- What can you say about the coherence of your group?
This procedure (reflection) can also be carried out in the form of a questionnaire. “You need to complete the sentences given in the questionnaire, and thereby express your attitude to what is happening. Be extremely frank, as your opinion will help the facilitator think through the next lesson, making it more useful for you and for the whole group as a whole.”
Questionnaire “Frankly speaking...”
My name
- If you evaluate my internal state on a 10-point scale, then:
well-being -...
activity -...
mood - …
- During the class I realized that...
- The most useful thing for me was...
- I couldn't be more frank because...
- During the lesson I managed...
- I didn't succeed in class...
- For the next lesson I would like...
- In the place of the leader I...