jaguar hunting
How to get rid of fears and worries: effective practices for the waning moon
Where does fear come from? In this article you will learn: Fear is perhaps one of the most unpleasant
Temperament melancholic
Properties of temperament: sensitivity, reactivity, activity, plasticity, rigidity, extraversion, introversion, rate of reactions, emotional excitability.
Temperament in the view of philosophers and scientists of antiquity Even ancient philosophers argued that a person has
Special education for persons with intellectual disabilities
We invite you to get acquainted with the main indicators of child development. They will help interested parties (parents, educators,
Socionics and psychosophy. Briefly. Where to begin?
What is psychosophy? Psychosophy (or psychoyoga) is a theory of personality proposed by A. Yu. Afanasyev
Worldview as a life path
Worldview as a person’s system of views on life
The world-famous English writer Agatha Christie once remarked: This world is strange, where two people look
Depression and phobias (13)
Depression and fear: how to overcome difficult conditions and start living
0 8553 January 13, 2020 at 6:49 pm Author of the publication: Evgenia Astreinova, psychologist Severe depression
Does he use it?
“I want to quit and take care of the house. What do you think about that? - Well...: honest opinion...
Many women are offended at themselves, at life, at a man if he starts using her.
Loneliness of older people - reasons and how to overcome it
It’s scary to imagine how many lonely old people there are around us. Single but with children
Depression, differences from hypothymia, stages and treatment
Peculiarities of emotional disturbances Every person experiences a whole range of different emotions every day. Depending
Emotions. The importance of emotions and feelings in human activity. Manifestation of emotions and feelings. Types of emotions and feelings. Thenic and asthenic emotions.
One of the most interesting and mysterious areas of our psyche is the world of emotions. Studied