Free will as a philosophical problem of modern times
What is will? Will is the ability to make meaningful decisions and direct one’s actions.
what does meditation give
Why is meditation needed: effects on the brain and scientific research
The popularity of meditation is growing rapidly. More and more people are discovering the benefits of meditation practices. Especially
10 signs of a poorly brought up person
Rules of etiquette of our time. Being a well-mannered person is fashionable!
Good upbringing will always be relevant, because the way a person behaves with others shapes
Gratitude journal: how to keep it correctly to attract love, wealth and happiness
What are the benefits of keeping a Gratitude Journal? Gratitude diary is one of the available, free
from a different angle
How to motivate yourself and stay motivated. Move Collection
From time to time, each of us inevitably faces certain difficulties in life. All
Self-confidence: 10 exercises against shyness
Self-confidence: 10 exercises against shyness
What is self-confidence? To be a leader, to stand in the forefront, to delight and inspire,
15 best antidepressant books - read books and cheer up!
How to become a positive person? The issue of developing one’s own positivity is often raised in an environment aimed at
Alfred Adler
Compensation and overcompensation in psychology - concept
The laws of management psychology operate regardless of external conditions, as a natural component of the management process.
Chakras, chakra system, human energy structure
Life energy: where to get it and how to keep it in balance. Practical advice.
Energy. It is manifested not only by heat or light. There is also a subtler substance which
If your husband is annoying
Is your husband annoying? No plans for the future? Family crisis: what to do
Sometimes it happens like this: you wake up, have breakfast, go through a weekday, do everything out of habit. Stay close