How to make an interesting self-presentation: examples and tips
Self-presentation is, first of all, the ability to influence an audience through impressions. Stunt
Spectrophobia: what it is, causes and how to get rid of it
Spectrophobia - fear of mirrors Fear of mirrors develops for various reasons. There are several forms of violation.
Stupor: what is this condition, how does it manifest and be treated?
Stupor is a movement disorder characterized by immobility, mutism (silence), lack of response to external
How can you subtly hint to a guy about a relationship?
When it comes to the guy of her dreams, the girl involuntarily begins to feel shy. Without a doubt, it was him
Why are we losing resource status?
Where to find your resource status: 4 simple ways
What is a resource state? A resource state is a balanced, even, calm, harmonious state. IN
How to forgive yourself for mistakes in the past - advice from a psychologist
Mistakes of the past make it difficult to sleep peacefully at night. There is a constant feeling of guilt in my head for
what is a revitalization complex
Development of the emotional sphere. Revitalization complex
Definition of the concept in psychology The early postnatal period of fetal life in age periodization is called
How to spot teenage depression early. 5 important signs
Adolescence is one of the first difficult periods in the life of every child. Exactly then
What is the fear of crowds called?
Fear of crowds - what is this phobia called and how does it manifest itself?
What is demophobia, ochlophobia or agoraphobia and their differences? What is the name of the phobia? Agoraphobia, demophobia,
Human head and gears
“Cleaning up” in your head: how to stop internal dialogue
Your internal dialogue is just thoughts, a little voice in your head that comments