Treatment and correction of stuttering in children and adults

Treatment of stuttering with hypnosis - Alkoklinik

The search for ways to treat stuttering (logoneurosis) leads many people suffering from this illness to the most unexpected places - to psychics, traditional healers, etc. Although treating stuttering with hypnosis is a long-known and well-proven method. Hypnosis is a state of complete relaxation that helps a hypnotherapist identify hidden psychological problems in a patient, find the root causes and neutralize them. This opens the way to complete recovery.

NAME OF SERVICEprice, rub.
Hypnosis (1 session)7,000 rubles
Ericksonian hypnosis8,000 rubles

What is stuttering

Logoneurosis is a neuropsychiatric disease, often caused by stress or fear. A similar disorder can also appear in an adult, but most often it occurs in childhood, especially during the period of active development of speech function, from two to six years.

Severe stress can cause a child to go into shock, followed by speech blockage, partially or completely. Gradually, speech function will be restored, but neurotic manifestations, which constitute stuttering, will remain. A person who stutters repeats words and the initial syllables of phrases. With more serious logoneurosis - other syllables and even individual letters.

This disorder causes a state of anxiety, fear, panic, and confusion. Problems with social adaptation begin, a person develops complexes, and develops isolation. Under the influence of stuttering, the respiratory and facial muscles become spastic. As a result, the ability to speak becomes even more difficult. Since the root of the problem is in the psyche, treating stuttering in adults and children with hypnosis is a method recognized by specialists.

It is possible to identify characteristics of the character and psyche of people who are more likely to suffer from logoneurosis. As a rule, they are afraid to be in public and are embarrassed when in contact with strangers. Vulnerable, suspicious, impressionable individuals, as well as those with a wild imagination and vivid imagination, are also at risk. Weak willpower, a tendency to fixate on a problem, and introversion aggravate the severity of speech impairment.


There is no one specific symptom that can characterize the disorder. In the minds of most people, stuttering manifests itself as a rhythmic repetition of individual sounds or syllables. For example, mm-m-ma-ma. However, this is not the only symptom of the disease.

Manifestations of laoneurosis include excessive stretching of speech units, long pauses during a conversation, and swallowing of words. A person may experience hesitation in statements and difficulties in pronouncing words.

Often the face of a person who stutters is distorted by grimaces and tics. This is a kind of attempt to cope with a hated defect.

With spasms of the respiratory muscles, the patient experiences breathing problems. There is a feeling as if he is suffocating.

Inability to speak leads to mental imbalance. Such people are nervous and aggressive; children are withdrawn and avoid communication for fear of ridicule from their peers. The child refuses to go to kindergarten and does not want to play with other children. His sleep and appetite are disturbed.

Do not think that impaired speech does not entail any consequences. It's not like that at all. If you don’t deal with your baby’s problem in time, you may end up with:

  • mental retardation;
  • problems with learning and learning at school;
  • enuresis;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • character accentuations, neuroses;
  • As you grow older, you experience difficulties in obtaining a profession and further employment.

Often, stuttering provokes the formation of phobias and defensive ritual movements. Among the possible phobic options are logophobia - fear of talking, social phobia - fear of people leading to social isolation, glossophobia - fear of public speaking.

People with logoneurosis develop a system of protective rituals for themselves. Among students, touching their forehead with their palm is common - a sign of intense thinking, and squeezing the table top with their fingers. In adults, when communicating with superiors, the following is observed:

  • trampling from foot to foot;
  • touching the earlobe;
  • patting your hand on your thigh.

In addition, patients form rituals similar to obsessive actions: knock on wood, turn around 3 times around its axis.

Boy, 11 years old. Diagnosis: “Stuttering, severe, mixed form. Ritual movements. Logophobia." He was raised by suspicious, overprotective parents. Despite the fact that his classmates treated him well, he was overly worried about his stuttering and feared that he would become an object of ridicule.

The child is characterized by increased pedantry in relation to everything related to school and anxiety. He is constantly worried about his and his parents’ health. Against the background of stuttering, he developed obsessive rituals that turned into the whole system. So, before leaving for school, he needs to pull the button on his clothes 3 times, then knock three times and finally shift from foot to foot. If the ritual was interrupted, the child begins the sequence again. The boy claims that this relieves tension and he worries less about his defect.

In the case of stuttering, you should know that the sooner therapy is started, the higher the chances of recovery. The insidiousness of the disorder is that it is prone to recurrence.

Thus, the young man claimed that he managed to get rid of logoneurosis in 1.5 months. Rejoicing, he stopped studying, and the disorder returned after a while. Then the guy realized that the disease was not so simple and required a careful, thoughtful approach. He subsequently created a website for people with stuttering, zaikanie . com , designed to help those in need overcome this unpleasant disease.

Methods for getting rid of logoneurosis

Modern medicine considers logoneurosis as a psychosomatic disease:

  • the somatic or physiological aspect of this disorder is convulsions of the muscles of the speech apparatus;
  • the psychological aspect is logophobia, or the fear of speaking, and other psychological disorders caused by stuttering.

Can stuttering be cured with hypnosis? Experts say that yes, it is possible. At the same time, reviews from hypnotherapists about the treatment of stuttering with hypnosis indicate that with its help only neurotic forms of speech disorder are effectively overcome. If it is not logoneurosis, a specialist hypnologist will be of little help. Therefore, before starting treatment with a hypnologist, it is worth establishing the true cause of stuttering. An examination by a neurologist or psychiatrist can help with this. Sometimes treatment by a hypnotherapist is combined with the use of sedative medications. Additional sessions with a speech therapist or speech pathologist may be required.

There are different options for using hypnosis for stuttering. The session can be individual or group. A loved one may be present at the session. Hypnosis for stuttering occurs with immersion in a deep trance, or can be carried out on a conscious patient - this is determined by the method of hypnotic influence. Not all methods are used to eliminate logoneurosis in pediatric patients. Hypnotherapy is an intellectual process, and young children (under 5 years old) are not fully prepared for it. For their treatment, calming conversations in a state of hypnosis are usually used. According to reviews, such hypnosis for stuttering in children shows good results.

For help in solving the problem of stuttering, you can contact psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valeryevich Baturin, who successfully uses hypnosis to get rid of stuttering.

Mechanism for correcting speech defects

Knowledge of the nature of the occurrence and functioning of stuttering, the specifics of the influence of hypnotic influences on a person allows us to consider hypnosis as a means of treating the disease.

But when using methods of influencing consciousness, you need to know exactly the characteristics of the disease in a particular patient.

Hypnosis can influence the conscious and subconscious mind, but it cannot directly affect nerve cells or brain tissue. Therefore, this treatment method is not suitable for patients who suffer from neurosis-like stuttering.

The neurotic type of illness, which is based on a psychological state, can be effectively eliminated by competent manipulation of the subconscious. Regressive hypnosis is effectively used to treat this type of stuttering. This type of influence involves introducing into an altered state of consciousness, in which a person re-experiences events from the past.

In a trance state, the patient remains in touch with reality, but his experiences and perceptions are so strong that they are regarded as occurring in reality. With regressive hypnosis, a person, returning to a certain moment from a past life, acquires forms of behavior and personality characteristics characteristic of the time to which he “returned” in a state of trance. This is the essence of correction of logoneurosis or treatment of stuttering under hypnosis.

Neurotic stuttering is the result of mental changes that occurred as a result of some event. If the hypnotist accurately establishes the time of development of stuttering, he will be able to “return” it to the time preceding the event. Re-experiencing time without stuttering will allow you to form an attitude in the subconscious that the traumatic event did not happen. And if there is no psychological reason for speech impairment, the disease itself will disappear.

The main task of hypnosis is to find in the subconscious a traumatic event from the patient’s past, which became the cause of the development of stuttering. After identifying it, the hypnologist “utilizes” this event with new settings and eliminates its influence on the subconscious.

The effectiveness of hypnotic influences in the treatment of stuttering is due to the fact that they allow influencing the subconscious, ensuring the elimination of fear, anxiety, excitement and tension. Hypnosis for stuttering makes it possible to normalize the state of the nervous system, which contributes to the timely elimination of neurological defects.

The influence of hypnosis in the treatment of speech disorders is manifested in changes in human reactions and behavior.

  1. Correction of attitudes in the subconscious.
  2. Change to positive thinking.
  3. Facilitating adaptation to public conditions.
  4. Formation of an active position when interacting with society.
  5. Relieving psychological tension, eliminating stress manifestations.
  6. Changing the subconscious attitude towards a traumatic event.

Hypnosis techniques used

Different practitioners use different hypnosis techniques and also interpret them differently. There are Western, Soviet, Russian schools of hypnosis. Currently, the most commonly used techniques are:

  1. Ericksonian hypnosis. It is carried out in the form of a dialogue with the patient during a superficial immersion in a trance; direct suggestion is usually not used. Looking inside himself, a person himself determines his fears and recognizes their irrationality.
  2. Suggestive psychotherapy focuses on suggestion. The hypnologist immerses the patient in a deeply suggestible state and purposefully resolves internal fears and conflicts.
  3. One-stage technique by K.M. Dubrovsky. Removal of stuttering occurs during one hour-long session. After this, the restored speech is consolidated with the help of a psychotherapist and speech therapist (3 or 4 sessions). This technique is suitable for treating adolescents and adults and is not indicated for pediatric patients.

Great importance is also given to self-hypnosis and autogenic training. A person suffering from logoneurosis, using visualization and pronouncing self-hypnosis formulas, tries to evoke an image of himself speaking without disturbances in various situations - at home, at work, at school, in a store. The natural phase state of trance before night sleep will increase the effectiveness of self-hypnosis if you engage in autogenic training at this time (for example, while already lying in bed).

Such autogenic training helps both to relieve anxiety and stiffness before speaking, and to relax the muscles of the speech apparatus and tension in the diaphragm area. This technique is an effective home method for preventing relapses of stuttering.

You can watch autogenic training and meditation on Nikita Baturin’s YouTube channel.


Stuttering is logoneurosis (obsessive fear of communication).

One of the most common types of speech disorders in children and adults is stuttering.
Logonorosis affects children more often than adults. Stuttering is a speech disorder characterized by frequent repetition of sounds, syllables and words, or their prolongation. Indecision in speech is also formed, as a result of which frequent stops break its rhythmic and smooth flow. Persons suffering from stuttering are deprived of the opportunity to communicate normally with others. Constant difficulties in speech traumatize the psyche of patients, causing various neurotic disorders. The greatest contribution to the study of stuttering was made by Russian scientists - psychiatrist I. A. Sikorsky (who was the first to systematize all knowledge about stuttering), physiologist I. P. Pavlov, who studied the connection between negative influences on the psyche in its physiological understanding, and the development of speech pathology. Psychiatrist V. M. Bekhterev (1911), who studied the possibilities of therapeutic hypnosis in eliminating the causes of speech pathology, as well as Yu. A. Povorinsky (1950), D. Ya. Vengerovsky (1955), V. M. Shklovsky (1975, 1994 ), V. Ya. Danilevsky, V. E. Rozhnov, A. L. Groysman, K. I. Platonov, K. M. Dubrovsky, etc., their work became the basis of the method of treating stuttering using hypnotherapy. Thanks to their work, the reasons for the development of stuttering became clear and the effectiveness of therapeutic hypnosis in treating this disease was proven. And this is a huge merit of Russian scientists.

Currently, hypnosis is increasingly gaining popularity among specialists and ordinary people. People turn to hypnologists for a variety of reasons. The most common situations in which hypnosis is used are various phobias, fears, depression, panic attacks, OCD, VSD, digestive, sexual disorders, logoneurosis, correction of the body's behavioral reactions, low self-esteem, complexes, bad habits. Moreover, in these cases, hypnotherapy remains the only effective method, since it is aimed at ridding the patient of the causes of his disease, while all other methods, including pharmaceutical ones, claim only to temporarily relieve symptoms. At the same time, there is still an underestimation by doctors of the role of psychotraumatic factors in the occurrence of various disorders of the functions of internal organs and systems, as well as stereotyped ideas that often force one to look for the organic nature of the disease where it is actually functional (psychogenic, conditioned reflex). Meanwhile, the patient’s psychogenic failure does not stand still, but generalizes and acquires a more pronounced heterogeneous character, involving increasingly large areas of the functional system in pathogenesis.

The successful use of hypnosis in the treatment of such a wide range of diseases is due to the fact that the point of application of the therapeutic word in hypnosis is the cerebral hemispheres of the human brain, which control all organs and systems of the body. The word in hypnosis turns out to be an extremely powerful healing factor, producing a direct and immediate effect on the nature and dynamics of cortical processes. This opens a direct path to eliminating pathological processes and mobilizing the necessary internal resources of the human body. For in the light of the doctrine of the unity of the psyche and somatics, any somatic disease is inextricably linked with a greater or lesser disruption of the functional state of the patient’s higher nervous activity.

Therefore, hypnotherapy is the only method of psychological assistance to a person that allows one to eliminate the cause of the disease, and not its symptom, having a direct and immediate impact on the nature and dynamics of cortical processes, mobilizing the necessary internal resources of the human body.

Over 20 years of practice, we have developed a unique proprietary method, based exclusively on scientific neurophysiological research of our luminaries - Soviet academicians and professors. We use a comprehensive method of treating stuttering, including the method of K. M. Dubrovsky “Instant removal of stuttering.”

Physiology of speech pathology.

In the motor speech department of the brain (Broca's center), an impulse (signal) arises, which travels through the cranial nerves to the peripheral speech departments (respiratory, vocal, articulatory).

The respiratory section is the first to move, thus the voice is formed, then the voice is transformed in the articulatory section, and sounds are formed. The resulting sounds are converted in the speech resonators of the mouth, nose and pharynx. Then, according to the principle of feedback, the resulting sounds and words, with the help of hearing, as well as sensations, go from the peripheral speech organs to the associative department, where they are analyzed.

Thus, a speech reflex arc is formed, where impulses go from the center to the periphery → (efferent impulses), and from the periphery to the center → (afferent impulses) - and so on along the ring of the functional system. And if an error occurs somewhere, then the central speech departments are informed at what position in the peripheral speech organ the error occurred. A signal is then sent from the central region to the peripheral speech organs, which accurately produces the correct pronunciation. This mechanism operates until the work of the speech organs and auditory control are coordinated, until speech synchronization occurs. With psychological trauma and other mental disorders, Broca's center is overexcited and its tone increases. Therefore, the speed of its operation increases, leading to a mismatch of the autonomous mechanism of the reflex arc.

Next, overexcitation is transferred to areas of the cerebral cortex that are located nearby and are responsible for motor activity. This leads to muscle spasms occurring in the peripheral part of speech (tongue, lips, soft palate and others).

That is, a person begins to stutter due to a sudden disruption of the coordinated functioning of the speech organs when pronouncing sounds, which is caused by a spasm that occurs in one of the parts of the speech apparatus (tongue, palate, etc.), and respiratory, spasm and lack of air appear.

Suffered mental traumas disrupt the coordinated redistribution of muscle tone involved in speech formation. That is, the muscles contract and relax inconsistently. Therefore, convulsive repetitions of sounds, syllables and words occur. That is, the disease is functional in nature, and the brain structures are not affected. Therefore, this form of stuttering is treatable.

Are there possible side effects from hypnosis?

According to experts, to date no such facts have been identified. Research at different times was carried out by such prominent and authoritative scientists as: V. M. Bekhterev, I. P. Pavlov, S. S. Libikh (1974), A. I. Zakharov (1982), A. A. Tokarsky (1989) , M. S. Lebedinsky, A. T. Pshonik (1952), L. L. Vasilyev, I. P. Bryazgunov (1970) L. Chertok (1972), V. I. Sukhorukova (1977), P. K. Anokhin, N. E. Vvedensky (1911-1913), N. I. Krasnogorsky, V. M. Shklovsky (1975, 1994), V. N. Myasishchev, Yu. A. Povorinsky (1950), S. N. Davidenkov , K. M. Varshavsky (1973), S. S. Kor-sakov, K. M. Bykov, A. M. Svyadoshch (1982), V. Ya. Danilevsky, B. N. Birman (1922,1925, 1946 ), L. B. Gakkel (1955), D. Ya. Vengerovsky (1955), I. Z. Velvovsky (1984), A. L. Groysman, K. I. Platonov (1957), S. L. Rubinstein, V. E. Rozhnov, A. A. Ukhtomsky, I. M. Sechenov, A. M. Svyadosch, A. P. Slobodyanik, E. S. Katkov, M. P. Kutanii, V. V. Kuzmin, P. P. Podyapolsky, E. N. Dovbnya, F. E. Rybakov, V. N. Khoroshko, A. I. Yarotsky, A. F. Lazursky, Yu. V. Kannabikh, V. M. Narbut, F. D. Netkachev, V. A. Gilyarovsky, M. V. Strelchuk, G. V. Morozov, V. M. Banshchikov, N.V. Ivanov, N.K. Lipgart, A.G. Ivanov-Smolensky, etc. Scientists have proven that the human psyche self-regulates during a therapeutic trance, its internal reserves are mobilized, the body’s defenses are activated (compensatory ), the body’s homeostasis returns to normal, and therefore there is no danger to the patient’s mental and physiological health.

A hypnosis session for the treatment of stuttering in itself is healing for a person. Hypnosis improves a person’s overall well-being, ensures the coordinated functioning of all organs and systems of the body, normalizes homeostasis in the body, which allows the patient to feel a new surge of vitality. It has a positive effect on the functioning of many organs and systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, central nervous system, helps with insomnia, relieves irritability, reduces anxiety, etc.

Be healthy and take care of yourself!

Features of stuttering treatment with hypnosis

Treatment of logoneurosis using psychotherapy in a hypnotic state takes time. During this process, the personality type becomes more harmonious. The cause of logoneurosis is subjected to destructive effects, spasms of the facial muscles are eliminated, and the fear of speech is overcome.

Important! Treatment with hypnosis is harmless to the patient and does not cause side effects. Moreover, hypnotic sleep relaxes the entire body, especially the muscles that are in constant hypertonicity. Overstrain of the speech apparatus also goes away.

Under the influence of suggestion, the patient learns not to react to traumatic factors. This happens not by avoiding them, but by ignoring them, indifference to them. During hypnosis sessions, neurotic symptoms are reduced and mental defense mechanisms are activated.

People with stuttering, who are more vulnerable and impressionable, have a stronger desire to overcome their illness than those who are not very worried and ignore the speech disorder. The motivation to achieve normal speech among the former is much higher, which helps to achieve results faster when treating stuttering with hypnosis.

Note! Patients with pronounced motivation and strong-willed qualities undergo hypnotic treatment of stuttering with greater effectiveness, since they actively participate in the process.

The most effective treatment of logoneurosis with hypnosis occurs when a person finds answers and solutions within himself. Reviews of the treatment of stuttering in adults with hypnosis indicate that these methods help to a greater extent than imposing a solution from the outside, an order to overcome stuttering. For someone suffering from this illness, such an attitude is tantamount to overcoming oneself, fighting oneself. It is unpromising and even dangerous, since stuttering is a form of adaptation.

Hypnosis for stuttering in Moscow, price for treating stuttering with a hypnosis session

I will try to present this article in the simplest language, using the therapeutic apparatus of hypnotherapy.
So that every reader can understand the essence of stuttering as a “phenomenon”, and also find a way out of this phenomenon. According to science, it is customary to divide stuttering (logoneurosis) into two forms: neurotic and neurosis-like forms.

What are their differences:

  1. The neurosis-like form of stuttering implies a pronounced neurological defect, in particular, impairment of motor skills in general and articulation in particular. In this case, neurotic reactions may occur, but the course of stuttering depends little on them. Children suffering from neurosis-like stuttering usually start speaking late and generally develop a little slower than their peers. An electroencephalogram (EEG) in most cases reveals pathological or borderline functioning of the brain. In simple terms, this is stuttering, the cause of which is organic changes in the central nervous system. Typically begins at age 3 years. Parents have approached me more than once, describing the form of stuttering in their children, without knowing the cause. More details a little later, after we get acquainted with the more common form of stuttering - logoneurosis.
  2. In the neurotic form of stuttering, normal or early speech and motor development is typical. Stuttering initially occurs against a background of stress, both one-time (fear) and chronic. These children do not have pronounced neurological disorders; their EEG reflects more harmonious functioning of the brain than in the previous group. At the same time, the severity of stuttering extremely depends on the functional state: these people often speak almost clearly in a calm environment, but in case of stress (public speaking, conversation with a stranger, suddenly asked a question) they cannot say a word due to severe speech convulsions. There is also a strong severity of logophobia (fear of speaking) and avoidant behavior. In general, the condition of these patients meets the criteria for neurosis, therefore, the term “logoneurosis” is more often used for the neurotic form of stuttering, but some authors use it simply as a synonym for the word “stuttering”.

Now about specific practical cases, how hypnotherapy treats stuttering, and treatment methods.

In hypnology, there are such concepts as hypnotic phenomena (hallucinations, amnesia, regression), and among them there is a common everyday phenomenon - catalepsy.

Often catalepsy manifests itself especially clearly during severe fright - freezing. The body takes on a titanic tension – trying to play the “play dead” role. This is an evolutionary form of survival behavior and is common to all living things.

It was not for nothing that I gave an example of the manifestation of titanic catalepsy during fright, since fear is a common cause of stuttering. Here is the mechanism, the body was subjected to severe fright, and stored this experience in its archive as a psychotrauma.

Accordingly, the information was imprinted into the muscle that I freeze in such situations.

Try to freeze as immobilized as possible and still speak! If you have followed all the conditions correctly, you will feel the inability to speak normally, as stuttering occurs.

So this phenomenon is the reason, which subsequently acquires reinforcing factors. Such as the fear of stuttering and saying things incorrectly, which causes stress. And as I described above, in response to severe stress, the body chooses to react by freezing, after a traumatic experience of “fright.”

Also, in the long-term course of this disease, a secondary benefit from stuttering is developed.

Removal of responsibility, for example, one cannot speak during an exam, stuttering irritates all teachers, and in the end the test is guaranteed, just not to listen to the stuttering student.

If a person has already begun to benefit from a given symptom, then the treatment strategy changes and can go into long-term phases.

Hypnosis for stuttering is an old practice that has been used since the nineteenth century. The point is simple: as soon as the stutterer enters a trance, the stuttering goes away on its own. As an example, there are many people who stutter who are rap artists. Entering a trance with the help of a song, singing, rapping - everything is fine. I'm talking about the exam, I stutter.

When treating stuttering under hypnosis, trance alone is not enough - so I am writing below about hypnotherapy strategies.

How can we deal with stuttering once and for all?

It's simple, there are several ways:

A) we use regressive hypnosis to return to an event that may have caused the stuttering. And then, using certain techniques, convey to the subconscious that the body no longer needs the protective function “the predator is gone - you survived, live and be happy.”

Our task is to remove the body from the phenomenon of catalepsy, reprogram the body’s reactions to such situations, and, together with new programs, reconsider the client’s further vision of life strategies.

Thus, we bring a person to a natural form of being, conversation with others again brings joy.

B) PFR therapy - PFR without immersion in “trauma”, without the need to tell the therapist about your experiences, affects muscle memory.

It turns on restart mechanisms in the depths of the subconscious, and thereby changes information in muscle fibers, bringing the whole body to its original “natural mode”.

Then new life strategies are selected and the results are consolidated. PFR allows for very effective therapy in groups and large groups.

What strategy to use is rather decided by the client himself, according to his own level of comfort. The main thing is the client’s desire to become better. It must be remembered that the symptom of stuttering becomes part of the personality over time.

And getting rid of stuttering leads to a complex change in personality, so you need to be prepared for the fact that you will change, my dear client. You will not just stop stuttering, you will gain lost confidence and relaxedness.

If you are ready for this, then I and other specialists at our center will be happy to help you.


How does hypnosis treatment work?

Although hypnosis techniques differ from each other, in general hypnosis sessions follow a general pattern. The patient takes a comfortable position. The hypnologist talks about the technique of hypnosis and its safety, relaxes the patient, immerses him in a hypnotic trance of the required depth. Then, depending on the technique, he conducts a dialogue with the patient or works in the form of a monologue.

During the session, the hypnologist suppresses and neutralizes the client's negative emotions. The specialist interprets the episodes of the patient’s life and his fears in such a way that he ultimately comes to realize the irrationality of logophobia. The session lasts from 45 minutes to one and a half hours. After waking up, the patient feels fresh and rested.

To solve the problem, there must be several sessions. Their number is determined by the degree of stuttering of the patient, his susceptibility to suggestion and motivation.

Detailed information about hypnosis treatment for stuttering can be obtained on this channel of hypnologist and psychologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin

The Nature of Hypnosis

After the scientific community reluctantly accepted the concept that hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness or even an approximation of the unconscious, research was conducted to pinpoint the nature of hypnosis. These studies were carried out by different scientists at different times, but the results were best summarized by N. Spanos from the Boston Psychological Association. The results literally debunked the myth about the uniqueness of the state of hypnosis. Let us repeat that the studies were carried out by different scientists, at different times, on many subjects in medical institutions.

Hypnotic behavior is the same social action as other social behavior with its inherent strategy and purposefulness. In other words, a person in a state of hypnosis performs voluntary actions to which the hypnologist pushes him to achieve the desired goal for which he is motivated. And the only reason why people, even those who have successfully experienced hypnosis, believe that the result was achieved thanks to the suggestion of the hypnologist is that they interpret their own behavior, their thoughts and words as the result of someone else's influence.

Moreover, the difference in the interpretation of the psychological experience obtained as one’s own or related to the work of a hypnologist depends only on how the suggestion is formulated. In other words, hypnosis is no different from autosuggestion.

Advice for patients cured of logoneurosis

After hypnosis sessions to get rid of logoneurosis, experts give patients recommendations on how to consolidate the acquired skills of correct speech:

  • after a hypnosis session, talk in a whisper for three days, and minimize speech loads for three weeks;
  • twice a day, standing in front of a mirror, read an excerpt from a book with expression;
  • before going to bed at night, while in bed, relax the muscles of the face and neck, instill in yourself the idea of ​​the availability of slow free speech;
  • do breathing exercises;
  • perform articulation exercises.

It is also recommended to read positive fiction to maintain a good emotional state, and avoid watching horror films and thrillers with intense plots.

Correcting stuttering using hypnosis

Many types of stuttering respond well to hypnotherapy. The advantage of this option is the complete adaptation of the method to a specific patient, taking into account his characteristics and needs. Hypnosis for stuttering cannot be called a panacea. But it will help in correcting attitudes, getting rid of neurotic disorders and gaining self-confidence.

Traits inherent in patients with logoneurosis

Logoneurosis affects not only a person’s speech function. It significantly reduces the patient’s adaptation to society and his communication skills. In people who stutter, you can notice the following traits in character and behavior:

  1. Embarrassment in public.
  2. Suspiciousness and vulnerability.
  3. Vivid fantasy, worsening the course of the disease.
  4. Excessive introversion, which begins in childhood.

People prone to stuttering find it difficult to be in society, they become nervous and only worsen the defect. Neurological disorders are often associated with emotional problems:

  • problems with facial expressions;
  • nervous tics;
  • ridiculous movements.

The combination of problems can lead to severe mental disorder and the appearance of antisocial behavior in the patient. Hypnotherapy involves correcting the patient’s destructive attitudes with the goal of returning him to society.

How does a hypnosis session work?

Patients often experience fear and anxiety before a hypnosis session, imagining it as a magical ritual. But that's not true. The process itself is a descent into a state of sleep. In a trance, the patient is always aware of what is happening, the body protects the owner and it becomes impossible to harm him.

Treatment of stuttering with hypnosis involves the contact of several doctors and treatment in two stages.

  1. The first stage lasts about two weeks. At this time, psychologists, speech pathologists and neuropathologists work with the patient, finding out the causes of the disease.
  2. The second stage can last up to two months and involves speech therapy sessions, correction of respiratory function, speech production and hypnosis sessions themselves. The method of working with a patient depends on his character, the cause of the defect and the characteristics of the body.

After hypnosis sessions, patients note the lightness, happiness and feeling of their own health. These factors help in the fight against stuttering and increase the patient’s self-esteem.

For some patients, the obligatory trip to the hospital for treatment becomes a problem.

In order to support such patients and improve their emotional state, many clinics offer hypnosis at home, or in any place that is pleasant for the client.

There are also group classes that help patients socialize and be more confident in public.


The practice of self-hypnosis is gaining popularity and is very convenient. There is no need to worry about the doctor’s competence and the nuances of the procedure itself. This method is more suitable for adult patients who have the opportunity to concentrate on themselves and detach themselves from problems.

Self-hypnosis should not be chosen as the only method of treatment, but it can be an excellent tool for treating neuroses and increasing self-confidence. Together, these factors help the patient gain an understanding of his place in society, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition and promotes healing.

To conduct self-hypnosis, you should choose a closed room. We need silence and an atmosphere of calm. It is recommended to maintain twilight, which does not irritate the nervous system. A good addition would be to use aromatherapy with the patient’s favorite essential oils.

Hypnologists recommend choosing a sitting position for self-hypnosis to eliminate the risk of accidentally falling asleep during the session.

There are two methods for conducting self-hypnotherapy - calming and encouraging. The first type recommends doing it in the evening, before bed, to relieve the stress accumulated during the day. The second is more suitable for morning use in order to prepare the body for an active day.

For treatment, you must contact a professional clinic for advice from a doctor, for example,

The technique consists of choosing the correct breathing rhythm, complete relaxation and saying specially selected phrases to yourself.

Self-hypnotherapy will help improve your mood, gain self-confidence and realize your strengths, which has a positive effect on a person’s psychological health.

Recommendations after hypnotherapy

Treatment with hypnosis involves the continuation of therapeutic activities after all required sessions have been completed. Hypnologists recommend the following actions within three months after the end of treatment:

  1. For the first 3 days, you should speak only in a whisper to restore speech receptors.
  2. A cherry pit under the tongue during communication will help in establishing correct speech.
  3. Reading aloud helps improve speech. It is better to conduct such exercises 2 times a day in front of a mirror.
  4. Before going to bed, you need to completely relax, feel your body, and reassure yourself of your strength and progress.
  5. Maintain good hygiene and ideally exercise.
  6. Breathing exercises will help in developing correct speech and eliminating defects.
  7. You should continue to work with a personal speech therapist to record progress and receive prompt advice.
  8. Avoid stress and watching thrillers and horror films, which can adversely affect existing progress in the fight against stuttering.

Following simple recommendations will help in completely getting rid of logoneurosis and gaining confidence in your abilities. An ideal option would be to temporarily incorporate the practice of self-hypnosis to support the patient’s psychological state.

Should you believe in hypnosis treatment?

The effectiveness of treatment using hypnotherapy causes a lot of controversy among doctors and patients. This therapy does not help everyone, but there are many examples of healing with the help of hypnotherapy.

The main negative factor of this type of treatment is the insufficient number of competent specialists. Many online offers are fraudulent and will only bring losses and bad mood to the patient. You can choose a good specialist through friends or using review sites: after reading the reviews, you can form a personal opinion about a particular doctor.


Patient reviews

According to statistics, out of every hundred people, 2 or 3 suffer from logoneurosis. Many have been cured of stuttering during hypnotherapy sessions and leave their feedback about it. Hypnosis for stuttering helped those who had previously unsuccessfully tried to be treated by a speech therapist and neurologist.

Hypnosis has enabled many patients not only to restore correct speech, but also to get rid of logophobia and other complexes. For many, a big role in the treatment was played by faith in the technique, an ardent desire to overcome a speech disorder, regularity and persistence in performing the recommended exercises.

Undoubted benefits of hypnosis

Treatment for stuttering using hypnosis is comfortable and effective. Anyone can afford this type of correction. A practicing psychologist will help eliminate incorrect attitudes in thinking, eliminate, if possible, the influence of negative character traits on behavior and social realization. Only with the help of hypnosis can you eliminate irrational stereotypes and replace negative attitudes with positive ones.

It is necessary to understand that logoneurosis should be treated comprehensively. Self-improvement and liberation from nervous stiffness, phobias and fears are the basis that allows a person to become happy, successful and active in all respects. You should not oppress yourself, suffer from internal conflicts and contradictions.

Diagnosis of stuttering in children

If you notice the first symptoms of stuttering, your child should immediately be seen by a doctor. If this pathology is suspected, examinations should be carried out by specialists such as a neurologist, pediatrician, speech therapist and psychiatrist. In some cases, consultation with a child psychologist may be necessary. A major role in making a diagnosis and identifying the causes of the disease is played by the child’s medical history, information about how development occurs, information about when, how and under what circumstances he began to stutter.

In order to identify the stage of the disease and the causes of stuttering in children, a speech diagnosis will be required, which includes assessing the rate of speech, voice and breathing. During the study, the doctor will identify speech and motor disorders, if any, and determine what type of articulatory seizures the patient suffers from and with what frequency they occur.

To detect CNS pathologies you may need:

  • examination of cerebral vessels using rheographic method;
  • EEG;
  • MRI.

Stuttering treatment at home

Many activities that help get rid of stuttering can be done independently at home without the supervision of a doctor. Such practices are described in the medical literature. Recommendations will definitely be given at a medical institution during classes with a speech therapist and psychologist.

  • Breathing exercises are recommended for patients of any age:
  • In a sitting position with the head lowered to the chest, the patient inhales quickly through the nose and exhales as slowly as possible through the mouth.
  • Rotations of the head performed along the axis help strengthen the ligaments, which helps get rid of stuttering. You need to stand straight, your body relaxed, your arms at your sides.
  • Rehearsals of pronouncing phrases in front of a mirror are carried out, helping to consolidate the skill of pronouncing syllables and words without delays or violations. During classes with a child, parents or teachers can go through the entire complex with him.

The habit can also be eliminated by singing syllables of words. Young children especially like these activities.

The speech therapist is ready to recommend songs that appeal to representatives of any age group. You can hum them constantly. Including to myself. Additionally, it is recommended to practice making speeches and speeches at home. Adult patients pronounce their “words” that need to be spoken, for example, at a meeting. With teenagers and children, parents can talk through answers to homework at home. At the initial stages, such training can be brought to automaticity. Next, the habit of public speaking will be formed, which in most cases is broken in those suffering from stuttering due to the lack of desire to once again demonstrate to others the existing deficiency.

How to get rid of stuttering

Neurologists, pediatricians, psychologists, and speech therapists treat logoneurosis.

They know how to treat stuttering and find a treatment path based on the cause. Special attention is paid to the prevention of colds and strengthening the immune system.

If parents want to eliminate logoneurosis in children, treatment should begin at the first signs of the disease.

Experts recommend:

  1. Do not yell at the child or sort things out in front of him.
  2. Pay attention to situations in which the child stutters.
  3. Speak to your child slowly and clearly.
  4. Protect your child from stress.
  5. Send your child to sing.
  6. Diversify your nutritious diet.
  7. Do not force him to speak if the baby is uncomfortable.

High-quality diagnostics will help you choose the exact method of therapy. Usually an electroencephalogram is performed and blood and urine tests are taken.


Special speech gymnastics helps develop proper breathing when speaking.

It is carried out as follows:

  1. Read any fairy tale or story aloud, inhaling during the pauses between words.
  2. Exhale briefly with your mouth open and pronounce a vowel sound as you exhale.
  3. As you exhale, count to 10, increasing the count over time.
  4. Read short phrases while exhaling.

There are other effective exercises:

  1. They stand in front of the mirror, exhale and inhale, and then pronounce each sound until they have enough breath. They inhale and say: “eeeeee”, “eeeeee”, “aaaaaa”, “oooooo”, “oooooo”. You need to pronounce them slowly in this order.
  2. To activate the “r” sound, exhale, then inhale and growl. Then they expressively and with emotion pronounce the words “steering wheel, rice, carpet, grater,” etc.
  3. Stand up straight and exhale, then take a deep breath. They clench their fists and say “iiiiii” loudly. At the same time they beat themselves in the chest like Tarzan. The same is done with the sounds “aaaaaa”, “eeeeee”, “oooooo”, “uuuuu”

There are many other exercises that help develop mobility of the lips, jaw, and clarity of sounds. Such exercises should be carried out regularly for 15-20 minutes a day.


Many years ago, specialists began to practice the following psychological methods:

  • reading positive works of fiction;
  • pronunciation of individual words in thoughts;
  • imitation of an idol, his manner of speaking.

Hypnosis plays an important role in psychotherapy . Often it turns out to be the only way out of the situation. During the session, the source that formed the stutter is destroyed.

This happens through suggestion and training of the mind. After hypnosis, a person is able to confidently and clearly pronounce his thoughts.

A psychologist will help you cope with your fear of communication and instill self-confidence. Lessons from a speech therapist and child psychologist with parents are especially effective.


Drug therapy is aimed at eliminating the convulsive symptom and stabilizing the functioning of the nervous system.

The following groups of drugs are usually prescribed:

  1. Nootropics. Improves brain function. These include Phenibut.
  2. Sedatives. Reduce nervous overexcitation. This includes tablets Afobazol, Grandaxin, Glycine, Novopassit.
  3. Antispasmodics. They have an anticonvulsant effect. Usually prescribed Mydocalm, Magnerot.

In addition to all other treatments, physiotherapy and swimming pool sessions are added.

to provide comprehensive care at home , and lack of control by a specialist can lead to unpleasant consequences. Therefore, before you get rid of stuttering on your own, you need to learn techniques such as auto-training, self-massage and breathing exercises.

Traditional medicine can be used along with other treatment methods. A visible effect can be obtained only with a strong desire to get rid of stuttering.

Relatives and friends should provide significant assistance in eliminating logoneurosis. You must be prepared for long-term and thorough treatment, then you can defeat the disease once and for all.

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