Simple tips: how to prove to your loved one that you love him
Why prove your love to a man? But still they require you to prove your
panic attack what to do during an attack
What to do if you have a panic attack: 5 useful tips
A panic attack is a condition when a person experiences unreasonable fear that he is unable to
Rice. 1. Wassily Kandinsky. Impression III. 1911 (“Quantik” No. 3, 2020)
How it worksAll about synesthesia: People who smell letters and hear colors
From the world of the famous There are many celebrities among people who have or have had co-perception. Mainly this
human psychology
Consciousness as a mental process: its structure, functions and characteristics
Structure of consciousness The features of consciousness include conceptuality and categoricality, self-awareness, connection with the public,
Easy relationship
What makes communication easy at the beginning of a love relationship?
The opportunity to be yourself Are you tired of pretending that you like heavy music? Romantic people irritate you
The best and worst foods for depression, how to adjust your diet
Depression is a severe mental disorder characterized by four main symptoms: decreased mood, disturbance
How to increase concentration - effective tips
Make your workplace comfortable and keep it in order. When it is convenient to work at the table,
Conscious and unconscious. Consciousness, intellect, will, self-awareness
Essence and description To understand what the conscious and unconscious are in psychology and how
The smaller the distance between employees, the more friendly it is
Psychology of leadership: theory and practiceA. V. Shilakina, 2020
Many people want to become a leader, capable of leading social groups and teams. We see and hear a lot of information,
causal attribution
Fundamental Attribution Error: Why You Make Bad Choices in Life
What is causal attribution What is the fundamental attribution error Why are we susceptible to fundamental attribution?