How to find a purpose in life if you don’t want anything? Not just find, but also set a goal and achieve it
Family goals and success. Goals of modern men. Five types of family troubles due to differences in the understanding of the concept of “success” and goals in life.
0 4009 June 17, 2020 at 01:04 pm Author of the publication: Anna Rantya, economist Editor: Olga
girl in a cart
Guilty to the girl. How to apologize to a girl?
Subscribe: Telegram, Facebook,, VKontakte The girl is constantly offended or imposes a feeling of guilt, and you
Leonardo Da Vinci - a brilliant man, mathematician, inventor, technician, created rapid-fire weapons
Genius and talent are... Giftedness, talent, genius
What is genius? Genius is the highest degree of intellectual or creative development of a person, relatively accepted
Responsibility - photo 1
Responsibility or the truth about the responsible person
How does a responsible person feel? Responsibility, a sense of internal obligation, can be demonstrated in certain areas
10 Psychological Traits of Buyers to Improve Your Online Marketing
Behavioral economics studies the irrational behavior of people under the influence of social factors. If you want better
Should you drink to relieve stress?
Stress and alcohol. Does alcohol help with stress?
Contents: 1 Stress as a reason to drink 2 How alcohol and stress interact 3 It can
signs of mental disorder in children
Types and causes of deviations in child development article on correctional pedagogy on the topic
Children with mental disorders Let's start with the fact that there really are certain deviations that manifest themselves
Lecture “Properties of perception as a subjective image of the world”
The concept of reality and its types So, reality is: existing in general; objectively existing world;
The Art of Love by Erich Fromm
Four types of temperament according to Hippocrates: general characteristics
SOCIAL TYPES OF CHARACTER ACCORDING TO FROM Erich Fromm, discussing the “biological imperfection” of a person, noted that the first
Birth of personality. When does a child become a person?
“We all come from childhood” - of course, everyone has heard this phrase, but sometimes it’s just