Delirium tremens: consequences for the brain and the whole body. Consequences of delirium tremens
Chronic alcoholism affects not only the alcoholic, but also his family. In the final stages
Biometrics: what is it, how and why is data collected
KtoNaNovenkogo Frequently asked questions You are here September 23, 2018 Hello, dear readers of the blog. Now
The concept of socialization. Essence, stages and mechanisms of personality socialization
Socialization: what is it, types, stages, forms
Factors of socialization. Socialization factors are the mechanisms through which the socialization process occurs.
Positive character traits for a successful and happy life
What is “character” In psychology, character means the totality of a person’s personal qualities that are formed
why do we need nicotine
How to quit smoking on your own at home
According to researchers, those who decide to quit smoking make up to 30 attempts Estimating the
10 Ways to Improve Willpower
How to develop and strengthen willpower: 6 simple ways
Willpower is a flexible skill that covers the absence of many others and helps tremendously in
hypothyroidism symptoms and treatment
Cretin - who is this? The meaning of the word "cretin" in medicine and in colloquial speech
Brief information about the structure and functions of the thyroid gland Cretinism is a disease that is associated
Abusers: Who are they? Characteristics of Abusive Relationships
This article is part of the Auto-da-Fé project. In it we declare war on everything that interferes
a pacifist is a person who
Pacifist - who is he, history, signs, pros and cons, are pacifists accepted into the army?
A pacifist is a person who follows the ideology of fighting against violence, preventing war, promoting peace,
Nonverbal signals: types, meaning, how to understand them?
Nonverbal is “body language” in a broad sense: the transmission of information through gestures, smells, taste, voice,