Outline on the topic “Leadership and communication. The role of the leader in communication management""


The success of any organization depends on many factors. One of them is good management. Leadership in an organization determines the vector of the company’s development and encourages employees to work to achieve results. But the idea of ​​the functions of a leader in a particular company is not fully defined. Even the person claiming this title often has little understanding of what is required of him.

Characteristics of a leader

A leader is a person who has a set of certain qualities that allow him to influence team members to achieve the goals of the organization.

The main qualities of a leader are:

  • responsibility - the ability to complete undertaken obligations, to be responsible for their implementation;
  • communication skills - the ability to find a common language with the company’s management and its employees;
  • flexibility - the ability to quickly adapt to changing conditions in the organization;
  • broad outlook and desire to constantly gain new knowledge;
  • friendliness - the ability to build relationships with all team members, to be friendly;
  • diligence - the desire to work under any circumstances;
  • determination and perseverance - the ability to set goals and achieve them; Patience is the ability to wait for results.

Leaders in organizations become leaders in different ways:

  • due to the presence of leadership abilities that a person initially has; through the active development of individual leadership qualities;
  • due to a fortunate combination of circumstances that allowed him to prove himself and move forward.

In most cases, employees themselves choose from their circle a person suitable for the role of leader.

Subsequently, this person may be appointed to a leadership position.

How to become a leader

A leader always takes responsibility for his words and actions. He thinks through everything to the smallest detail to avoid failure. To lead people, you need to be confident in every step.

Note! Mistakes and failures are possible, but a leader must be able to answer for them and look for a way out. Otherwise, the person will lose the respect of the team, and next time they will not support him.

Who is a leader, how to become one:

  • He is not afraid of new things, he boldly moves forward. We should not forget about existing experience and accumulated knowledge, but the reality is that it is worth taking into account the changes that are taking place. The world does not stand still, we need to adapt to this. You need to be ready for change in order to switch to new tasks and change behavior tactics;
  • Receives criticism adequately. You can't dwell on negative emotions. Only a positive person earns the sympathy and respect of others;
  • Listens to others, respects their opinions, takes into account the mood of the group. You shouldn’t ignore people’s advice; be sure to pay attention to their emotional state. People often need support to stay productive at work. Communication skills are an essential quality of a leader;
  • Engaged in self-improvement. Only a self-confident person, passionate about his own business, can earn authority. He is ready to leave his comfort zone and strives for new knowledge and experience.

Characteristics of leadership

Leadership is a complex process of influencing people to achieve organizational goals. There are several important signs of leadership:

  • it is designed to influence employees to encourage them to be active;
  • designed to make other employees want to work;
  • focused on achieving a common goal that unites all team members;
  • forms followers who can become independent leaders in the future;
  • strives for self-organization within the team, streamlining all processes; sensitively captures the needs of those involved in the zone of influence.

What is leadership?

Leadership is the social influence of a person on a team, which is expressed in the support of his endeavors from other people. They follow their leader, listening to his every word. This phenomenon is much older than humans as a biological species. Many collective animals have leaders who lead the rest of their brethren. For this, the leaders receive a number of privileges, which are expressed in the best place to rest, in more prey, in the best females.

Of course, we are talking about primitive instincts, but many parallels can be drawn in human society. True, unlike the animal world, a person can achieve leadership without having outstanding physical characteristics or aggressiveness. Very often, the “first violins” are played by smart people, with developed intellect and broad erudition. Let's talk about what else helps you become a leader and organize the activities of other people.

Leadership typology

There are different models of leadership in organizations. The division is carried out according to several criteria.

Depending on the influence mechanisms used, the following are distinguished:

  • formal leadership - leaders become leaders by appointment, this concept is identical with official leadership, real power is in his hands, which he exercises within the framework of his powers, the impact on the team is carried out through disciplinary measures;
  • informal leadership - influence on people is exerted not through administrative resources, but due to the personal characteristics of the leader.

By style of behavior there are:

  • authoritarian - all management in the organization is concentrated in the hands of one person, who expects unquestioning obedience and execution of his orders; the initiative of other team members is not encouraged;
  • democratic - involves the distribution of duties and responsibilities between all members of the team, communication ties within the team are developed, key decisions are made jointly;
  • liberal - the leader delegates most of the powers to his followers, often withdrawing from solving assigned tasks, entrusting them to members of the team.

Depending on the personality characteristics of the leader:

  • charismatic - the leader has abilities that he uses to organize the work of the team;
  • situational, in which the leader can easily adapt to constant changes in the organization, can engage in reform, and is not afraid of innovative ideas;
  • attributive, which involves building detailed cause-and-effect relationships, their analysis, an analytical mindset, and a tendency to painstaking and monotonous work.

Depending on the focus, leadership is divided into:

  • aimed at people, in which the well-being of employees and their job satisfaction are put above all else, a lot of attention is paid to the psychological climate in the team;
  • aimed at the interests of the organization, when all forces and means are aimed at achieving the set goals.

Psychological types of leaders

The behavior of a leader in groups, as a rule, is determined by his psychological type.

Social psychologists (R. Ziller et al.) have developed the following psychological typology of the personality of leaders based on research into self-esteem and the complexity of the self-concept.
Apolitical leaders
are those with high self-esteem and high self-concept complexity who assimilate new information concerning them without threatening their self-concept.
Pragmatic leaders.
These are leaders with low self-esteem and high self-concept complexity, who are able to listen to the opinions of other people and modify their behavior based on feedback.
Leaders-ideologists .
Leaders with high self-esteem and low self-concept complexity who are weak or unresponsive to the opinions of others.
Their cognitive processes and behavior are very rigid, and their self-esteem is extremely stable (“stubborn”). Indeterministic
leaders are individuals with low self-esteem and low self-concept complexity who respond intensely to a narrow range of social stimuli. D. Keirsey's approach to understanding psychological types is widely known and actively used in psychological practice.

Based on his knowledge of the characteristics of temperament, he identifies the following four types of leaders. Intuitive-emotional type .

This is a catalyst; its main feature is its focus on interpersonal relationships and stimulation of the individual and professional growth of each person with whom he collaborates. This is the most democratic of leaders. He is attentive to the personal problems and interests of employees and is primarily concerned with solving these problems, realizing the potential of each team member, and only then thinks about the documentation and architecture of the system. In the organization he heads there is an atmosphere of freedom, independence and initiative, which he constantly cultivates and supports. He is flexible in communication and transformation and succeeds in creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding. He is an optimist by nature, tireless in his desire to develop and improve the abilities of his employees, knows how to note the best aspects of their professional and personal qualities, and evaluate them according to their merits. At the same time, he is very sensitive to misunderstanding, reacts painfully to the lack of feedback, and is discouraged and upset about this. He is unable to understand why his “too free” or undisciplined employees do not perform their duties properly.

27 pages, 13368 words

The concept of utility in value theory and its critics

J. Viner ■ The utility concept in value theory and its critics J. VINER The utility concept in value theory and its critics * Utility theory is, first of all, an attempt to explain price formation from the point of view of psychology. In the history of value theory one can find some traces of recognition of the existence of psychological factors that determine price. But for our immediate task...

He takes negative feedback about the work of the entire system personally, which leads him to disappointment and a feeling of disintegration. His strength lies in his ability to persuade and collaborate. His weakness is an excessive personal approach to problems and sometimes an unwillingness to meet people halfway. Intuitive-logical type .

This leader is characterized by the desire to develop concepts for the development of the organization he leads: to outline the main provisions of the project, draw up the ideological skeleton of the upcoming program of action, show ingenuity in the field of intellectual creativity and predict the effective use of resources. All this gives him great pleasure. Difficulties do not frighten him; he is always ready to defend the fidelity of the principles of his system against opponents of any rank. He has the ability to plan the future of his organization (though without going into unnecessary details) and moves forward so quickly that he His followers literally cannot keep up with him. The ability to dispassionately change the established order of cabbage soup, abandoning routine and relying on one’s own remarkable intellectual abilities is a guarantee of his success. At the same time, he is unable and fundamentally unwilling to communicate and cooperate with intellectually unexpressive people.

6 pages, 2758 words


... management Leadership is a type of management interaction (in this case between the leader and followers), based on the most effective combination of various sources of power for a given situation ... and aimed at encouraging people to achieve common goals. Leadership...

He is not attentive enough to the feelings of others and is overly immersed in work. Unable to relax. He quickly loses interest in a project that has already been created in conceptual terms and least of all wants to spend his time putting it into practice. His strength lies in his ability to think logically and strategically. His weakness is imagining things to be more complicated than they really are and being intolerant of incompetence. He is not afraid to be “alone against the crowd.” Sex-determining type .

An exceptionally tough and reliable partner. His word is law, and all actions will be carried out exactly on time, as planned by prior agreement. He is able to take into account numerous significant details and details of an operation or technology, and takes the preservation of material resources extremely seriously, as well as the traditions and sales established in his system. The proven order at the enterprise that has been established over many years is of independent value to him, especially in comparison with the dubious and always risky prospects for changes and reforms. He is the guarantor of the stability of the enterprise. It fits perfectly into the activities of law enforcement agencies, the education and medical systems, production, and the service sector.

This type of leader can become a stumbling block for a developing organization, when every innovation introduced will encounter stiff resistance. He is distrustful of all kinds of “psychological things” and “racing matters,” although he, more than anyone else, needs the advice of an experienced psychologist and tireless work on his own personality. His advantage is a strong sense of responsibility. His weakness is his rigidity and narrow view of following rules and regulations. Sensory-perceiving type.

The most striking feature of this type of leader is the ability to live, guided by the “here and now” principle. Such a leader is indispensable in a situation where it is necessary to instantly respond to changes one after another; at a time of risk and danger, when the success of an enterprise hangs by a thread and everything depends on the impeccable precision of actions; in an organization suffering from a bloated bureaucracy, or in an atmosphere of increasingly complex interpersonal relationships that make it difficult to work effectively. Devoid of sentimental romanticism, practical, sensible leaders of this type are guided by the criterion of expediency and trust only their own impulses. Areas where they perfectly realize their abilities are law enforcement agencies, professional sports, search and rescue services.

At the same time, routine everyday activities are not for them, punctual adherence to a detailed plan is not their role. They may be inattentive to the letter of the law, no matter what this law applies to - nature or society. Being taciturn, focused on clear actions, they do not delve into the complex and often contradictory area of ​​​​the spiritual life of their followers - they simply do not have time for this. Their strength lies in their ability to easily perform a variety of tasks; their weakness is that they are not interested in everyday work, that they do not know how to think broadly. In a different approach, social psychologists identify the following ten types of leadership. Sovereign

- otherwise, “patriarchal overlord.”
The leader in the form of a strict but beloved father. Able to suppress negative emotions and instill self-confidence in people. He is promoted to leadership on the basis of love and is revered. The leader -
in him the followers see the expression of their desires, corresponding to a certain group standard.
The personality of the leader is the bearer of such standards. Members of the group try to imitate him. Tyrant -
becomes a leader because he instills in his followers a sense of obedience and unaccountable fear.

A tyrant leader is a dominant, authoritarian person who is usually feared and obeyed eiv.y. Organizer

- unites followers, acts as a force to maintain the self-concept and satisfy everyone’s needs.
Able to relieve feelings of guilt and anxiety. He is respected. Seducer -
becomes a leader by playing on the weaknesses of others.
Acts as a “magical force”, giving vent to the suppressed emotions of other people. Prevents conflicts, relieves tension. They adore him and often do not notice all his shortcomings. A hero
is a leader who sacrifices himself for others.
Pure 1 expressively manifests itself in situations of group protest. His courage brings people together. They are guided by it, they see in it the standard of justice. And he knows how to captivate others with him.. A bad example
- acts as a source of contagion for a conflict-free personality, charges others emotionally.
An idol
attracts, attracts, charges followers with positive energy.
He is loved, idolized, idealized. The Outcast
the Scapegoat are
essentially anti-leaders. They serve as the object of aggressive tendencies, due to which group emotions develop. Often a group unites to fight an anti-leader, and as soon as he disappears, the group disintegrates, since the general group incentive has disappeared. The general psychological type of a leader consists of components. These include:

  • emotionality 'emotional leader);
  • efficiency (business leader);
  • awareness (information leader).

Emotional Leader.

The heart of the group.
This is an individual to whom each member of the group can turn for sympathy, “cry and cry.” Business leader.
Group hands.
Able to organize a business, establish the necessary relationships, and ensure the success of the business. Information leader.
The brain of the group.
Everyone turns to him with questions. He is erudite, knows everything, can explain and help find the necessary information. Leader behavior in groups is characterized by certain styles, some of which are considered classic. ; Authoritarian style -
strict individual adoption of all decisions by the leader (minimum democracy), strict constant control over the implementation of decisions (maximum control);
suppression of the initiative of followers, lack and even ignoring of interest in followers as individuals, their needs, and their individual characteristics. Pronounced orientation towards the task, endowment. Cooperative (collegial, participatory, democratic) style
- decision-making based on discussion of the problem, taking into account the opinions and initiative of followers (maximum democracy); implementation of decisions by both parties, i.e. leader and followers (maximum control); the leader's interest and benevolent attention to the personalities of followers, taking into account their interests, needs, and psychological characteristics. Pronounced people orientation.

The role of leadership in an organization

The role of leadership is difficult to overestimate; without it, an organization is doomed to stagnation at best, and to cease to exist at worst. Leadership coordinates all processes occurring within and directs them in the most favorable direction for everyone. It often has a more effective impact on employees than a clearly organized vertical of power in the company.

The leader fully participates in the functioning of the organization, setting goals, formulating tasks, and finding ways to solve them.

Sometimes, from the leadership side, the true needs of the organization are seen from a different perspective, which allows them to be satisfied faster.

Unites managers and subordinates, encouraging them to concentrate efforts to solve common problems. It is possible that it will be difficult for both sides; leadership influence should smooth out all the rough edges, find compromises, help avoid conflicts or find the right ways out of conflict situations.

Actively participates in personnel selection. The success and advancement of the organization depends on this, so an informal assessment of a potential employee benefits all parties in the work process.

Leadership is intrinsically linked to corporate culture. It forms and develops it, creates and maintains corporate values ​​in the team.

Leadership roles are not always clearly regulated; they can be expressed in spontaneously organized measures of support, positive influence, inspiration for new achievements, and de-escalation of the work environment. The mood of employees is one of the main forces that allows them to cope with difficulties and achieve their goals.

Leadership and communication skills

Books, Library » Effective Leadership » Communication Mastery
© Brian Tracy

Fragment of the book by Br. Tracey. How the best manage. - M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2020.

A book for anyone who wants to develop leadership and management skills. In it, business guru Brian Tracy offers strategies for top executives and business owners that enable them to achieve amazing results. With this practical guide, everyone can become a better, more effective manager.

Be a master of communication

A leader's success is 85 percent dependent on communication skills. Everything you achieve in life is somehow connected to other people, which is why they determine 85 percent of your happiness and achievements. The quality of your life and relationships in all their diversity depends on the quality of communication. Fortunately, this skill can be acquired.

When interacting with others, you have five goals:

  1. You need to gain love and respect, which increases your self-esteem and also makes others want to listen to you rather than ignore you.
  2. You need to earn people's recognition of your value and importance in order to increase your own self-esteem and give others a reason to listen to you.
  3. You need to learn how to win people over to your side, sell them products, services, ideas.
  4. You need to learn how to convince people to change their minds and cooperate with you to achieve your goals.
  5. Overall, you will have to gain more personal power and influence in various relationships, personal and business.

This is the path to success in leadership, life and love.

Aristotle's rhetoric: three components of communication

According to Aristotle, there are three methods of persuading listeners:

  1. Ethos
    is the demonstration of the speaker's personal qualities to convince people that he is worth listening to.
  2. Pathos
    is an appeal to the listener's feelings.
  3. Logos
    is persuasion through logical constructions (the least important component!).

All three components are involved in constructive communication. First, the speaker has the trust and respect necessary to be listened to. Secondly, in the process of communication, the speaker appeals to the feelings of the listeners. Third, the message being communicated, whether presented in informal conversation, formal speech, or other form, is carefully researched, logically ordered, and effectively communicated.

Four paths to persuasion

There are four keys to your listeners' hearts that you can use to become more effective persuaders. They are called the four "P's".

  1. Positioning
    is about building trust. Reputation is very important so that people want to listen to your words with interest.
  2. Performance
    means that in the eyes of your audience you appear to be competent in your field, someone with experience and knowledge.
  3. Personal Power
    is a measure of how much power and control you have over people, money, or resources.
  4. Politeness
    is your kindness, politeness and respect towards others.

In traditional organizational cultures, built on hierarchy and control, personal power was perhaps the most important argument of persuasion. When the boss spoke, they listened to him. And although power today largely influences the desire to listen to you, now you can no longer convince people simply by ordering them to accept some idea. Employees who do not believe in the goal set for them will work with lukewarmness, forcing themselves to carry out the orders of their boss.

As for good manners, it is necessary to take into account that human relationships and interactions are greatly influenced by sympathy. The more people like you, the more willing they are to be persuaded and influenced. This is one of the keys to effective communication.

In addition, it is absolutely necessary to be credible and competent. Even if they like you, people may doubt that you have enough experience, knowledge or information to give weight to what you say. The ability to inspire trust plays a huge role in persuasion, influence and effective communication. You should think about how much the interlocutor sympathizes and trusts you and your words.

Everything is important! Every little thing either helps or hurts you. All your actions and words build or destroy trust in you. All nuances are noticed and taken into account. Focus on building a reputation for yourself as someone who is honest and reliable. People will buy more, at a higher price, from a person or company they trust than from someone who offers a better, cheaper product or service but whom they do not trust.

Appearance should help create a favorable impression

Oddly enough, appearance greatly influences the ability to inspire trust, both positively and negatively. To communicate effectively, you need to look the part. People base their ideas about you 95 percent on visual impressions. For example, it takes just four seconds to form a first impression.

And for the interlocutor to finally form a first impression, it will take only
30 seconds
. Once people have formed an idea about you, they begin to look for reasons to justify and reinforce it. At the same time, they reject information that contradicts it.

Therefore, try to dress for success! 95 percent of your impression depends on how you dress, because clothes cover most of your body.

My advice to you is to buy and read books and articles on how to dress to make the right impression and look convincing in any situation. Observe the most successful and respected people around you, notice how they dress. Let them be your role models; adopt their way of dressing and grooming.

Thorough preparation is a sign of professionalism

Having an acceptable appearance helps you pass the first trust test. But if you are clearly not prepared for the speech or are confused, then trust will immediately evaporate. Prepare diligently for every important meeting, especially business ones. You must come to all meetings fully armed. Remember: the interlocutor will immediately notice your good preparation and will gain more confidence in you. Lack of preparation is also noticeable, and you will immediately lose yourself in the eyes of your interlocutor.

Emotional intellect

In 1995, psychologist Daniel Goleman wrote a book, Emotional Intelligence, in which he argued that emotional intelligence is more important than IQ. The scientist concluded that the ability to persuade people is the highest form of emotional intelligence and serves as the true measure of human effectiveness.

*Published in Russian: Goleman D.

Emotional intellect.
Why it may matter more than IQ. M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2013. Note.
ed. This conclusion raises the question: how do you communicate your ideas to others, gain their support, and develop your ability to communicate, influence, and persuade?

In any actions, people are guided by their own considerations, not yours. Motivation requires motive

. For constructive communication, you will need to find out the true motives of the interlocutor. And to do this, you will have to abstract from your “I” and penetrate into the thoughts, soul and circumstances of your interlocutor. Focus on his needs and desires, not yours.

Ability to persuade

You will only be able to persuade and influence people if they believe that you can do something with or for them, or if they believe that you can keep them out of trouble or in some way. way to prevent them from happening.

Usually we are motivated by two factors: the desire for profit

(physical, material, financial and psychological) and
fear of loss (
physical, material, financial and psychological). Moreover, the second factor acts 2.5 times stronger than the first. If you offer a person a dollar, then the strength of his desire for benefit will be one. And if you threaten to take away his dollar, then the fear of loss will stimulate him 2.5 times more. The threat of loss evokes very strong emotions. So, it's all a matter of perception: your ability to influence the other person and convince him to do what you want depends on whether he believes that you are going to help or harm him.

Human behavior is largely determined by expediency

. This means that most of us are guided by the consideration of whether it makes sense to do something or act in a certain way. The expediency of any action is determined quite simply: a person always strives to get what he wants as quickly and in a simple way as possible, while he cares little about how this action will affect his future. Therefore, for the purpose of persuasion, present your idea or proposal to the interlocutor as an expedient way to achieve his personal and professional goals.

Give your interlocutor a sense of self-importance

The deepest need of human nature is to feel valued and important. You can evoke this feeling in your interlocutor by increasing his self-esteem in every possible way and improving his self-image.

Imagine that every employee in your company wears a sign around their neck all day long that says, “Make me feel important!” No matter who you communicate with, you need to respond to this request every time. Always strive to make people feel like they are valuable and important members of the team.

Four tips on how to increase your interlocutor's self-esteem

You can create a sense of self-worth in people through four key actions. Do them every day and you will achieve your goal.

Express your gratitude.

Whenever possible, thank each person for everything they do and for fulfilling their responsibilities - be they significant or not. When you say “thank you” to a person, his self-esteem increases, he is exalted in his own eyes and feels appreciated. In addition, he wants to do more of what he was thanked for. A boss who shows appreciation is one of the most effective leaders in any organization.

Show approval.

You can create a sense of self-worth in a person by expressing approval. Do not skimp on praise, celebrate every achievement, even small ones. Praise people for working hard, for having a good suggestion or idea, and especially for doing something above and beyond their job description. Praise them immediately, specifically pointing out the merit, and regularly.

Praise has a beneficial effect on a person’s physical and emotional state. His self-esteem grows, he feels happy and again performs the act for which he was praised. After all, self-esteem depends on how much a person feels worthy of praise.

Express admiration.

This is another way to increase employee self-esteem. As Abraham Lincoln said, “Everyone loves a compliment.” Always say something nice to people; the reason for a compliment can be, for example, such personal qualities as punctuality and perseverance, personal property - clothes, cars and accessories; and achievements in work and personal life.

By admiring something about your interlocutor, you increase his value in your own eyes; he feels happier and his commitment to you and the company increases.

Pay attention.

Perhaps the most important thing in communicating with people is to show attention to them. This means listening to your employees if they want to talk to you. Do this patiently, silently, calmly, thoughtfully, without interrupting. By the way, it is not at all necessary to implement all the ideas or suggestions of your interlocutors; it is enough to simply listen carefully, nod, smile and thank them for their contribution to the common cause. People get great satisfaction from being able to have a genuine conversation with their manager or someone important to them. Of course, while listening, you comprehend the words of your interlocutor and may decide that his ideas or suggestions would be nice to implement. Don't just feign attention; good listeners always hear what is said to them.

Leaders are listeners. The ability to listen unlocks the gift of persuasion and promotes effective communication. Four Tips on How to Become a Better Listener


listen carefully. Lean your whole body forward. Don't interrupt. By listening carefully, you increase the self-esteem of the interlocutor and make him feel important.


pause before answering. You will benefit threefold from this:

  1. Avoid the risk of interrupting your interlocutor if he just paused to collect his thoughts.
  2. Think more deeply about your interlocutor’s words.
  3. By your silence you will show that you are carefully aware of what is being said, which will also increase the interlocutor’s sense of self-worth.


, ask clarifying questions. You should not hope that you accurately understood the interlocutor; be sure to ask again:

  • What do you have in mind? What exactly do you mean by this?
  • So what did you do?
  • How did you feel about this?

Remember that the one who asks the questions has power over the one who answers them.


make comments. Retell what you heard in your own words. This is the ultimate test of listening skills.

Be sincere

Masters of communication know that for effective communication it is very important to understand what feelings the interlocutor is experiencing. But you need to approach emotions with a pure heart. If your words are false, if you pretend to express gratitude, approval or admiration, people will notice. Emotional reactions are associated with a feeling of trust. If you don't believe your own words, don't expect others to.

According to UCLA professor Albert Mehrabian, there are three elements to any conversation:

  1. Gestures and facial expressions convey 55 percent of the information communicated.
  2. Tone conveys 38 percent of the message.
  3. Words are only 7 percent of information!

This means that no matter what you say, your gestures, facial expressions and tone will still give you away. Therefore, there is no need to pretend.

Put your words into the right form: three tools for successful communication

  1. In one-on-one conversations, ask questions, listen, and present your ideas.
  2. Speaking in front of a group requires careful preparation and good presentation skills.
  3. A letter or written report can make or break a business communication; compose them carefully.

Luckily, all of these skills can be learned and improved through practice.

Five conditions for an effective presentation

We list what conditions must be met for the presentation to be successful.

  1. Prepare thoroughly in advance; 90 percent of the effectiveness of a presentation comes from preparation.
  2. Present your point of view to the audience; At the beginning of your presentation, clearly state your main idea or purpose.
  3. State the arguments in favor of your point of view.
  4. Provide evidence for your words.
  5. Reiterate your point and call to action.

Time-tested speech plan

There are many books devoted to techniques for effective speaking, but they can all be boiled down to a simple three-point formula:

  1. Announce what you will talk about.
  2. State your message.
  3. Explain your message by summarizing your main points and provide a call to action.

Remember expediency

If you want to influence people to benefit your business, always remember to be expedient. This is especially true for companies that sell their product. After all, people make purchasing decisions after evaluating whether your offer is the best way to get what they want right now! I'll give you some tips on how to convince people of the feasibility of your proposal.

  1. Provide evidence by mentioning other people who bought your product or agreed with your idea and were happy with it. Show names, photos and reviews of satisfied customers.
  2. Create a desire to make a purchase. Try to be more persuasive by focusing on the benefits for the client, how they will benefit from it.
  • Explain to the other person how they will benefit from your product, service or idea.
  • Hint about shortages. Often you can increase the desire to buy by hinting at a limited quantity of the product (or a limited quantity at a given price).
  • Show contrast. Compare the price of your offer and a similar one that costs significantly more so that the client can look at your price in a broader context and want to buy.
  1. Ask to buy your product or service; don't wait for people to do it themselves.
  2. Promise customers superior quality and excellent service.

Without the ability to communicate, you cannot become a leader.
If you are unable to get people to listen to you, no one will follow you. Today, resolve to become a master of effective communication. Read books on this topic, take courses, and most importantly, practice, practice, and practice some more! © Br. Tracey. How the best manage. — M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2015. © Published with permission of the publisher

Leadership, power, management

Leadership, power and management are close, but not identical concepts. Power is associated with leadership and is always directed from top to bottom. Leadership can come from below and span all layers of the organization. It can merge with power, possess its features, partially use its methods, but it tries never to use external force.

Management is a management system that implements the tasks set by the management of the organization.

Managers act according to established plans and schedules. Manager's tasks: fulfill instructions, achieve certain indicators. They act out of necessity, not out of their own desires. Management uses effective leverage over employees and exercises control over all processes.

A leader must have a sense of time and regulate the speed of movement

A leader must lead people from the front. But at the same time, the leader should not break away from people too far, otherwise it will turn out that he turns around and finds that no one is following him. A leader must lead them out, which means he must bring people along with him. And he must walk at such a pace that they can keep up with him. Leadership involves maintaining a delicate balance between impatience and patience. If you go too fast, people will start to resist. If too leisurely, they will wallow in complacency.

Leadership management in an organization

Managing an organization's leadership includes several important elements:

  1. Actions aimed at identifying leaders in the organization. It is necessary to find those who already have a sufficient set of knowledge and skills or are potentially ready to develop them in themselves.
  2. Establishing interaction with employees in order to find out their needs, wishes, and provide motivation.
  3. Creating conditions for deepening and developing leadership skills.
  4. Provide opportunities to receive additional education and deepen knowledge.

Leader as an integral part of effective management

Effective management of an organization is not possible without a leader.

The role of a leader as an integral part of an organization’s management system can be assessed in the following five areas:

1. The role of the leader in managing organizational culture

Leadership and culture are two interrelated concepts. Organizational culture is a constantly developing and improving social phenomenon.

Leadership can, first of all, be perceived as a process of improving organizational culture, allowing for the development of elements that, taken together, will ensure the effective functioning of the organization in achieving strategic goals. If there is no concern about increasing the effectiveness of organizational activities, then the leader’s influence on organizational culture becomes meaningless.

Given the above-mentioned role of a leader, his tasks are:

· Identification of unique features of subcultures of various stable social groups and integration of these features into the leading culture.

· Cultivation of cultural traits that determine the effectiveness of the organization (through motivation and training of staff).

· Changing those features of the general culture or subculture of a particular group that interfere with the effective functioning of the organization.

2. The role of the leader in communication management

The special role of the leader in managing communication (both in the organization itself and among its members who communicate with representatives of the external environment) is determined by the cyclical nature of communication. The communication cycle can be either positive (strengthening mutual trust, increasing the volume of information) or negative (declining mutual trust, limiting the volume of information).

The purpose of any communication is the exchange of information that is of particular interest for the realization of the goals of the individuals involved in this communication.

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