Characteristics of kinesthetics. How to communicate with kinesthetic learners?

Who is a kinesthetic learner?

A kinesthetic person is a person who perceives the world tactilely; he relies on the organs of touch.

Note! Such people strive to violate the personal space of others, because for them it is important to touch, touch. When they see a new object, they don’t just look at it, but rather try to touch it. This is the only way they can form an opinion about him.

The definition makes it clear what kinesthetics are. The category is often used as a synonym for touch. Kinesthetics is one of the channels of information perception in psychology. There are also visual and auditory ways of cognition.

What is kinesthetics?

  • tactile sensations;
  • facial expressions.

Types of perception

The world is huge and diverse: each object or phenomenon is perceived through different receivers or analyzers, one of which is always leading.

When reading printed information, we rely more on vision, when eating - on taste sensations, hugging a person, we perceive him through the body, tactile contact.

Man with a magnifying glass

There are several classifications of types of perception:

By modality:

  1. visual – creating a visual image:
  2. auditory – receptivity to sounds;
  3. tactile perception – reading information about the environment through tactile sensations;
  4. olfactory – distinguishing odors;
  5. gustatory – building an image using taste sensations.

Depending on the host analyzer:

  1. Simple sight is sight, hearing and touch. All healthy people have this type of perception. Depending on which analyzer a person uses most often, he is classified as a group of people with the corresponding type of perception: kinesthetic (sensations, movement) - a person (he is called a kinesthetic) reads information, relying most on the movement of objects, the sensations that these objects call. In his speech the words “take”, “grasp”, “try”, “feel”, “feel” are constantly heard;
  2. auditory (sound) - most of the perception of the world occurs through hearing. Such people often say “I hear”, “listen”, “listen”, “sounds” and others;
  3. visual (vision) – the leading receiver is the eyes: “I see”, “I look”, “I imagine”.

Thus, by listening to how a person speaks, one can calculate his individual type of simple perception. This knowledge will help solve the eternal problem of interaction - the inability to understand each other. The latter occurs precisely because of different abilities to “see” the world.

  • Complex - is a combination of two or more types of perception in different combinations: for example, visual-auditory or visual-motor-auditory. This happens if an individual uses a particular pair or triple of analyzers equally often.
  • A special type is a specific perception, the process of which depends on the perceived object: whether you are listening to music, eating something, or trying to calculate time and space, or maybe analyzing someone’s attitude towards you - each situation “requires” its own approach. You cannot taste the music, smell the text and tell what it is about, or draw a conclusion about the softness of an object without touching it.
  • By updating method:

    Perception in psychology can also be voluntary or involuntary . The first necessarily has a goal, intention and awareness of actions. For example, a child reads a book and understands why he is doing it. He directs all his attention to this activity, focuses his vision on the letters, and holds the textbook in his hands.

    Involuntary perception is caused by the environment, not by the individual's goals. A striking example: the reaction of the leg to a neurologist’s hammer, with which he hits under the kneecap to check physiological reactions.

    Characteristics of personality type

    How to change yourself and your character for the better

    How to determine kinesthetics:

    • When communicating, he practically does not look into the eyes, chooses a certain point and concentrates attention on it, usually his gaze is lowered;
    • Tries to immediately begin action and does not tolerate slowness. Sluggishness leads to irritation;
    • The speech is filled with phrases describing the external characteristics of an object, for example, warm, slippery, smooth;
    • Every meal turns into a ritual, it is important to feel every bite and enjoy it to the fullest;
    • During a conversation, he can switch off, as he is prone to constant internal experiences.

    Who is a kinesthetic person, the main manifestations in appearance:

    • Old clothes, worn-in shoes, because they are comfortable and familiar. After all, comfort comes first for him;
    • Fussy movements, constantly feeling the need to touch something, stroke the surface of the table or feel the edge of the tablecloth;
    • Facial wrinkles near the nose, hostility and aggression are often expressed by a grimace of disgust.


    A kinesthetic person is usually a calm and balanced person. Such people do not stand out from others because they do not feel the need for everyone's attention. They are comfortable in their environment. They are often attacked by a melancholic mood, but it also goes away suddenly.

    Kinesthetic woman

    A kinesthetic woman is sensual and emotional. She is easily vulnerable, but undemanding. Social status is not important to her, the main thing is how she feels. If she is comfortable and comfortable, she is happy. In her actions she relies on intuition, she is open in communication, therefore she easily makes contact and rapprochement. Such a woman is kind and affectionate and easily attracts men.

    Kinesthetic women do not like to have long conversations; they prefer to relax and enjoy every moment of life. Physical contact is important to them, so that close people are nearby.

    Note! Women act immediately, without wasting time on thinking, especially if their intuition tells them that this is the right step.

    Kinesthetic man

    Kinesthetic men always greet people with handshakes or hugs, because touch is important to them. They usually choose one person for communication; they do not feel the need to be the center of attention. They appreciate delicious food and drinks.

    Psychological portrait of a kinesthetic man:

    • It is difficult for him to hide his emotions and feelings. Even if he tries to be indifferent, his state of mind is visible to others;
    • He is impulsive, quick-tempered, but also cools down quickly;
    • A man demands respect for his feelings, which exist only in the present moment, for them there is no past or future;
    • He is a man of few words, he would rather remain silent, but he will express his feelings through actions and touches.

    Child is kinesthetic

    All children are kinesthetic learners. At first, they can only experience the world through touch. They touch surrounding objects, taste them, recognize their mother by smell. Gradually, new opportunities for interaction with reality appear. Kinesthetics fade into the background, but not for everyone. Some remain dependent on tactile contact.

    Features of child kinesthetics:

    • It is better to remember new things while moving; what remains is not a detailed perception, but a general impression;
    • Free time is spent doing physical activities, running, jumping;
    • Easily distracted because it is difficult for him to concentrate;
    • When talking, looks down, especially when starting a dialogue;
    • He perceives information better through physical contact, for example, when his hand is held.

    Child holding hands

    Who is a visual person?

    People of this psychotype have a number of special traits:

    • Love for cleanliness and order . Guess whose office desk will be cleaned the cleanest, on whose closet shelf even the socks will be kept in line? Of course, the visual artist will make a lot of necessary and unnecessary efforts to make everything look perfect. Don’t be angry with him for this neatness and don’t be annoyed if he demands the same from you: it’s better to ask him to help. Then everyone will be happy with the result.
    • Most visual people have fairly clear diction , have good command of their voice, and their speech is well-directed. They make acquaintances easily, join in any conversation, grasp the topic of conversation on the fly - and immediately forget it. Therefore, if you want a visual learner to remember something, don’t stop him from writing it down, even right during the conversation. The dullest pencil is always better than the sharpest memory - and for visual learners it works poorly without figurative reinforcement written down on paper.
    • A true visual artist can be easily identified by their clothes : they are always neat and well ironed. And the visual artist has a sense of beauty and style - he always dresses well and with taste. But we are not talking about comfort in clothes. A visual woman will put on heels without any doubt if she knows that it makes her look more attractive - even if she wears them all day and is dead tired by the evening. An impossibly tight corset for a party, in which it is difficult to eat, drink and even breathe? Please! A beautifully colored nylon shirt in which the body does not breathe and which is difficult to wear even for half an hour? Yes too! Albeit at the expense of comfort, but at least with joy from the resulting image. And for visual people, they always come out well thought out and bright.
    • Visual people , almost the only ones of all personality types, know how and love to maintain their posture . They only had to see once in childhood what a hunched back looks like from the side - and they will overcome themselves, but will not allow themselves to shrink into a question mark.

    If you want to throw a festive dinner for your visual, don’t worry about the richness of the dishes, but about the beauty of the table. They love table settings that look aesthetically pleasing—well-chosen colors, sizes, shapes. Yes, and a visual person will accept gifts in packaging with much greater joy than things simply given sincerely without proper registration.

    All these features, in general, are quite logical; Lots of people have them. In addition to small oddities, visual learners also have many advantages. For example, a visual child at school is not distracted by a noisy class, so he solves the problem written on the board faster than anyone else. If you are a visual person, you will have no problem making a good first impression at an interview or on a first date. All these are the strengths of the psychotype, which should be used when solving life problems.

    How to treat kinesthetic learners

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    When communicating with kinesthetic learners, it is better to adhere to certain rules:

    • Use touch to bring you back to dialogue. Kinesthetic learners tend to drop out of the conversation, immersing themselves in their own thoughts;
    • Remember delicious food. The way to the heart of kinesthetics is through the stomach;
    • Give pleasant little things, for example, eau de toilette, incense sticks, candles. Despite the fact that they are not picky about clothes, they can wear things for years, and have a weakness for pleasant aromas;
    • Do not take personal items or move them. Kinesthetics have an order where each object has its own place, even if from the outside it looks like chaos. It is important for them to have everything at hand;
    • Create comfortable indoor conditions. At the same time, cleanliness is not in the foreground. The main thing is to create comfort so that it is fresh and warm.

    Kinesthetic children require special treatment:

    • There is no need to be afraid to spoil your child with hugs and kisses. There is no such thing as too much attention for them. On the contrary, a lack of affection will lead to the child withdrawing from adults and withdrawing into himself;
    • Buy quality bedding and clothing. It is important for a child not only to feel warm, but also to feel comfortable. The main thing is that it feels good when it comes into contact with the skin. Therefore, preference should be given to natural materials;
    • When choosing among clubs and sections, preference should be given to dancing, swimming, and martial arts;
    • Typically, kinesthetic children are perceived as disorganized people. In fact, they have their own order. Among the scattered things, they will immediately find what they need. Therefore, it is necessary to agree on a position of objects that is convenient for everyone;
    • Don't forget about soft toys. Such children need the presence of a “friend” whom they can hug on occasion and take with them to bed.

    Child sleeps with a toy

    How can a kinesthetic learner achieve his goal?

    Personal effectiveness - what is it?

    Kinesthetic learners need to be constantly encouraged and pushed to achieve their goals.

    Important! It is difficult for them to concentrate and devote themselves to one activity at once, so outside support is important.

    Making a plan with daily goals will help you cope with the task. It's better to set a time to work on a specific project so that it becomes a habit. It is everyday work that will lead to the desired result.

    Kinesthetic learners at work

    It is better for kinesthetic learners to choose professions related to their peculiarities of perception of the world around them. The following areas of activity are suitable for such people:

    • Massage. Dependence on touch will allow you to realize your full potential. A kinesthetic person will be able to find pain points and work every muscle of the body;
    • Dancing. Kinesthetic people are people of action, so a profession related to constant movement will satisfy the necessary needs. In addition, in dancing there is always tactile contact, touching your own body, your partner;
    • Tasting. Those who love to savor food and drinks will shine in this area. A developed sense of smell will help you navigate the world of aromas;
    • Cosmetology. The sensations transmitted through the fingers will help to create miracles of transformation for any person.

    Any profession related to tactile perception is suitable for such people. For example, this could be working with fabric, embroidery.

    Kinesthetic learners are punctual and efficient. Everyone takes great care with themselves, taking many measurements. That's why they become engineers and builders. They do an excellent job of making and installing furniture. They often devote themselves to science, paying attention to experimental activities, and work with people. For example, they work in the field of medicine, become nurses, doctors.

    Doctor at reception

    Kinesthetic and other psychotypes cannot exist in their pure form. But one way of interacting with reality always prevails. A kinesthetic person is a person who experiences the world through smell and touch. He cannot live without tactile sensations. Therefore, comfort and convenience come to the fore in life for him. If a person tries to touch his interlocutor once again, then you should not be offended by him - this is his type of knowledge and acquaintance.

    Properties of perception

    It is customary to distinguish 7 properties of perception:

    In the Internet

    1. Selectivity is the preferential selection of one object against the background of others due to the impossibility of embracing a large number of them at the same time. In a bookstore, you will sort through books one after another to decide which one is worth buying for further reading. When you have a specific book in your hands, at that moment all attention is focused on it: the reader examines it externally, reads the title, contents, skims through. The rest seem to not exist, fade into the background. But as soon as interest in this publication disappears, attention moves to the next one. What was in the hands fades into the background.
    2. Objectivity of perception – represents the assignment of an object to a certain category of environmental objects. For example, green, round, hard and sweet is an apple, a fruit, and green, long and growls is a crocodile, an animal.
      Often the recognition process does not occur immediately: a person is forced to spend some time and additional effort to determine the type of object being studied (come closer, listen or smell).

      Recognition also divided into specific and nonspecific: the first is what is familiar to us (on the street I recognize my husband’s car). The second type helps to determine only the type of object, its superficial characteristics (on the street I see a lot of moving objects and identify them as cars, but I don’t know whose they are, their year of manufacture, history, etc.).

      In this regard, objectivity influences human behavior: if you offer him a familiar scrambled egg for dinner, the latter will be quickly eaten. In the case where we have an unfamiliar product in front of us, the majority will most likely show caution - they will be more closely interested in the proposed dish.

    3. Apperception is expressed in dependence of image formation on mental experience and personal characteristics of the individual.
      Simply put, people perceive the same object differently, based on their beliefs, attitudes, values ​​and needs. The short video below shows this property of human perception in simple pictures that everyone sees differently:
    4. Integrity is a property that demonstrates the fact that an image is always perceived as a whole based on the totality of sensations received from it. That is, it cannot be created by color or sound alone. The important factor here is movement. For example, a frog does not perceive a fly as a fly if it remains motionless, so it will not hunt it.
    5. Structurality lies in the fact that perception is not the sum of individual sensations. The image is born only through their interaction. Each element becomes significant when related to the whole. For example, a large, iron thing floating on water is a steamship, a large and iron thing on rails is a train: replacing one element changes the image. Also, when a person listens to music, he does not perceive each note separately: he hears the whole melody. Playing notes in different order and key changes the entire melody.
    6. Constancy is the relative constancy of surrounding objects. Why relative? During the day, you can clearly see that your house is blue in color, but as night falls, it turns gray. At the same time, you know for sure that the house is yours, since you do not attach importance to the fact of a change in visual perception. If this property did not exist, then with the onset of night, screams of horror and despair would be heard everywhere: people would not recognize their homes, other landmarks would be also lost.
    7. Meaningfulness is the awareness of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. For example, if we see a spoon, we immediately understand what it is for and how to use it. This confirms the fact that perception is not innate: we learn it throughout life.
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