Get a body map calibration - for healing, rejuvenation and pleasure
Calibration Film “Casino Royale” Do you notice the tick? ​​​​​​​​They used to say - a very attentive interlocutor,
Preschoolers and primary schoolchildren may find it difficult to maintain attention
Psychologists: A child’s desire to attract attention is a sign of emotional...
Recently, stories have appeared on social networks about children in elementary school who
How to leave a man and start a new life: breaking off relations with your husband without serious losses
Lung damage As mentioned above, lung tissue is devoid of nerve fibers and therefore its death
tricholomania in a child
Personal experienceTrichotillomania: I pulled out my eyelashes for ten years
What is trichotillomania and ICD code 10 Trichotillomania (code according to the international classification of diseases
Get out of chaos: is it possible to organize your life in a week?
1) Start with general cleaning. The KonMari method of the Japanese Marie can help you with this.
Man after divorce
How to maintain family relationships and keep a woman
What happens to a man after a divorce I read the following story on one of the forums.
manifestation of intolerance
Tolerance for other people's opinions is a sign of maturity
The concept of intolerance Every individual tends to be hostile towards people whose way of life is radically different
Choice of profession
Scientific research work “The problem of choosing a profession by modern teenagers”
The problem of choosing a profession arises in late adolescence and adolescence. Correct self-determination depends on
Physical abuse of children, or Confessions of a mad mother
How he infuriates me! He did everything wrong again. As if on purpose
Psychoanalysis in psychology. What is it, definition, representatives, main ideas, advantages, disadvantages, methods
Psychoanalysis: Basic concepts and ideas of psychoanalysis Mysteries of modern psychoanalysis
Definition Psychoanalysis according to Sigmund Freud is a very important part in psychology, its foundation. IN