Epilepsy. Concept. Classification. Types. Treatment of epilepsy
Idiopathic generalized epilepsy: symptoms, description, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of attacks
Causes of epilepsy As mentioned above, epilepsy is divided into 2 main types: Idiopathic and
Meditation to get rid of fear, anxiety and negative thoughts
How Anxiety Changes Your Mind Not only does anxiety make you feel bad, but
How to overcome the fear of a new job and a new team?
Advice from psychologists will help you cope with anxiety at a new job and get used to it.
Tips Why are people afraid of new jobs? How to deal with the fear of a new job New people
8 types of intelligence by G. Gardner
Bodily intelligence of a leader... or why does a business person need psychology?
[edit] General characteristics Bodily intelligence is an integral characteristic, indicating the forms of communication between the subject and
10 polite responses from the mother-in-law to all the advice and teachings on how to live correctly
Communications and manipulation: advice from psychologist Olga Yurkovskaya Rarely does anyone have luck with their mother-in-law. So that
Fear of swallowing food, how to get rid of it. Phagophobia
One of the destructive and dangerous phobias is phagophobia - a groundless, uncontrollable, panicky fear of choking.
Leadership flexibility: unproductive mental models
Skills of a 21st century teacher. Cognitive flexibility: how to quickly adapt to new standards
Even a short trip can have a beneficial effect, but it is important to follow certain conditions Irina Solomonova
topic: Man - personality lesson plan in social studies (6th grade)
What does it mean to be a person? Plan: - What does it mean to be a person? - Individuals are not born,
The reasons for low self-esteem are hidden in childhood
Methodology for diagnosing self-esteem Dembo-Rubinstein. Modification A.M. Parishioners
When we talk about personality self-esteem, the question arises about ways to identify its real level.
Why do people get divorced: the main reasons for divorces in Russia in 2020 - 2020
Reasons for breaking up relationships Statistics on family divorce indicate the following reasons: approximately 42% of couples separated