Star fever and celebrities suffering from star fever

The phrase “star sickness” is familiar to modern people and is most often used with condemnation in relation to famous people. But not everyone knows that this is a psychological term, which means one of the forms of personality disorder, which often has common features with delusions of grandeur. Let's get acquainted with the causes and symptoms of the phenomenon.

Pathos, ambition and self-confidence

Causes of star fever

  • What we are accustomed to defining by the term “star fever” is certainly not a physical illness. But it’s quite possible to call it a mental disorder leading to personality deformation and a distorted perception of oneself, others, and reality.
  • This condition is similar to narcissism , and some psychologists generally put them on the same level. And therefore, the thirst to be worshiped and expressed admiration, the irresistible desire to amaze others - all these are signs of star fever.
  • of any profession are susceptible to this star disease both a top-class mechanic and a prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater can feel like a star and indisputable authority. After all, each of them in their field can “wake up famous tomorrow.” It is this sudden not even a step, but a leap to fame that does not provide time and opportunity for adequate self-assessment, conclusions, and analysis. Such a jerk is one of the reasons for the occurrence of star fever.


  • The second reason for star fever is the increased attention of others - it flatters, intoxicates, makes you think all the time about how you look and what impression you make. push one to inflated self-esteem - in a word, any personal achievement, if assessed incorrectly, can “inflate” to painful proportions.
  • We can talk about improper upbringing, about character traits, but the decisive factor most often becomes a resounding sudden success.

Signs of star fever

So, a person suddenly felt unique and in demand, and now with all his behavior he is trying to prove that he is exactly what he is considered to be.

I am a star
I am a star

For some, this results in upswings in their profession, for others – in signs of star fever, expressed in the following:

  • His person must be the center of attention (and it doesn’t matter how this is achieved).
  • Every possible emphasis on one’s “star” status.
  • The desire to show off your popularity, appearance, etc. everywhere, in any environment, regardless of whether it is appropriate or not.
  • Other people's successes evoke in such a “star” a feeling of envy and, as a result, a barrage of derogatory criticism towards the competitor.
  • “I am a star, everything is allowed to me!” - such a person is guided by this motto, violating all conceivable and inconceivable rules, from traffic rules to norms of behavior in society
  • Relatives and friends fall out of the zone of his attention, because in...


Star fever is characteristic not only of celebrities who amaze the public with their whims and odd behavior, but also of ordinary people who begin to put themselves above others, behave provocatively, lose friends and experience many other problems. There is nothing good about this phenomenon, but a person suffering from such a disorder is unable to do otherwise. Most often, the root cause of personal deformation is success - a promotion up the personnel ladder, a well-appreciated job, a project brought to life. Praise and admiration make one’s head spin, giving a person thoughts about his own uniqueness and genius.

He begins to mistakenly live by a double standard, believing that he, a “star,” is allowed much more than “mere mortals.” This is, in general terms, star fever.

Visualization of star fever

Examples of star fever among Russian celebrities

Examples of star fever:

  • If we talk about Russian stars, the undisputed leader is Philip Kirkorov. A clear sign of stardom is an incident almost ten years ago: the slap he gave to the director’s assistant just because the lighting was supposedly too bright on him.
  • Boorish behavior towards a journalist “in a pink blouse” whose questions the star did not like is a textbook example. Then Kirkorov had to repent and behave exemplary, but after that he “lost” again, which was the result of the organizers of the music festival in Yalta and journalists. The singer also threatened to sue anyone who considers his paternity a PR stunt. In a word, Bedrosovich is no stranger to stardom.

Star Father
Star Father

  • Dmitry Pevtsov once did not treat a journalist very politely when he was filming the solemn moment of meeting the appearance of Pevtsov’s wife and their newborn son from the doors of the maternity hospital. Then it could be mistaken for nerves, worries and excess feelings.
  • But later Pevtsov’s star sickness manifested itself in full: even when acting in low-budget films, Dmitry demands to be treated (and, accordingly, paid) as a star.
  • While filming in Crimea, he demanded a higher class car than the Mercedes serving him personally, a separate menu and not just the best single suite in the city, but also a personal trailer for relaxation during filming.
  • At the same time, Pevtsov continued to reproach everyone for the fact that his living conditions and food did not meet his requirements.

Also guilty of stardom
Also guilty of stardom

  • There are many reproaches about star fever and against Yuri Antonov , who is often late, forcing himself to wait, treats his subordinates with disrespect, taking out his dissatisfaction on them.
  • In addition, he is capable of simply refusing to go to a concert or other event if he is not satisfied with the car provided.
  • It was for this reason that, having caused a scandal, he did not make it to the filming of the program, which was planned to be dedicated to his own (!) person. The filming was disrupted, and the performer’s colleagues are sure that his illness is in an already advanced phase.
  • Konstantin Khabensky himself admits that he has had star fever in the past. It manifested itself in a reluctance to communicate with the audience, to be visible. He did not exalt himself in front of his fans, but simply avoided them.
  • The artist was tensed by the desire of strangers to take pictures with him, by the attention from all sides paid to his every step. This behavior is not from conceit or arrogance, but from a desire to relax, - this is how Khabensky explained his behavior.

Star in the past
Star in the past

  • Larisa Dolina becomes more and more capricious with age. During the filming of the “Two Stars” , she demanded that artificial snow be abandoned, then in order to record the text of congratulations, she demanded that real champagne be poured into her glass, not lemonade.
  • Either the champagne turned out to be too much, or Dolina was out of sorts, but she categorically refused the second take and, being rude to the director, left.
  • about Irina Allegrova that she allows herself to snatch bouquets from the hands of fans, shout at them, thus expressing dissatisfaction, for example, with a camera flash. Apparently, the performance of the song “Empress” did not have the best effect on the singer’s psyche.
  • Unsuccessful photographs taken by Allegrova’s fan became the reason for the singer to carry out “educational work” with her, which, according to rumors, resulted in assault.
  • One of Allegrova’s latest “exploits” was hysteria with screams, tears and chases through the corridors of the Kremlin Palace. It’s hard to say who the star was chasing and what exactly didn’t suit her: light, sound, fans, her appearance.

Often rude
Often rude

  • And the singer Maxim actually canceled a concert due to the fact that she was not satisfied with the sound engineer’s control panel. She did not think about the spectators who bought tickets to her concert and were waiting for the performance.
  • Moreover, her behavior at the concert that took place the next day also went beyond all bounds of decency. Such arrogance and conceit , in the opinion of many, led to separation from her husband, but the organizers have nowhere to go - they still tolerate all the singer’s antics and provocations.
  • When football players blame the fans for their poor performance, this is also one of the signs of star fever, because there is not even an attempt to analyze the situation and be critical of oneself. A striking example is that some players of the Russian national team, after a defeat in the European championship, stated in a rather incorrect manner that their play corresponded to the level of support provided to them.
  • Zemfira (again, according to rumors) often takes it out on the staff of halls and venues, and on the organizers of her concerts. Either she is not satisfied with the size (or color, shape) of the pillows in her hotel room, or the toilet paper is not the color that the star likes.
  • The scandal over the lighting of the Jurmala stage during a rehearsal and the demand to clear the hall are clear signs of Zemfira’s star fever.

Often makes scandals
Often makes scandals

  • Singer Eva Polna becomes inadequate, having exceeded the alcohol limit , rudeness and aggression are simply “a rod” out of her, she is capable of being rude to the staff and even starting a fight, using chairs as weapons.
  • The favorite of women, Stas Mikhailov , during the filming of the “Star Factory” , showed himself to be a real boor, he was rude and threw the microphone, and during the filming of “Song of the Year” , because of his star quirks, other performers had to be evicted from the dressing rooms in order to provide Mikhailov with a personal one.
  • Mikhail Porechenkov had to fight with himself, overcoming the craving for drugs and alcohol, as companions of star fever.
  • Sati Casanova began to feel like a star in relation to her family, colleagues, and friends, to whom she was simply rude, but for Sergei Zverev , for example, “stardom” is an element of PR. The star being in shock is the “trick” that makes him recognizable.

Takt magazine

Radio City Kudrovo together with Tact magazine continue to provide useful advice. And today our guest is a man who knows how to see right through people. And this is not a magician or a person who does x-rays. Meet analytical psychologist Alexandra Sergeeva.

A.L. Alexandra good evening. A.S. Good evening. A.L. For a performance, an image is created for the artist, and sometimes more than one. Are there any techniques or recommendations on how to quickly and painlessly get used to the image, how to adapt to another image and how to get out of the image? A.S. Every person has everything. Each person is a microcosm. He has all the makings of a Chikatilo to a saint. And with a certain attitude, you can get absolutely everything out of yourself. What does it mean to not get stuck in a role? In analytical psychology there is such a thing as a persona. A persona is a kind of social mask that we put on when entering society. And this is true not only for actors, but also for any other people. Whether he is a doctor or a worker, a judge or a baker in society, he is one person, but if we bring all this home, it ruins our life and the life of our loved ones. Imagine me testing my spouse? This way we will ruin the lives of ourselves and our families. It's the same with actors. Is it important not to forget who I am? It happens, of course, that person-hijacking is when a person forgets about his humanity, and this has happened. This can help a person: remember who I am. It is important to return to your body, to get in touch with your soul, with your desires. This is even more important for actors. A.L. Often, an artist, while on stage, seems to fall into a certain stream of energy and then, in ordinary life, looks for similar recharge and does not find it. Hence alcohol, drugs, etc. How to avoid this? A.S. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with success. The fact is that after an emotional peak, there is also an emotional decline. It's a kind of wave. Everyone has such differences, but for artists the differences are much greater. How to avoid this? I will be very unoriginal and say that it is better to go to a psychologist than to go on a binge. Moreover, after drinking alcohol the situation will only get worse. A.L. Stress on stage. Very often, beginning artists on stage experience stress right during the performance. If you hit a wrong note, forgot a line of a song, saw empty seats in the front rows - anything can provoke you. Are there any techniques or exercises to improve stress resistance in such situations? A.S. I think we're talking about public speaking anxiety. And this applies not only to artists. This is the fear of the unknown. And this anxiety is absolutely normal. What to do? Honestly admit it. Our anxieties and fears become stronger the more we fight them. Anxiety is a matter of the future. What if..? We need to push this issue to the maximum. Imagine: if I go out, I’ll forget all the words, they’ll laugh at me, throw tomatoes at me, and fire me from the theater. That is, to bring the situation to the point of absurdity. As a result, you yourself will become funny. Any feeling must be experienced in order for it to pass.

Star fever among foreign celebrities

Examples of star fever:

  • Canadian pop star Justin Bieber allows himself to change orders in a restaurant several times, criticizing the food brought, while being able to throw plates on the floor.
  • Destroying a hotel room is also in the style of a star, as is hooligan behavior in nightlife establishments. And fans are sometimes forced to wait a long time for the concert to start while their idol is having fun with computer games.


  • The famous Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe , due to lack of self-confidence, decided that he was allowed to drink alcohol, and as a result, come to the set drunk, be late, and avoid communication. Fortunately, he managed to get through this difficult period and emerge victorious.
  • The requirement for a Rolls Royce and a carpet laid down when exiting it is an invariable requirement of Mariah Carey . She can give an autograph only if she is provided with an antique table, the price of which is close to 100 thousand dollars.
  • And on the road she must be accompanied by at least 20 people of her personal retinue.

Excessive requirements
Excessive requirements

  • the American Mike Myers (aka Austin Powers), producers consider his demands inadequate, and the star’s sloppiness is simply legendary.
  • His compatriot actress Lindsay Lohan has recently been more the heroine of gossip columns than film or stage news. The very first failure in her professional activity seemed to break her, turning into alcohol and later drug addiction.
  • The case sometimes resulted in detentions and even arrests, imprisonment and forced treatment. This seems to have become the impetus for understanding: in addition to the “star” life, there are other joys - universal ones. Today Lindsay is involved in charity work.

Was addicted
Was addicted

  • Justin Timberlake only black towels in his hotel room Once he practically counted the bubbles in a glass of champagne, and a few years ago the singer went so far as to simply kick people out of the elevator, deciding that he had to go alone.

Is it possible to cure star fever?

Is it possible to cure star fever by lowering a “star” from heaven to the sinful earth? the boycott announced at the time significantly reduced the popularity of the same Kirkorov, and he even made promises to behave properly. According to experts, psychotherapeutic methods should play the main role in this case.

But, as practice shows, there are other ways to get rid of star fever:

  • Set a new goal for such a “star,” which must be achieved almost “from scratch.”
  • Significantly increase the complexity of an existing task.
  • Apply a system of punishments for every violation of the limits.
  • Demote in status (for example, by giving the actor not the main, but a secondary role, and the singer - not a solo part, but a choral performance).
  • To protect from the crowd of fans who forgive the idol everything, simply isolate.

Star sickness most often turns into ambitions, which are sometimes not confirmed by anything. But it is the viewer who creates the star, and it is he who must dim a little the too bright light, which sometimes overshadows the creativity itself.

If you still decide to treat a star employee, listen to a few tips:

Psychologists consider star fever to be a narcissistic disorder, which can and should be stabilized, but only through psychotherapy. In other words, if a company is faced with such a problem, it just needs to hire psychologists to help. Unfortunately, this practice is rare in enterprises; it is somehow not customary to invite psychologists or psychotherapists to help, but, believe me, it’s worth a try. After all, you are not immune from the fact that another “star” will not appear in your team someday.

It is always better to treat star fever at an early stage. It is easier to cure a capricious little star than someone who has been working for a long time.

The cure for those who have caught the stardom virus can be to transfer an employee to one or more lower positions: the person once again goes through the same career path, but now thinking hard about his behavior.

A transfer to a fundamentally new job within the company will help: the profession is new, there are no acquaintances, it won’t be possible to become a star.

A system of “whips” is useful: for example, sanctions for violating an acceptable behavioral model strictly defined by an HR specialist.

Oddly enough, new motivation will also help. Perhaps a person has already achieved his goal, but another, higher one has not yet been set for him, so he is trying to “affirm himself from scratch.” Such “stars” can be given a position with a special title such as “specialist of the highest category”, “expert in working with key clients”, “leading manager”. In this situation, the “stardom” somehow neutralizes itself, goes into decline, and gives the “star” the opportunity to continue to bring high results.

It will also help to include a star employee in some project group to solve a particularly complex problem, so that he experiences the feeling that he does not understand all areas. A talented “star” needs to be given a slightly more difficult task than others. Then she will have no time to “star.”

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