General characteristics of human values, their role and place in the personality structure

A step-by-step guide to discovering your core values ​​and personal priorities.

8 Steps to Discover Your Core Personal Values

The secret of a happy person is great satisfaction of personal values ​​in life. And if they are not honored, then mental, physical and emotional suffering ensues.

The guide is a self-paced, step-by-step coaching that helps anyone discover their top priorities.

The importance of personal values

The importance of personal values

Values ​​are what people value, what they extol above all else. These are phenomena, ideals or objects from different areas of life that are significant for each of us.

Values ​​highlight what we stand for. It is a part of us, our unique, individual essence. Life priorities reflect our behavior ; they provide each of us with a code of conduct. And we get satisfaction if we follow and honor personal values.

Otherwise, bad habits begin to prevail, the person degrades or returns to childhood to raise self-esteem.

Title : Basic values ​​of Russians: Social attitudes. Life strategies. Symbols. Myths Author : Ryabov A.V., Kurbangaleeva E.Sh.

M.: House of Intellectual Books, 2003 .- 448 p. DjVu 7.7 mb Quality: Good quality Language: Russian

The collective monograph analyzes in detail the problem of the basic values ​​of modern Russians on the basis of original comprehensive (socio-psychological, sociological and political science) research conducted in 2001-2002 within the framework of the Tomsk Initiative project. The research results are presented and interpreted by well-known experts in two planes: analysis of the state of basic values, their “snapshot” using both established and newly introduced methods, and a forecast on this basis of trends in the development of the political consciousness of modern Russians. The Appendices provide basic data from surveys of Tomsk residents. The monograph is intended for specialists in the field of social sciences, teachers and students, as well as practicing politicians and ordinary voters - everyone who is interested in the “spiritual world” of modern Russia.



FOREWORD 7 INTRODUCTION 8 Chapter 1. BASIC VALUES AND “ANTI-VALUES” OF MODERN RUSSIANS (L. M. Smirnov) 16 Compiling a list of basic values ​​and “anti-values” 16 Steadily reproducing features of the choice of values ​​and “anti-values” 21 Chapter 2. SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS SUPPORTERS OF DIFFERENT VALUES AND OPPONENTS OF “ANTI-VALUES” 27 Significant “distortions” in the attitude of various groups of respondents to values ​​(I. G. Dubov) 27 Significant “distortions” in the attitude of various groups of respondents to “anti-values” (I. G. Dubov) 34 Values and “anti-value” preferences of supporters of political parties (E. Sh. Kurbangaleeva) 37 Chapter 3. SOCIO-CULTURAL TRANSFORMATION OF RUSSIAN SOCIETY AND PROSPECTS FOR THE FORMATION OF NEO-CONSERVATIVE SUBJECTIVITY (L. G. Challenge) 45 General statement of goals and objectives of the study 45 Basic typology of socio-ideological attitudes 5 4 Socio-ideological types and sociocultural code 66 Socio-ideological types and the modern political process. .83 Instead of a conclusion 92 Main conclusions 94 Chapter 4. RUSSIAN MYTHS IN THE MODERN CONTEXT (T. D. Solovey) 97 Chapter 5. LIBERAL AND STATIST COMPLEXES IN THE STRUCTURE OF POLITICAL VALUES OF MODERN RUSSIANS (A. V. Vinarsky, A. S. Khodonov) 113 Liberal and statist complexes of modern Russia: problem statement 115 Methods of research and analysis 118 Liberal and statist value complexes in various subgroups of the population of the Tomsk region 119 The life world of “liberals” and “statists” 123 Mythology of those involved 126 Heroes and the heroic in Russian political consciousness 136 Colors Russian liberalism 138 Freedom, order and patriotism 143 Values ​​in the context of group changes 147 Main conclusions 154 Chapter 6. PHENOMENON OF SOCIAL ACTIVITY AND CIVIC PARTICIPATION IN THE MODERN RUSSIAN CONTEXT^. V. Petukhov) 157 A decade of reforms - the emergence of a new nature of social activity 157 New active Russians: life priorities, social mobility, understanding of success 164 Political activity and problems of civil self-organization 173 Conclusion 179 Chapter 7. VALUES AND BEHAVIOR: ANALYSIS OF INTERRELATION (I.G. Dubov) 182 Studies of the determination of behavior by a system of basic values ​​182 Correspondence of behavioral attitudes and preferred values ​​to existing ideas about the psychology of large groups of the population ....186 Analysis of the relationship between values ​​and attitudes in the direction from behavioral attitudes to values ​​188 Analysis of the relationship of values ​​and attitudes in the direction from values ​​to behavioral attitudes 198 Conclusions 201 Chapter 8. PERSON IN THE FAMILY AND AT WORK: ANALYSIS OF VALUE SYSTEMS AND BEHAVIORAL PATTERNS 203 Creation of a methodology and conduct of the field stage (I. G. Dubov) 203 Behavior of people in the family (O. M. Zdravomyslova) 207 Ethics of labor relations (A. A. Khvostov) 220 Chapter 9. ANALYSIS OF THE SEMINAL FILLING OF CONCEPTS INDICATING VALUES (I. G. Dubov) 238 Research methods 238 Semantic content of concepts denoting values ​​242 Semantic content of concepts denoting “anti-values” 266 Chapter 10. RELATIONSHIP OF VALUES AND UNIVERSAL GRAPHEMES (I. G. Dubov L. M. Smirnov) 277 Chapter 11. FRAME- ANALYSIS AND ANALYSIS OF SYMBOLS (V.I. Tyupa) 300 APPENDICES Appendix 1-1. Reliability (reproducibility) of mass survey data on declared value preferences 315 Appendix 1-2. Partitioning the general list of values ​​and the list of anti-values ​​into equivalence classes 319 Appendix 1-3. Linear distributions of answers to the value block of questions across four samples 333 Appendix 1-4. Ranks of answers to the value block of questions 338 Appendix 2-1. Psychological portraits of supporters of different values ​​and anti-values ​​342 Appendix 2-2. Socio-demographic characteristics of supporters of various values ​​and anti-values ​​363 Appendix 2-3. Characteristics of supporters of different values ​​and preferred patterns of behavior 371 Appendix 7-1. Characteristics of supporters of different behavior patterns and preferred values ​​381 Appendix 7-2. Values ​​of supporters of various behavioral attitudes 391 Appendix 7-3. Differences in value preferences among proponents of alternative behavioral attitudes 401 Appendix 8-1. Results of factor analysis of ideas about possible behavior in the family 406 Appendix 8-2. Results of factor analysis of ideas about possible behavior at work 409 Appendix 8-3. Pairs of statements compiled based on the results of factor analysis characterizing the behavior of people in the family and at work 415 Appendix 8-4. Socio-demographic characteristics of supporters of various forms of behavior at work 417 Appendix 9-1. Frequency distribution of associations for values ​​and anti-values ​​423 Appendix 10-1. Table of significance of positive deviation from the average for a row 440 Appendix 10-2. Table of significance of positive deviation from the average by column 442 Appendix 11-1. Contents of the questionnaire and linear distribution of answers 444 AUTHORS 446

Behavior changes if you know personal values

Behavior changes if you know personal values

In Stephen Covey's self-development book The 7 Habits, the main points are the discovery of personal values. The author formulated the principles that underlie the solution of various problems for people, and built them into a consistent system.

On almost every person's list, the most important things will be health, vitality and energy. Each of us can, at a young age, create a strong foundation of well-being and physical health for later years.

When you understand the essence of this value, be sure to clarify your main priorities. This will affect what you eat and drink. You will consume different habits, explore them, experiment with them.

If you value and strengthen the health that is given to you by nature, you will not have to constantly control your impulsive actions. When you know that these products are harmful to you or the activity leads to a worsening of the condition, then you do not want it.

Health is in your hands. Heart

Make it a rule to evaluate your condition every time you eat different foods. What do you feel, what sensations? What drains your energy and affects your sleep? Take note of such moments. Create for yourself a lifestyle that maintains your health, energy, and creates your mood.

Many of us like to live comfortably and value comfort. There is a trap here: when we value comfort more than growth, we put in minimal effort to grow further. When we overcome resistance to growth, it should not cause discomfort.

What happens when we value comfort more than our health? We develop bad eating habits when we eat what we think is best for us, rather than healthy and healthy. When we eat to feel good, we eat problems and troubles. And this is fundamentally wrong, it undermines our health.


Each of us has values ​​- whether we realize it or not. Why is it so important to realize what really matters to us? The fact is that the success of one or another area of ​​life is largely determined by our contribution, our efforts and specific actions in some direction. What does it mean? Every secret of success has its own recipe. If having a successful career is important to you, you need to work hard. If you want to be healthy, lead a healthy lifestyle - eat right, exercise, give up bad habits. There are also simpler priorities. For example, for a clean person it is extremely important that everything around is always clean. In this case, he/she cleans every day, day after day, in order to maintain order. If you want to see the world, then you don’t even consider the option of a “couch” vacation, but pack your suitcase and go on a cruise, bus or other tour.

To succeed in life, it is important to define your values. Psychologists have determined that every person has from 4 to 6 basic values ​​that are decisive in his life. Of course, some values ​​are more important than others. By the way, values ​​are what advertisers profit from. They try to demonstrate that their product is associated with a particular value. For example, it is important for a woman to get married and have a family. Marketers associate the ease of seducing a potential husband with the use of certain perfumes, shampoos, creams, clothing brands, etc. And it begins to seem to us that as soon as we buy a thing, our personal life will immediately improve, and a marriage proposal will follow from the most worthy of the stronger sex.

Are you living your chosen personal values?

Balance wheel

When you have 5 to 10 core values ​​left, see how you live them. How well do you live each of the values. Rate each on a scale from 1 to 10. Where 10 is the optimal rating.

Determine your level of satisfaction with each priority. You can write it down in a notepad or PDF document. Write the date at the top of the column. Do this assessment once a month or quarter. This way you can evaluate your progress.

For example, you scored 7 points for one of the values. What changes need to be made, what needs to happen in order to respect this value more?

Balance wheel in PDF table

This is where self-coaching invites you to come into play:

  1. Define your goals.
  2. Create a plan.
  3. Update it.
  4. Check with top priorities.
  5. Assess the difference in your level of life satisfaction.

How to apply the created priorities?

How to apply the created priorities?

When you know your core personal values ​​and their priorities, it helps when solving difficult problems.

Evaluate your values. Imagine that after a certain time a decision was made.

For example, a family will change your life or a new business will change it. Step into the future picture as much as you can. Relive this picture in your mind and let it live there.

After a month, evaluate your personal values, while keeping the picture alive in your mind. Are priority indicators not rising? Are there tensions with your core values? Continue this process constantly. This will bring a new level of insight into your decision-making process.

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