Calming pills for anxiety stress: an ambulance, but not a panacea

What is fear?

Nowadays, people live with a constant feeling of fear. “Will they kick me out of school?”, “Will I have enough money to live?”, “Will everything be okay with my loved ones,” etc. In moments of particularly aggravated feelings of anxiety, our body begins to produce hormones, the main of which is cortisol. During panic, it is produced in fairly large volumes, which causes a decrease in immunity and a deterioration in a person’s psychological health. In such situations, doctors recommend taking special medications against fear.

The purpose of these pills is to suppress excess amounts of the hormone cortisol.

Fear is an uncontrollable state

Indications for taking medications

Sedatives have the following characteristics:

  • calm down;
  • relieve anxiety;
  • relax muscles and relieve spasms;
  • inhibit the functioning of the human nervous system.

Types of fears

Indications for taking tablets:

  • sleep problems, namely insomnia or lack of sleep;
  • a state of constant anxiety;
  • tension;
  • state of constant fatigue;
  • excitation;
  • different types of epileptic seizures;
  • vegetative deviations from the norm;
  • involuntary twitching of different parts of the body;
  • severe irritation.

Classification of fears

Types of drugs

You can try to develop and take a course of anti-anxiety medications yourself, but it is better to consult a specialist.

Consult your doctor and get the appropriate prescription. The medications themselves are divided into different groups, which are prescribed by the doctor when different symptoms of fear occur:

  • tranquilizers;
  • mood stabilizers;
  • antidepressants.

Each group has its own advantages and disadvantages. All of them are prescribed after over-the-counter medications no longer help.

Stabilizers - what are they?

  1. Thus, tranquilizers are prescribed if the patient experiences frequent panic attacks without good reason. They quickly provide help, but the person feels severe drowsiness and slow thinking. And when consumed in particularly large quantities, they cause serious memory loss and problems with attention. Sometimes there are cases of development of dependence and addiction. But if used under medical supervision, there should be no problems.
  2. Mood stabilizers will help slowly, but they are less harmful. They have practically no side effects and are addictive only in some patients. If you take them under the careful supervision of a doctor, then problems are eliminated.
  3. Antidepressants are good for anxiety attacks, but after 3 weeks of active use, they can cause a constant feeling of drowsiness and addiction.

Valerian is the most popular remedy

Consequences of pharmacophobia

Without treatment, the phobia will progress and the patient’s general well-being will deteriorate. By refusing medications, a person jeopardizes his health. If a pharmacophobe urgently needs help, surgery, an IV, or other form of medical care, the outcome can be fatal.

If the patient has children or dependent adults, then he is endangering their lives. Because he will never give the medicine himself, will not buy it, will not call the doctors and will not allow them to do anything. Pharmacophobic parents do not vaccinate their children, which is fraught with early health problems for the latter.

Most modern drugs can be taken by pregnant and lactating women. But if the mother suffers from pharmacophobia, she will refuse treatment. This will put your life and the life of your child at risk.

Let's get rid of fear quickly

There are also situations when there is simply no time to consult with a doctor or all of the above does not help. In such cases, try turning to over-the-counter medications. Before using, you need to find out more information about each of them.

Herbal preparations

Well-known medicines in this category are valerian, roseola and motherwort. All of them are produced using natural raw materials. They are effective, but can cause severe drowsiness and addiction.

Herbal tablets


Often used in the CIS countries, but not common in the West due to the lack of confirmed safety information.

Drugs: Phenibut, Pantogam and Adaptol help get rid of fear or panic.

Although they are sold without prescriptions, they are recommended to be taken under the supervision of a doctor.

Homeopathic medicines

These drugs can be bought at any pharmacy. They are harmless, but there are doubts about their effectiveness. The fact is that scientists have proven that homeopathic medicines work no better than placebo: if after taking a pill the patient believes that he will feel better, then this may happen. But you can just as easily drink regular ascorbic acid.

Herb Motherwort

Biologically active additives

They are most often used to prevent illness. How can they help with fear and anxiety? The amino acid L-theanine will help cope with stress without causing drowsiness. If all the above drugs cope with anxiety by suppressing brain activity, then this amino acid normalizes the functioning of neurons.

Wild yam extract will help normalize the hormone cortisol, which is produced during fear. It produces diosgenin, which normalizes hormonal levels.

Features of taking Phenazepam for tremor

"Phenazepam" has bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine as its main active ingredient. With prolonged use, it can cause drug dependence even stronger than Phenibut. Before purchasing, you should get a prescription from your doctor. Phenazepam is not sold without a prescription, as the substance is classified as psychotropic.

The drug has the following effects:

  • sedative;
  • hypnotic;
  • muscle relaxant;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • amnestic.

A prescription for Phenazepam can be obtained from a doctor if the patient suffers from insomnia, nervous tics, alcohol or drug withdrawal. Also, this drug is often prescribed to patients if they have started taking antidepressants. Then the duration of use of Phenazepam should not exceed two weeks. In psychiatry, Phenazepam is prescribed as part of complex therapy to patients with hallucinations of various etiologies.

If at the initial stages of using the drug a person experiences drowsiness and positive emotions, then after about a few months (with continuous use of Phenazepam) a “rollback” occurs. The person becomes irritable and angry. If drug dependence has developed, the drug should be discontinued gradually. In some cases, it may be necessary to cover it with other tranquilizers or even antipsychotic drugs (neuroleptics). Therefore, it is better not to experiment with taking Phenazepam on your own.

phenazepam for hand tremors


Any medicine has its contraindications. It is prohibited to take medications for fear if the patient’s medical history includes:

  • myasthenia gravis;
  • infectious diseases that affect the nervous system;
  • liver failure;
  • intoxication with drugs acting on the nervous system;
  • diseases that make breathing difficult;
  • state of shock;
  • not accepting galactose;
  • the patient is breastfeeding.

Relanium - tablets

All of the above excludes the possibility of prescribing serious drugs that suppress fear. With extreme care, doctors will look closely at people:

  • suicidal;
  • taking the drug in increased doses;
  • with brain disorders.

"Grandaxin": instructions and patient reviews

The main active ingredient is tofisopam. The drug belongs to the class of anxiolytic drugs, i.e., it has a pronounced anti-anxiety and sedative effect, and its use has a beneficial effect on sleep. Neurologists often prescribe this drug for hand tremors at a young age, but many older people have also benefited from this medicine.

Indications for use:

  • anxiety disorders;
  • insomnia;
  • abstinence period in chemically dependent people;
  • depressive disorders.

"Grandaxin" for tremor helps if the condition is provoked by the conditions mentioned above. During treatment, patients improve their sleep and psycho-emotional state. Nervous tics and tremors disappear. Reviews from patients also report that it improves performance, gives them energy for hobbies and sports.

Taking anti-fear pills during pregnancy

We need to remember a simple truth - there are no harmless pills. In order to exhibit its healing properties, the drug must act on the entire body. This is why there are no completely harmless pills.

At those moments when the female body is carrying a child, it becomes especially susceptible to various drugs. And even if before pregnancy a woman did not show any allergic reactions to certain components, then during pregnancy the situation may change. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is harmful to take pills for anxiety and fear during pregnancy is obvious.

There are many other ways to relieve stress that you should definitely try before you think about pills. The following may help: massages, soothing music, spending time in the fresh air, communicating with animals, relaxing exercises. Before you think about medications, you need to try all the methods!

Sedatives for pregnant women

Only if the previous methods are completely ineffective is it worth thinking about herbal teas and, at most, herbal preparations. And yet, they should be taken under the careful supervision of a gynecologist who monitors the development of the fetus. It is the doctor who will help you choose the most effective and harmless drug.

Before prescribing any drug, the doctor must conduct a series of tests to confirm that the drug will not harm either the mother or the child.

So, for the reasons given above, the use of stress medications is strictly individual.

Anti-anxiety pills

There is a moment in every person’s life when he cannot collect his thoughts due to fear and anxiety. It doesn't matter whether it's a student nervous about an exam or an artist who is afraid to perform in front of a huge audience. It is at these moments that special drugs that suppress anxiety will help.

The following drugs are effective in such situations: Mexidol and Glycine.

The first drug is usually prescribed in the following dose: 1-2 tablets three times a day. The maximum daily dose is 8 tablets, but not one more! Take this medicine for two to six weeks. Abrupt cessation of use is prohibited; you must gradually reduce the dose consumed.

The second common drug is Glycine. Even children are allowed to use it. It is taken either under the tongue or absorbed between the gum and upper lip. The schedule for taking this drug is purely individual: only as prescribed by a doctor. The body absorbs this medicine well, and the only contraindication to its use may be intolerance to the components.

Glycine tablets

If for some reason the patient cannot take either the first or the second drug, then the solution may be a safer, but no less effective drug - valerian tablets. True, they also have their drawbacks. The fact is that they have a cumulative effect, so you shouldn’t expect instant results. You will feel it after three weeks.

A good option could be “Pasit”, which has proven itself well recently. This medicine can calm a person in a matter of minutes. But, despite the naturalness of the raw material, it should be taken carefully.

It is advisable to consult a doctor and take sedatives under close supervision!


Three groups of prerequisites can be distinguished: external factors (environment, upbringing), personal experience, personality and character traits. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Conditions of education

The emergence of pharmacophobia in childhood is due to the costs of upbringing, for example, parents forced the child to take medications or visit doctors with threats and punishment. Or he was treated incorrectly for a long time, which caused the condition to worsen. Or the child simply copies the parents’ fears, their attitude towards doctors and medications.

The child may be frightened by the smell, taste of the medicine, or the size of the pills. For example, if one day a child almost choked on a pill, then in the future he will be afraid to take pills. Or he still remembers the unpleasant taste of some medicine.

In addition, the phobia may be based on the principle of indirect associations, for example, the child was sick for a long time, because of this he could not go out with friends. In this case, the fear of medications is associated with the fear of getting sick and being alone.

It is important! Intimidation like “if you walk around without a hat, you will get sick and have to take medicine” can also provoke the development of a phobia.

Personal negative experience

Most often, the fear of swallowing pills arises due to personal negative experience, for example, a person was allergic to medications and suffered greatly from this. Or the person was prescribed the wrong treatment, which worsened the condition. In this case, the fear of drugs is associated with the fear of death, the fear of getting sick.

Another possible reason from personal experience is drug intoxication due to indiscriminate medication use or self-medication. Side effects, overdose, complications of the course of the disease are manifestations that can inspire mistrust in all medications. In this case, the person denies his responsibility, personal mistakes and blames medicine.

The cause of the development of a phobia may be a traumatic memory of the death or deterioration of the health of a loved one due to improper treatment, allergies and its consequences, or side effects from taking medications. For suggestible people, it is enough to hear someone’s story about the dangers of drugs or see a report in the media. For example, a message about counterfeit medicines.

It is important! In some cases, fear of drugs is caused by a failed suicide attempt using pills. If a person was able to survive and was afraid for his life, then he may develop a persistent aversion to drugs and fear of them.

Character and its features

People with a certain type of character are at risk. They are distinguished by sensitivity, suspiciousness, and mental instability. Such people tend to believe shocking news from the Internet, TV, and newspapers. They are not used to double-checking information or analyzing what they hear. Therefore, any story about unsuccessful treatment can turn them into inveterate pharmacophobes.

Fear pills for little ones

Children also often experience intense fear. At these moments, an adult should try to overcome it on a psychological level and eliminate the problem. But sometimes situations happen in which it is not possible to extinguish fear. At such moments, medical remedies for fear for children come to the rescue. But you need to look closely at them, because in addition to their main function - suppressing fear - they must be non-toxic and not harmful to the child’s body.

Remedies for fear for children

Tenoten tablets effectively cope with their task. Or safe, but less effective - valerian tablets.

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