For whom revenge is sweet A friend told how she became the victim of an unsuccessful acquaintance. I walked a couple of times
Emotions are almost the most important thing in a person and inherent only to him. It's a mental state
A socio-psychological characteristic is a set of certain socio-psychological phenomena that characterize the properties, characteristics and qualities
What is irritation? It is known that irritation is such an internal state of a person that any little thing
External factors of change People change under the influence of their social environment and environmental conditions. Unwittingly we
Among the huge number of different diseases, there is one that causes a feeling of shame and frustration. This
Determinants of development Determinants are factors and conditions that play a leading role in the development of something. IN
It increases your heart rate, causes tears and feelings of regret, and it simply interferes with your life -
Published: August 7, 2020 71356 “The offender sins not as much as the one who allows the offense”
“When a person is hungry, he becomes angry and aggressive” Maria Prokhorova psychologist, accredited Gestalt therapist -