persecutor, victim, savior
Woman and money: how to get out of the Karpman triangle
Victims People in the position of Victims are those who feel that they are of no use
What is a trigger in electronics - we understand the terms in detail
Trigger - what is it? Translated from the source - “trigger” trigger, pistol
Oedipus complex in adult men. What is it, signs, how it appears, how to fight
Sexual complexes: Oedipus complex and Electra complex
What is the Oedipus complex From the point of view of modern psychoanalysis, in contrast to the mentioned king
Bulimia why it occurs, what is its danger and how to treat it
Bulimia - what kind of disease is it? Symptoms and treatment of bulimia Bulimia - what?
Male charisma
Male charisma. The secret of male charm and charisma
About men August 22, 2020, 07:58 pm Signs of a charismatic man Is it possible to develop
Phlegmatic child: characteristics, description.
Human temperament. 4 types, properties and features
Types of temperament are a combination of subjective characteristics of an individual’s personality that have stability and some degree of
What does it mean in psychology if a person loves the color purple?
What does it mean in psychology if a person loves the color purple?
Origins of color In the color system, violet is considered a third-order color, it is located between purple
A sociopath is a person who... - description in simple words, causes and signs of sociopathy in men and women
Philanthropist and misanthrope, introvert and extrovert, psychopath and psychotic, sociophobe and sociopath... With increased
What is happiness - photo 1
12 Greatest Philosophers Reveal the Secret of Happiness
Secrets of a happy life What are happy lives? Actually different. And everyone
Asperger's syndrome: causes, symptoms and course, diagnosis, treatment
What is Asperger's syndrome? Asperger syndrome (lat. Asperger syndrome) is an autism spectrum disorder.