A girl with a number of complexes
What are the types of complexes: classification, signs, tips
Incredible facts You can take the test and find out what psychological complex you have.
What is the Napoleon complex in men: causes and signs
. In psychology, the Napoleon complex is a painful experience due to short stature. The name comes from
What qualities characterize personality
Strengths of a person in professional activities
Volitional qualities of a person In the process of life, a person gains certain experience. Depending on
Somatoform disorder
What are somatic disorders and related disorders? Somatic disorder and related disorders are
addictive behavior is in psychology
Addictive behavior - in psychology this means withdrawal from society
Addictive behavior - in psychology this means a certain type of human dependence, by analogy with
Neuroleptics: list of drugs without prescriptions, classification, side effects
Neuroleptics or antipsychotics are prescribed reluctantly and with caution by most psychiatrists due to their severe side effects.
deep depression
Endogenous depression - what it is, causes, diagnosis and treatment
July 5, 2018 Psychiatry Evdokimenko Kristina Depressed mood that appears in every person time
Physical work will help you distract yourself
How to stop thinking about a person who doesn't need you
General advice There can be many reasons for separation. This is both a move and a break in relationships,
Personality self-esteem in psychology: its types and types
What is self-esteem Self-esteem is the level of a person’s understanding of himself, his positive and
Why am I not confident in myself? 6 reasons. How to gain confidence?
You doubt your every word, are afraid to make decisions, and the disapproval of others spoils you