Hypesthesia of the upper and lower extremities

First of all, it is worth noting that hypoesthesia is a disease that is primarily associated with a person’s loss of sensitivity. The first signs may be numbness in the legs and arms, which may pass over time, but each time this period becomes longer. It happens that the disease is associated with the physiological characteristics of the body, but most often it is a sign of a serious illness. It is best to consult a doctor who can determine the real cause of such manifestations in the body and begin timely treatment. You shouldn’t think for a long time that the disease will go away on its own, since this happens extremely rarely and only if there are no abnormalities in the body, and the numbness is associated with a truly uncomfortable person’s posture during sleep or other reasons.

What is the essence of the disease?

Hypoesthesia is any disorder that is associated with sensitivity. As a result, a person stops responding to external stimuli that can harm the body. Violations can be of a completely different nature. For example, a person may stop feeling pain or any touch; sometimes hearing, smell, and body temperature are impaired.

hypoesthesia is
It often happens that the disease manifests itself during pregnancy. This is hypoesthesia of the lower extremities, because due to the increased weight of a woman, a greater load is placed on the legs. In this case, the doctor can only offer to alleviate the condition, because after childbirth everything will go away on its own. Some people face the problem of numbness in their hands precisely after sleep, which is associated with the accumulation of fluid, and this, as a rule, is a consequence of metabolic disorders in the body.


Hypoesthesia is a pathological process that is characterized by impaired sensitivity in the lower or upper extremities, face, and other parts of the body.

A similar sensation can also be symptomatic: hypoesthesia on the face or in the limbs can appear after a long stay in an uncomfortable position.

However, if such a symptom occurs frequently, then in any case it is necessary to seek medical help.

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The clinical picture is characterized by loss of sensitivity, numbness, and decreased pain threshold. Other general symptoms may be present, so the clinical picture depends on the underlying factor.

Treatment is usually conservative - therapeutic measures are combined with physiotherapeutic procedures, exercise therapy, and manual therapy.

There is no clear prognosis here, since the outcome of such a disease will largely depend on what exactly caused the development of hypoesthesia. It should also be understood that in the absence of treatment, disability will inevitably occur.

Hypoesthesia can be caused by any disease, the etiology of which is a violation of tactile sensitivity, deterioration of hearing and smell, or a decrease in the threshold of temperature sensitivity.

In general, hypoesthesia is caused by the following etiological factors:

Hypesthesia of the lower extremities can be a consequence of systemic vasculitis, varicose veins. It should be noted that in most cases the pathological process is considered as a syndrome, and not an independent disease.

Hypesthesia is classified based on its location.

The following forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • Head hypoesthesia is a pathological process that develops against the background of vascular diseases or pathologies of the central nervous system. In some cases, if a rash is present, it may be a sign of shingles.
  • Hand hypoesthesia – loss of sensation for more than 2 minutes. In this case, there is a high probability that a cerebrovascular accident, multiple sclerosis, develops. However, other symptoms need to be taken into account.
  • Hypoesthesia of the limbs - in most cases occurs against the background of circulatory disorders, as a complication of phlebectomy.
  • It is impossible to establish the nature of the disorder only by the type of clinical picture: a comprehensive diagnosis must be carried out, therefore self-medication is prohibited.
  • The clinical picture of hypoesthesia will necessarily be supplemented by symptoms of the underlying factor.
  • In general, the symptoms of this pathological process are characterized as follows:
  • numbness in the head, neck, parts of the face, arms or legs;
  • lowering the threshold of sensitivity to temperature conditions;
  • frequent infectious, inflammatory diseases;
  • short-term loss of consciousness - as the pathological process worsens, such attacks will appear more often;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • deterioration or complete loss of smell;
  • speech disorder;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • deterioration of memory and cognitive abilities;
  • numbness of the limbs while walking;
  • muscle spasms;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • itching and burning;
  • hemorrhagic rashes;
  • elevated body temperature, and taking antipyretic drugs does not provide the desired therapeutic effect.

In more severe cases, involuntary emptying of the bladder or bowel may occur.

First of all, the doctor examines the patient, during which he finds out the following:

  • how long ago the symptoms began to appear;
  • the nature of the clinical picture, duration and frequency of symptoms;
  • personal anamnesis, medical history of the patient;
  • family history.

The following diagnostic measures are also carried out:

  • blood sampling for general and biochemical analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood test for lipoprotein and cholesterol;
  • electroneuromyography;
  • CT, MRI;
  • X-ray examinations;
  • Doppler ultrasound examination.

As a rule, such a diagnostic program is quite sufficient to determine the form and severity of the pathological process. However, it is possible that differential diagnosis will be required if the clinical picture and examination results are ambiguous.

The selection of drug therapy is carried out based on what exactly caused the manifestation of such a syndrome.

The doctor may prescribe the following groups of drugs:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • corticosteroids;
  • vitamin and mineral complex.

Types of disease

There are several types of hypoesthesia, so it’s worth dwelling on each of them separately:

  • The polyneuritic type most often affects the upper and lower limbs of a person. The problem lies in the pathologies of the peripheral nerves.
  • Conductive hypoesthesia manifests itself on one side, which is opposite to the one that was affected. We can say that this is precisely the main insidiousness of the disease.

types of hypoesthesia

  • The radicular type is directly related to loss of sensitivity, and this cannot be ignored. All roots that are connected to the spinal cord are affected. When the lesion concerns only one root, symptoms cannot be noticed.

All types of hypoesthesia have their own distinctive symptoms, which are simply impossible not to pay attention to.


Diagnosis of hyperesthesia begins with a careful history taking. In this case, the main goal is to identify the factor that caused the increased sensitivity. The patient is examined by a neurologist and psychiatrist, and in case of dental hyperesthesia, by a dentist.

To clarify the cause of skin and mental hyperesthesia, a number of laboratory tests are indicated, such as:

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • blood biochemistry with determination of urea, creatinine, bilirubin, sugar;
  • blood test for the presence of heavy metal salts in the serum.

If nerve damage is suspected, electroneuromyography is performed. This method allows you to estimate the speed of electrical impulse transmission along a nerve fiber and thereby identify its possible damage.

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Types of hypoesthesia

It should be noted that the disease can manifest itself in different forms. Let's consider the main types of such pathology:

  • Facial hypoesthesia occurs quite often in medical practice. The reason for this may be various pathologies. Numbness of the face may be on one side, in which case it can be assumed that the cause is hidden in a disease such as trigeminal neuralgia. If there is redness and rash, then the patient may have shingles.
  • Numbness of the hands is as common as hypoesthesia of the feet. This period can last from two to several hours. In this case, it will be possible to identify diseases associated with the nervous system or blood vessels in the patient. It cannot be ruled out that a tumor has formed in the brain, which impairs blood circulation.
  • Hypoesthesia of the legs is the most common. Due to poor blood circulation in the lower extremities, nerve damage begins. Sometimes, in addition to numbness, people experience severe pain.

hypoesthesia on the left

Of course, recognizing the disease is not so easy, but it is still possible to pay attention to the symptoms in time.

How does this disorder manifest itself?

Several analyzers can be involved in the development of this pathology simultaneously and separately. Depending on which analyzer is affected, symptoms characteristic of this pathology will appear.

  1. When tactile sensations are affected, the patient loses sensitivity in the limbs, face, and various parts of the body. Often, as a result of infarction of parts of the brain, right-sided or left-sided hypoesthesia occurs. This phenomenon is called hemihypesthesia.
  2. Hearing decreases, vision becomes less sharp. Hypoacusis (decreased sound) occurs with depression, when a person hears everything as if through a wall, sometimes even functional deafness develops. A decrease in sensitivity to light manifests itself through a person’s perception of figures and lighting as dim and unclear objects.
  3. There is a loss or weakening of the senses of taste and smell.
  4. A person cannot determine the difference in external temperature.
  5. The pain is dulled, whereas a healthy person could no longer withstand it. You can find out about a violation of pain perception by looking at the patient’s pupils - if a painful effect is exerted on the body, the person’s pupils dilate.
  6. Numbness or paralysis of various parts of the body.
  7. The patient loses his sense of smell.
  8. Often this disease is accompanied by dizziness, as a result of which a person’s gait is disrupted.
  9. In some parts of the body there is a feeling of burning, tingling, itching.
  10. When symptoms are severe and a person feels almost nothing, involuntary bowel movements or urination occur.
  11. Since with this pathology reflexes are inhibited and muscles atrophy, they often spasm and overstrain.
  12. Depending on the organic damage to the brain, hemihypesthesia will appear on the left or right: uneven loss of sensitivity on one half of the body.
  13. As a result of the development of psychogenic hypoesthesia, a person loses the ability to perceive himself and his feelings.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of this pathology should be based on diagnostic data. If it develops on the basis of neurological pathology, consultation with a neurologist and careful identification of the cause of the disease are necessary.


When determining the psychogenic nature of the development of hypoesthesia, it is also necessary to consult a neurologist to exclude concomitant neurological causes of the development of the disease. Then a psychiatrist or psychotherapist assesses the patient’s condition and prescribes medication support for the patient. Sometimes an addition to drug treatment is required.

Causes of hypoesthesia

Hypoesthesia is a disease that does not occur just like that. Therefore, most likely such abnormalities in the body indicate a more serious illness. Let's look at what diseases can be preceded by hypoesthesia:

  • Problems with blood circulation.
  • Formation of a malignant tumor in any organ.
  • Diabetes mellitus, which lasts for several years.
  • Headache.
  • Lack of vitamins.
  • Neglect of a healthy lifestyle and abuse of bad habits.
  • Pinched nerve.
  • Pathologies that arise at the genetic level.

Naturally, these are not all diseases, but they most often lead to numbness of the limbs and changes in the body.


There are many reasons for the development of hyperesthesia. Sensitivity disorders often lead to the mental form of:

  • withdrawal syndrome;
  • asthenia;
  • neuroses;
  • manic-depressive states.

The causes of skin hyperesthesia can be:

  • mono- or polyneuropathy;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • intoxication (organic solvents, salts of heavy metals, plant poisons);
  • scleroderma;
  • vasculitis;
  • extensive skin injuries (burns, abrasions).

Increased tooth sensitivity is caused by caries and thinning of the enamel layer near the neck.


The fact that a person has hypoesthesia can be guessed by the following signs:

  • The person stops feeling touch and does not feel the object in his hands.
  • There is no feeling of pain at all.
  • No sensitivity to temperature.
  • Hearing gets worse.

hypoesthesia of the lower extremities

Of course, the symptoms may be individual for each person, but those listed above are considered the main ones.

How to diagnose the disease?

If symptoms begin to appear very often, then you should definitely consult a doctor. First, when sensation is lost, hypoesthesia may indicate malignant formations that precede the development of cancer and other serious diseases. The doctor will be able to prescribe an x-ray or CT scan for his patient. Electroneuromyography is also actively used today. The doctor will also be able to prescribe the following diagnostic methods:

  • Blood analysis.
  • Dopplerography. Using this diagnostic method, it is possible to identify vascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, varicose veins and thrombosis. Foot hypoesthesia may indicate these pathologies.

sensitivity hypoesthesia

All diagnostics are prescribed only after visiting a neurologist and therapist. Based on the results obtained, specialists will be able to prescribe treatment.

Diagnostic techniques

If hypoesthesia occurs frequently and lasts more than 2–3 minutes, you should immediately contact a neurologist for examination. It includes the following procedures:

  • initial examination, identification of complaints, symptoms, clarification of the patient’s lifestyle and adherence to his bad habits;
  • a general blood test to detect iron deficiency or pernicious anemia;
  • a blood test for cholesterol and lipoprotein, which makes it possible to identify a tendency to form atherosclerotic plaques;
  • computed tomography (CT) and x-ray - these studies will help determine the presence of bone fractures that have caused damage to nerve fibers, and will also help diagnose osteochondrosis, arthritis and other pathologies;
  • electroneuromyography, which will make it possible to find the place where the nerve is damaged;
  • Doppler ultrasound examination, which makes it possible to detect vascular pathologies such as varicose veins, atherosclerosis, thrombosis and others.


  • https://depressio.ru/slovar-terminov/224-gipesteziya.html
  • https://SimptoMer.ru/bolezni/nevrologiya/3178-gipesteziya
  • https://simptomi.online/bolezni/nevrologiya/poterya-chuvstvitelnosti-ili-gipesteziya-8212-prichiny-i-lechenie-zabolevaniya.html
  • https://odsis.ru/bolezni-nevrologii/narusheniya-chuvstvitelnosti/gipesteziya-prichiny-simptomy-lechenie-posledstviya-i-profilaktika/
  • https://nards-info.ru/poterja-chuvstvitelnosti-kozhi/
  • https://NeuroDoc.ru/diagnostika/simptomy/gipesteziya-prichiny-i-lechenie.html

Treatment of hypoesthesia

If a person begins to feel the symptoms of hypoesthesia, then it will immediately be necessary to find the cause of such deviations in the body. The fact is that only a specialist who knows many techniques and can prescribe the correct medication can provide real help. First of all, the cause that led to the disease is assessed, and then the appropriate drug is prescribed. For example, painful hypoesthesia requires treatment with painkillers. Methods such as phonophoresis, ultrasonic wave treatment, and darsonvalization are also used.

In some cases, folk remedies can be used along with drug treatment. Alternative medicine can also be effective. In this case, mud and radon baths, various types of wraps and acupuncture are used, which is especially effective if the patient has been diagnosed with hypoesthesia of the leg, no matter what, because the treatment will be aimed at eliminating the problem. Sometimes therapy is not able to help, in which case surgery may be required. For example, if a tumor has formed, then it must be removed; if hypoesthesia is due to diabetes, the level of glucose in the body should be maintained; if the cause is rheumatoid arthritis, then the joints must be treated.

hypoesthesia of the leg

Hypesthesia is a disease that cannot always be cured, but it is possible to maintain the body in proper condition.

Causes and provoking factors

Hypoesthesia is often a sign of various pathologies.

The following diseases can lead to loss of sensitivity:

  • Circulatory disorders.
  • Malignant formations.
  • Diabetes.
  • Migraine.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and microelements.
  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Transient ischemic attacks.
  • Pinched nerve.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Genetic pathologies.


Of course, a disease such as hypoesthesia is practically impossible to prevent, but you can still try to lead a correct lifestyle that will allow you to avoid many health problems. What do we have to do?

  • First of all, you should take care to lead an active lifestyle. For example, greater mobility can help a person maintain the body in constant tone, which will have a beneficial effect on his general condition.
  • To prevent the body from experiencing constant stress, it is necessary to develop a certain regime for it. For example, you should properly distribute your working day, not forgetting to leave time for proper rest.
  • Bad habits have a detrimental effect on health, so it is advisable to give them up altogether, especially when it comes to alcohol abuse.
  • If you have chronic diseases, then you should cure them as quickly as possible or maintain your body in good condition so that these diseases do not worsen.
  • Naturally, without proper nutrition it will not be possible to achieve great results, so food should be balanced and nutritious.

hypoesthesia of the foot

Hypesthesia is an independent disease that indicates serious pathologies occurring inside the body. It cannot be ignored, because the consequences can be dire. In no case should you attribute the constant numbness of the arms and legs to incorrect body position during sleep or other little things, stubbornly not wanting to notice your serious illness, which will only develop over time and reach large proportions.

Mental hyperesthesia

Mental hyperesthesia is a painful exacerbation of elementary sensitivity. Sometimes it is possible to establish that the enhancement concerns only one component of sensations - emotional or receptive. In the first case, patients emphasize the unpleasant, irritating shade of sensations, in the second, first of all, they note an increase in the intensity of sensations. More often, perhaps, both of these components are enhanced. In those frequent cases when hyperesthesia is accompanied by a clear reaction of suffering, one should apparently state the fact of painful mental hyperesthesia - by analogy with painful mental anesthesia.

Both of these phenomena, if they occur in depression, can replace each other. For example, with mild depression, symptoms of painful mental hyperesthesia are more common. As depression deepens, manifestations of painful mental a- or hypoesthesia come to the fore. For example, the patient notes that he is irritated by bright lights and loud sounds. At the same time, he experiences unclear perception and even the unreality of what is happening around him, dulling of tactile sensitivity. He also reports that at times he does not feel his legs and arms, it is as if he does not have them, but at the same time “his head does not float, it becomes clear, and everything around him is perceived quite clearly.”

In case of thinking disorders, we advise you to consult a psychiatrist, who will make the correct diagnosis and select the correct treatment.

Often, patients report an increase in only some submodalities of the corresponding sensations. There are complaints that involve an increase in the intensity of some sensations (or submodalities) and at the same time a dulling of others. For example: “Quiet sounds are perceived louder than usual, but loud sounds, on the contrary, seem to fly past the ears... The light is so bright that it hurts the eyes, and I hear sounds as if in the distance.” In intoxication psychoses, the phenomena of hyperesthesia of external sensations often predominate; in endogenous psychoses, the phenomena of somesthesia predominate. The noted dissociation primarily affects, apparently, reciprocal sensations and their modalities. We believe that such symptoms should be designated by a special term, such as, for example, the phenomenon of paradoxical sensitivity. Let us indicate the following manifestations of mental hyperesthesia.

Mental hyperalgesia is an exacerbation of pain sensitivity. It is observed in various painful conditions and apparently has a different nature. Thus, patients with mild depression often develop or worsen a variety of pain, both acute and chronic, localized in different parts of the body. This kind of pain often does not have any anatomical basis and appears to arise in connection with vegetosomatic disorders and hyperactivation of self-perception mechanisms. Sometimes, at the same time, old, seemingly forgotten pains “come to life.” This, for example, is pain in places of old fractures and wounds. N. Petrilovich (1970) described depressive hyperalgesia under the name algic melancholia. As depression deepens, hyperalgesia gives way to analgesia. The phenomenon of hyperalgesia in the form of a relapse of pain previously observed in somatic diseases often occurs during opium-morphine intoxication.

It is known that pain can appear or intensify if the patient observes how someone hurts another person - synpsychalgia. There is a type of pain when patients seem to appropriate the pain of another person. Someone broke, for example, a leg, and the patient feels pain in himself, and in the same place. There are imaginary pains. When reincarnating, for example, into another person, the patient feels the same pain that this person has or should have. And he suffers from this pain. It is probably not always true that the pain of another person is best tolerated. There are also cases described when an actor or writer gets so used to someone’s role that they experience real pain corresponding to this role. The hysterical algies and pains of hypochondriacs apparently have the same origin. In all the cases just mentioned, the pain is imaginary, associated with a violation of self-perception.

In chronic pain syndrome, in more than half of the cases the pain does not have an actual organic basis. It occurs much later after illnesses accompanied by severe and persistent pain. Such pain probably arises because the patient, firstly, is interested in it for some reason; he seems to want to return to the position of a sick person. Secondly, this pain is not just a memory of it. The patient really feels it, albeit in an exaggerated form. Forgotten pain returns, perhaps because the idea of ​​it is somehow transformed into pain itself. The only explanation for why this occurs seems to be that morbid fantasies are transformed into subjective reality by a disturbance in self-perception. Interest in pain can have different motives.

Some patients with chronic pain syndrome use pain as a means of putting pressure on others and subordinating them to themselves. Such patients actually become tyrants in the family. There are cases when such patients try to subjugate doctors to their will, each time triumphing over their futile attempts to eliminate pain with the help of medications - luminary killing syndrome. The desirability of pain may also be due to the fact that pain gives the patient the opportunity to freely use drugs. Pain as an effective way of self-punishment for sins has always been in demand by the saints and martyrs of the church. For sexual masochists, pain to certain limits is important as a necessary element of the intimate side of their lives. In other words, a person would not be such if he did not find meaning and use of pain in his interests.

Nyctalgia or hypnoanalgesia is manifested by increased pain during sleep. Morning pain is the pain of depressed patients with diurnal mood swings, when symptoms of depression intensify in the morning. Evening pain is observed with depression if its manifestations increase during sunset hours or closer to night. Painful akinesia is a state of immobility due to pain that intensifies with movement. This symptom has been described in hysteria, endogenous depression, and schizophrenia (Mobius, 1891).

Brachialgia paresthetica is manifested by pain and paresthesia in the arms upon awakening from sleep (Wartenberg, 1932). According to the observations of Lopez-Ibor (1973), it is often found in latent depression. A similar disorder is Wittmann-Ekbom's restless leg syndrome (1861, 1945), which occurs with various disorders, including neurolepsy.

Mental hyperopsia is a painful exacerbation of visual sensations. Normal illumination is perceived by patients as excessive, blinding - galeropia. The symptom is described, in particular, with carbon monoxide poisoning. Patients report that the light hurts, tires the eyes, irritates them, forces them to wear dark glasses, curtain the windows during the day, and leave the house only in the evening. At the same time, color perception is enhanced. Colors seem overly bright, saturated, and shades of color are perceived much more clearly. The contours of objects are perceived much more clearly. The letters of the text are seen as “convex, faceted, Gothic”, the objects are sharp, standing out against the background like a bas-relief. This disorder often occurs with asthenia, depression, mania, intoxication with psychostimulants, and at the onset of acute psychosis.

Mental hyperacusis is a painful exacerbation of auditory sensations. Sounds of normal intensity seem to patients to be unbearably loud, deafening, causing irritation and even physical pain: “I can’t stand noise, knocking, sounds of conversation, they torment me, I dream of complete silence... The sounds literally hit the brain, penetrate the skull, head, it seems that they are about to split... My hearing sharply worsened. I hear the cat stomping, the clock striking like a sledgehammer. I can even hear the mouse rustling in its hole and the sparrow jumping on the roof. The noise behind the wall is exhausting, I don’t know how to distract myself from it. I began to hear my neighbor snoring on the floor above, and if a child was running there, it just tormented me... I never thought how many different sounds there are in the night, I didn’t hear them before, but now I can’t understand what those sounds are.” Mental hyperacusis can be combined with auditory agnosia and with typhus - Botkin's phenomenon (1868).

Mental hypergeusia is a painful exacerbation of taste sensations. It is often selective, i.e. it concerns individual submodalities of taste sensitivity. Often the taste and even the sight of food cause disgust, accompanied by nausea and sometimes vomiting. The opposite picture also happens, when taste sensations bring unusual pleasure, even pleasure.

Mental hyperosmia is a painful exacerbation of olfactory sensitivity. It is often very selective and combined with hypergeusia. Smells are not only perceived very sharply, but are also accompanied by various emotions, both negative and positive. This indicates the prevailing mood background. Elation is combined with a pleasant emotional accompaniment of smells; depression is usually accompanied by unpleasant emotions: “I can’t stand the smell of tobacco and fumes, they make me sick... I can’t drive in a car, the smell of gasoline makes me sick... It seems to me that mentally ill people smell so strongly something very unpleasant, that in a crowd I can identify one of them... I absolutely can’t stand the smell of cologne, it makes me feel sick... I don’t taste soup or borscht for salt, I determine by the smell whether there is enough salt in them... I feel very I like the way the girls smell, it’s a feeling of something spring and joyful.”

Mental hypernaphia is a painful exacerbation of the senses of touch. May relate to different tactile submodalities: “Clothing literally digs into my body, presses, constricts, squeezes... I feel the slightest movement of air... I feel before the rain, how it feels damp... I can’t stand it when they touch me, I even shudder... I can’t comb my hair, until it hurts to touch the hair... I can hear the wheezing in my daughter’s lungs with my hands.”

Mental hyperbaresthesia is a painful exacerbation of sensations of pressure and weight: “The body is heavy, as if it were lead... Such a weight has fallen, as if a weight had been placed on top... There is such a heaviness in my arms and legs that I can hardly move them... The bucket of water has become terribly heavy, I can’t believe it, that I used to jokingly lift something even heavier... I took off the chain, it presses so hard that it hurts.”

Mental hyperbathethesia is a painful exacerbation of kinesthetic sensations: “I feel my eyes moving, my hair moving... It has become difficult to move, I can barely move my legs.” Some patients catch ideomotor acts: “As soon as I think of doing something, I immediately feel that my body is starting to move... I’m just about to say something, and my tongue is already moving.” Many patients report that they cannot remain at rest for a long time, as they soon begin to feel aches, pulling sensations in the muscles, some kind of discomfort, and a desire to change position.

Mental hyperstatesthesia is a painful exacerbation of the static feeling. Many patients complain, for example, of “dizziness” in the head, a swaying sensation when walking, an easy feeling of loss of balance, for example, when turning or lifting the head, or bending the body. You can feel even a slight acceleration of movement on a bus, train, not to mention passenger transport, or an airplane.

Mental hyperpallesthesia is a painful exacerbation of vibration sensations:

“I feel with my body how the window panes are rattling from the noise... First I feel that a car is driving, and only then I hear the noise of the engine... Everything inside is shaking like jellied meat... Everything inside is trembling, trembling, as if rolling in waves... The pulse beats like a hammer in the temples and radiates into all over the body... The heart beats hard, hard, hits like a sledgehammer.” S.S. Korsakov (1912) described the strengthening of internal sensations under the name disproportionate perceptions.

Mental hyperthermesthesia is a painful exacerbation of temperature sensitivity: “It seems that I’m burning all over, but the temperature is normal... From a distance I feel that the child’s temperature has risen... I’m all cold, in the summer I dress in everything warm, but I can’t get warm, I’m still cold.” It also happens like this: “I’m burning all over and at the same time freezing... I feel like I’m all cold, sweaty, but there’s heat inside, it’s hot there. Or I’m burning all over, red, but inside it’s cold, I’m freezing there. And the temperature is normal."

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