Optimist: distinctive qualities of this type of personality
Who is a pessimist? Pessimists are people who are anxious and inclined to expect that the situation will not develop.
Image - what is it? How to create and change an image
It is necessary to distinguish between reputation and image. Reputation is a meaningful part of the image, and it is “earned”. Image
Cognitive impairment in children: causes, signs and symptoms, diagnosis
Cognitive functions are the cognitive tools of the brain. Every day a person receives information, the brain
how to treat an eating disorder
Food alcoholics. 5 ways to break the habit of overeating
Food addiction is one of the forms of psychologically determined addictive behavior, expressed in the inability to
sensitization in medicine is
Sensitizing drugs in the treatment of alcohol dependence
The term "sensitization" is used in medicine to describe the process by which various external stimuli
How to quickly calm down and not be nervous: 25 ways to calm yourself down
We present 25 effective ways to quickly calm down: study them, choose the ones that are most suitable for you and
What is pragmatism and who is a pragmatist (pragmatic person)
KtoNaNovenkogo Frequently asked questions You are here December 17, 2019 What is it History of pragmatism Pragmatic
happy girl
How to affectionately call a girl: a list of the nicest words, beautiful names, cute nicknames and gentle nicknames for your beloved
Every girl will be glad to hear a kind word from her beloved guy. Use the tradition of coming up with affectionate nicknames
10 psychological complexes that poison our lives: what is yours?
Ivan Vdovin 1108 3 0 An inferiority complex is what can be called insecurity
What level of IQ is considered normal?
Nine Types of Intelligence: Everyone is Talented in Their Own Way
The highest IQ level is for an Australian mathematician, the author of the Green-Tao theorem, his name is Terence Tao.