origin of childhood neuroses and psychotherapy
Psychotherapy for neuroses in children and adults: a review of effective techniques
Psychotherapy for neuroses has been used for a long time and is effective. The mental state of a person always requires special
The communicative side of communication, its characteristics.
Theory of communication psychology. Communication is the interaction of people, which includes 3 parties. A)
role of the child
Brother fell in love with sister - consultation with a psychologist. Why are marriages between close relatives prohibited?
Elder Sister In a family with several children, there are always problems. Even
Development of thinking in preschool children
Features, types and properties of thinking of preschool children article on the topic
Development of thinking in preschool children. What kind of person will grow up, what character qualities will he have?
An analytical mind is necessary to build a detailed action plan
How to prove to an employer that you can work in a team
Speaking about team building, professionals say that team projects often fail in the early stages.
Primitive communication
“Difficult” personality types and ways to communicate with them
Primitive type of communication The interlocutor is regarded as a demanded or, conversely, an interfering object. For example, if a person
Is it necessary to forgive people? How to forgive a person and free yourself from wounds
Lately, you can hear more and more often how important it is to forgive people who have offended you. Apparently this is the only thing
what is sociometry
Diagnostics of interpersonal relationships (Sociometry by J. Moreno)
Sociometry in psychology is a method for studying interpersonal relationships in a group. Author of the direction –
Reference group
The concept of “opinion leader” and reference groups
The essence of the phenomenon Referentiality in psychology is a property of an individual or a group, reflected in their ability to provide
panic attack
Sleep disturbances in anxiety and anxiety-depressive disorders
A person is very vulnerable during a night's rest. He is subject to insomnia, nightmares, unexpected cardiac arrest,