Strategic directions of development, spheres and areas of knowledge

Spiritual development.
An interesting phrase that is used by everyone and everything, with or without reason. To attract the electorate, to pump out money, to pump out energy and fill the egregor of the spiritual guru or the forces that stand behind him. And for some, spiritual development is just a “fashionable feature” to maintain their pride and stand out from other people, and they proceed from the concept “you are all rednecks, but here I am, white and fluffy, developing spiritually.” Or the other extreme of “spiritual development”: everyone ran to do yoga, and I ran – for the company. There is no point in understanding the “dung” of motives; you can only bury yourself in concepts like a dung beetle and that’s all. Although sometimes this is also a good experience - as a starting point. Sooner or later, we still come to one thing (it was, is and will be): what really stands behind these actually unambiguous words - spiritual development? In a few words, it is about: CO-NEWS (joint message), Love, Will, Wisdom and Awareness.

And this question should be answered only after life leads a person to the questions: who am I, why was I born? Where did you come into this world from? What will happen to me after physical death? It’s not possible to simply answer these questions right away. There must be a search. And only through certain exercises, techniques and experience can we understand in practice WHO I AM!

It will be important to separate the two concepts:

  • “self-development” (“self-improvement”, “personal self-development”) and
  • “spiritual development” (“systems (egregors) of spiritual development”, “spiritual practices”).

What does spiritual development mean?

There are often misconceptions in society that spirituality is associated with religious movements (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.), and spiritual practices mean performing some rituals or techniques (for example: reading prayers every day before going to bed). This is all a fallacy!!! The soul, that is, your Spirit (the Divine part) receives EXPERIENCE in the form of going to the yoga room on Fridays or to the temple on Sundays to light a candle and stand at the service, but does development, self-development occur as a result of these actions? If thanks to such rituals you become better, if the qualities of your character change for the better, if there is more light and love in your heart, then everything is in order. Self-improvement is obvious. This means you are going the right way. And if you have learned to perform some spiritual practices, techniques, asanas, etc., but you remain greedy, angry, jealous, hot-tempered, or if your negative qualities have intensified with the implementation of practices, then probably , self-development did not happen, and spiritual practices are completely unspiritual. In this case, there is no need to talk about spiritual development - we are not talking about self-development, but about degradation. Yes, that happens.

What is SOUL? What is SPIRIT? The expression “Spiritual development” itself implies the development of some kind of Spirit. How does this happen?

Next, it would be nice to understand: what is common between practicing YOGA, TAI CHI, visiting a CHURCH, MOSQUE, ASHRAM, Alcoholics Anonymous club, philatelists, nationalists or the BLUE OYSTER club from the movie “Police Academy”. Is there SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT in all this?

Systems of spiritual development

Answering this question, you will definitely (and it cannot be otherwise) stumble into the topic of EGREGORS (sects, religions, societies, communities, fields, organizations, countries, etc.). There seems to be information on this topic, but there doesn’t seem to be any. 99% of publicly available information on the topic of egregors is lies. Of the several books that exist on this topic, there is only one of more or less quality, without lies. But even if you start reading it, you still won’t get far, since the same egregors will block your consciousness in every possible way, preventing you from understanding simple truths. At the first stage, you need a person competent in the issue of egregors who will help you remove the bulk of egregor blockages so that your life becomes easier and the fog in your head dissipates. There are only a few such people. The Almighty has no EGREGORIES, he is EGREGORIAL. Who did Buddha or Jesus pay for the seminars? Who did they light candles for? Which of the earthly GURUs was deified? Jesus and Buddha took responsibility for their lives and shared only their personal experiences with people, and did not refer to knowledge read in books. They relied only on their personal experience. But those who cannot live without egregors (and there are 99% of such people) will never take responsibility for what they have done or said, and for all their troubles someone else will be to blame: a neighbor, a wife, a president, God. etc. And the coolest thing is that such people always know how everyone should act correctly, despite the fact that they themselves are always in the wrong... .

After the stage of getting acquainted with the topic of egregors, you will find a lot of programs in your structure - inside yourself (there are a lot of them). These programs are “pulled” by all and sundry: egregors, entities, field parasites, relatives, society, etc. After the programs, energy blocks will open to you - “capsules” of unlived (suppressed) emotions, the so-called “armor”, which prevents a person from feeling the world directly, directly.

When you work through all these stages (1. Get out of the influence of egregorial structures; 2. realize your programs, patterns, mental attitudes and 3. realize, transform and work through your energy blocks), no one will be able to deceive you. After working through it, you see for yourself, you know for yourself, you feel and feel for yourself. But the path to freedom is a long path and a lonely path. If you decide to follow it, then be prepared for the fact that the friends with whom you were united by egregors will leave your life. Moreover, they will begin to show aggression towards you. And that's okay. There is always aggression where there is fear - fear of something unknown, incomprehensible. The crowd always beats the one who stands out from it, who is not like everyone else. She hits the one who asks the right questions: what for, why, how it works, etc. and seeks answers to them. But something new, fresher and of better quality will come.

The main goal of self-development

What do you think is the main goal of self-development? The question was very difficult for me. When I began to develop myself, I constantly asked myself this question. Why am I doing this? What is the point in self-development? The answer, of course, did not come immediately. I was then surprised how simple everything really is. Everything was sorted out for me.

We often say words such as happiness, harmony, success. At first glance you can say that these are the same thing, but no. These are three different components that a person must achieve. This is the main goal of personal self-development. And for this it is necessary to go through a very thorny path of self-knowledge, self-development and service.

In my understanding, the cosmic meaning of human life lies in harmoniously flowing creative play. When you feel happiness within yourself, in every moment, feel harmony between the inner and outer world, help people by achieving success, then this can truly be called life, creativity, play. These are the 3 main goals in a person’s life, and self-development is an excellent tool to help achieve them.

Holiness and spiritual practices in society

On the path of true spiritual development, at the beginning of self-improvement, working with your negative character traits will come to the fore: hot temper, pride, vanity, greed, fears, etc. And such work is work, colossal work 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, without breaks or days off. Sometimes I hear words like: “I cleanse my soul, I develop spiritually, and now everything is fine with me, I stopped getting sick, and everything is great in my family, and I fart lilies of the valley.” At the same time, they do not specify how the soul is cleansed. Maybe Domestos.

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