Conflicts with subordinates - a manager’s behavior strategy

Work, ambitions, career growth are very important aspects of the life of any modern person (both men and women). Everyone dreams of unleashing their inner potential and earning respect from their colleagues and superiors.

To achieve this goal, it is not enough to be a first-class specialist - you need to be able to communicate with people, understand the subtle nuances of human psychology, for example, in order to please the boss.

That is why there are now so many different personal growth trainings and courses that teach self-presentation skills. In fact, mastering this art is not that difficult.

How to improve relationships with a female manager?

A female boss is no longer as rare as it used to be. There is an opinion that a woman in a leadership position is a terrible combination: it is impossible to come to an agreement with her, since she is overly emotional and does not know how to think logically. These are, of course, stereotypes.

IMPORTANT ! Women, indeed, pay more attention to interpersonal relationships and the environment in the team, but this does not mean that their behavior is irrational.

  • Don't forget about politeness and a friendly attitude . Try not to provoke conflicts or shout. Train yourself to sit down at the negotiating table if the slightest misunderstanding arises. Then you will be able to communicate correctly with your boss.
  • Don't get involved in in-fighting and don't spread gossip around the office. Do employees like to discuss their bosses? You have nothing to do in this discussion.
  • Remember that people love to be “taken care of.” Congratulate the female boss on the holidays, offer help in a simple human way when it is really needed.
  • Work conscientiously , always warn if there may be any problems on the horizon.


Causes of conflicts with subordinates

Conflict is the most acute resolution of contradictions between a leader and subordinates. Conflict is the second most effective behavior strategy , after the “cooperation” strategy, but approximately 10% of employees have a tendency to cooperate.

The remaining 90%, at best, only pretend to cooperate and think only about their own interests. That is, work less and get more. And most likely it will be stolen.

Let's remember the favorite saying of the proletarians - if you don't bring anything from work, then the working day was in vain. Therefore, the manager should not have any illusions about the cooperation strategy.

What remains is the strategy of confrontation, that is, conflict. Since it is in third place in terms of efficiency, there is a strategy for finding a compromise. And you yourself understand that finding a compromise between the leader and subordinates is extremely unprofitable for the leader. His goal is maximum efficiency of the department, and the goal of his subordinates is to work less.

The manager has another reason to enter into conflict with his subordinates, of course, if the cooperation strategy does not work. This is that he is almost always in an advantageous position. Since he has authority, power and information, he can pre-analyze the work of a subordinate, prepare, find “shoals”, and gain additional leverage .

Naturally, to act in this way, you need to have “balls of steel”, you need to be able to demonstrate strength . If you are soft-bodied, fearful and shy, you must first solve problems with your psyche. Learn more about the causes of these problems and how to solve them in this article.

The causes of conflicts are that managers and employees, colliding within the confines of work, and not only within the confines of work, clash with each other over some resources. For a social position, for the right to occupy one position or another. That is, they are engaged in some kind of “managerial struggle.”

“Managerial struggle” is an attempt to occupy the most advantageous position in space. This concept was introduced by Vladimir Tarasov, his book “The Art of Management Struggle” can be downloaded here.

And so, in order to continue his career, a leader must master the tactics and strategy of behavior in conflict.

How to find a common language with a male director?

A man, unlike a woman, does not care too much about emotions: results and productivity are much more important to him. Therefore, advice on how to please your boss is quite simple, because the answer lies on the surface.

  • Show with all your appearance that you are interested in the success of the company . The boss will certainly appreciate the ability to work in a team.
  • At the same time, don't forget about individual "growth" . Take advanced training courses and increase your value as a specialist. A good attitude towards colleagues should peacefully coexist with the desire to become a leader. Just don’t overdo it: the boss must respect you, and excessive zeal will lead to hatred.
  • Be a punctual and obliging employee . The more awareness you have in your actions, the better. Responsibility is generally a valuable character trait; it immediately sets you apart from many other, less diligent colleagues.
  • Praise your male boss for specific business successes , but distinguish flattery from a sincere compliment. A subordinate who constantly “sucks up” will be able to conquer only an insecure tyrant, but is unlikely to conquer a worthy professional.


Prohibitions when communicating with superiors

“Digging” under the boss means working against yourself. Even if you don’t get along well with your boss, it’s better to cooperate with him than to spoil the relationship and risk your job. Not all colleagues will wholeheartedly adhere to this code of conduct. It is better not to discuss the boss’s unsavory behavior, especially in the company of other employees, so that one of them does not “pawn” you.

The advice does not apply to cases of aggressive or cruel behavior of the boss.

Try to collect all the evidence of the manager’s inappropriate behavior so that you have something to present if the conflict reaches an acute stage. Take this evidence with you and talk to your superiors.

Explain that this conflict reduces productivity. Even at such a moment, do not mix emotions, do not complain or insult the offender. Approach the issue from the position of a cold-blooded professional who cares primarily about the good of the company.

What to do if the boss scolds or calls you to the carpet?

Errors are possible in any work. You should not think that a boss must always be nice and courteous to his subordinates. He has the right to act firmly and even harshly.

  • The first (and, perhaps, the main condition) is don’t panic. You haven't reached the director's office yet and your knees are already shaking? This means that you are already a loser, because you put yourself in the dependent position of a guilty person. Calmly listen to your boss’s reproaches and evaluate how fair they are.
  • Evaluate yourself from the outside. Only honestly. What if the boss isn’t screaming because he’s a terrible person? It's likely that some of your guilt is also present. An honest confession can soften the boss a little. This is much better than foaming at the mouth and shifting responsibility onto other people: such behavior can be called childish and immature.

    IMPORTANT ! Only an adult and accomplished person is capable of calmly analyzing his actions.

  • It also happens: the boss is simply looking for a victim who is ready to listen to his abuse. If your work activity does not raise any questions, then this is the reason. Here there can only be one piece of advice: react calmly and even humbly to the boss’s emotions. You know that you have everything under control. Why spoil your nerves once again? Realize that the director's mental instability is only his problem.
  • Don’t cry, don’t squeeze out tears, even if your nerves are at their limit. This will simply anger many people, not pity them. You can cry at home, in splendid isolation or surrounded by loved ones in order to “let off steam”, but within the office it is better to refrain from this and save face.

The Wrong Way to Resolve Conflicts - An Example

Management struggle happens:

  • For the present
  • For the future
  • For the past

The fight for the past is the most useless - the past cannot be changed, it has already happened. By fighting for the past, we subconsciously hope that this will allow us to change the present, and this is a mistake.

The struggle for the present is the most brutal.
The fight for the future is the calmest. An example of a struggle for the past:

Let's say a small child climbed a tree and is afraid to get down. And so he screams, calling his parents for help. And then the “smart” dad or mom comes running and starts yelling at the child, “Damn, how many times do I tell you, you’re always going to get into something. What are you going to do now?” etc etc etc.


-How much does this help the child?

The parent is offended by the child’s behavior, he is afraid for him. Perhaps he is angry that the child violated some of his guidelines. Maybe he's scared. And he begins to fight for the past. It seems that because he screams, the film will rewind and the child will not climb the tree. In fact, the main task now is to remove the child. And then carry out some extrapolations.

What is the best way to remove a child? First we need to calm him down. How can I calm him down? He needs to be supported. Say: “Don’t worry, now we can handle everything. You’re strong, you’ll get off, everything will be fine...”

Is it appropriate now to scare a child: -You see, what did I tell you?! Yeah! So what now? This is how you will remember daddy’s words.

Here is an example of incorrect behavior in conflict. Fighting for the past is most useless.

The new boss has arrived

The entire office was shaken by the terrifying news: the old boss was leaving his post and was being replaced by a completely new, unfamiliar person. With its own rules and prejudices.

This is a difficult psychological test: one way or another, you will have to change your behavior, adapt to the boss’s rhythm - nothing can be done about it.

ATTENTION ! It is better to get along with the director from the very beginning, since the first impression is the most important.

  • Don't ignore the moment of getting to know each other. Show sincere interest in the new team member, congratulate the person on his appointment to the position.
  • Don’t grieve with your colleagues that “it was better in the old days.” Solve problems as they arise and learn to work effectively in any environment, even if you don't like it.
  • Get rid of prejudices: you don’t need to meet every order of the new boss with hostility. New is not necessarily bad.
  • Understand that the boss adapts too. Employees usually imagine the boss as a robot who gives orders. This is not true: the manager is worried, worried and tries no less than you.
  • The conclusion follows from the previous paragraph: work with the director, not against him. Discuss the nuances of current projects more often, express your own suggestions, and be active.

In general, a sociable and friendly person will easily find contact with a new acquaintance. The main rule is to be interested in the interlocutor. There is no need to get hung up on your personality: openness combined with education and professionalism will turn you into a brilliant employee.


How to deal with subordinates: practical advice

  • Clearly design tasks and goals.
  • Study the abilities and capabilities of each employee in order to assign the appropriate amount of tasks. When an employee is not confident in his own abilities, the incentive is lost.
  • When criticizing the mistakes of your subordinates, point out ways to correct them.
  • You cannot single out any of the employees so as not to cause discord and conflicts in the team.

Express criticism without prying eyes. Praise work done on time in front of everyone.

Having taken a leadership position, it is necessary to achieve the respect of the team. To do this, clearly express what you require from your subordinates so that there is no misunderstanding. Otherwise, employees may among themselves declare you incompetent.


Conflict situations often arise in the workplace. They can occur both through the fault of management and the fault of the employee. On our website there are detailed articles about difficulties in relationships with superiors, here are links to them:

  1. The boss is a tyrant. Of course, it is very difficult to communicate with a tyrant woman or man. Keep the director under constant surveillance. Perhaps you will be able to identify the boss’s weaknesses and use them to your advantage. Sometimes mentioning an unloved topic in a conversation with him can prevent an impending storm.
  2. The manager yells and humiliates. He may be a tyrant, a poorly educated person, or the boss may simply have lost his nerve. If you encounter such behavior from your boss, you don’t need to act like an inappropriate person and shout back. By doing this you will lower yourself to his level. Be taller, do not react and encourage business communication in a calm tone. Learn to speak with restraint.
  3. The boss is nagging. In that situation, think, maybe you yourself are to blame? Are you making too many mistakes in your work? Are you violating corporate standards or discipline? If you work well and cope with your responsibilities, try not to react to nagging.

    IMPORTANT ! Respond to your boss only on those comments that are relevant to your immediate responsibilities as specified in the employment contract.

  4. The boss is leaving work. Most likely he has identified a person for your position. Perhaps this is his relative or protégé. In such a situation it is problematic to fight. Often the best solution is to start an urgent search for a new job.

Behavior rules

Good relationships with superiors are the key to a comfortable environment in the team and productive work. But each person has his own characteristics, strong and weak qualities, bad habits. You need to come to terms with this. It can be very difficult to change a bad, capricious boss, but adapting to his characteristics is much easier.

The first thing to do is to outline the boundaries. Discuss problems in a calm tone, but if necessary, defend your point of view. You can also voice your dissatisfaction. It’s better to do this one-on-one and in a polite manner. Explain why you are unhappy and offer options to improve the situation.

Do not start empty conversations about the boss in the team. Instead, use that energy to improve your performance. Try to help your boss achieve work goals. This will help you build relationships, gain recognition, and improve your position.

Other rules:

  1. Forecasting problems. Don't be afraid to report bugs and errors. You can unobtrusively advise how to do better or correct the situation. An experienced and wise boss will appreciate this behavior and thank you for your help. If the attempt is not successful, it is better not to do this a second time.
  2. Ask for advice. In difficult situations, when the success or failure of the entire company is at stake, you can consult about work issues. Think over an action plan and agree on it with your boss. This will help avoid mistakes.
  3. Be sincere. There are bosses who have a negative attitude towards flattery and hypocrisy. Therefore, praising without reason is a bad decision. It is better to approve his activities when you really consider it necessary.
  4. Maintain neutrality. The relationship between the boss and the employee is purely business. It is better to talk with your boss only about work topics. It happens that it is better not to make friendly relations with him and not to impose himself. The optimal solution is to work for the benefit of the enterprise and do your job well.
  5. Do not press on sore spots. Instead of criticizing, communicate ways to fix the problem. If he is late for an interview, advise him to set his alarm 15 minutes before the meeting. If he forgets about meetings with customers or other important matters, remind him of this. Think about what else you can help your boss with, and don’t waste this opportunity.
  6. Reward good deeds. Often good but demanding bosses do not hear kind words addressed to them. Give a compliment about leadership style, recent successes, or other accomplishments. Do it sincerely and from the heart, and not with the goal of hearing pleasant words in response.

Even if he behaves inappropriately, remain professional. Keep calm and behave with dignity. Listen carefully and leave the office.


There have always been office romances. For some, love strikes right at the workplace. What to do in this case? The site has detailed articles about correct behavior.

  1. The subordinate fell in love with the boss. In this case, you need to weigh the pros and cons. If the boss is married, it is better to give up trying to win him over. But if he is free, options are possible.
  2. The manager pesters or harasses. He may even make a personal request to you. In some cases, a frank conversation will help, in others, changing your image, choosing more modest and closed clothes. But the potential problem here remains in any option.


How to communicate with your boss based on your zodiac sign?


The Aries boss loves when his subordinates do everything quickly. It is difficult for him to wait; he wants any issues to be resolved here and now.

The character of Aries is energetic and restless. He is completely dedicated to his work and expects the same from his employees. If you are not enthusiastic and carry out tasks under pressure, the boss will have a bad opinion of you.

If Aries feels your involvement and desire to achieve maximum results in a common cause, he will, on occasion, not skimp on a bonus for you or even promote you.

It should be remembered that representatives of this zodiac sign are very hot-tempered.

BY THE WAY ! Aries men can sometimes be rude; they often use obscene language, especially when communicating with subordinate men.

In front of women, Aries try to avoid such expressions, but no, no, let a “strong” word slip through. You shouldn't be offended by them. Such is the nature of this zodiac sign.


You should behave with your Taurus boss carefully and prudently. Unlike his previous brother in the horoscope, Taurus does not tolerate haste; he prefers to act thoughtfully and patiently.

If you work slowly, this will be an advantage rather than a disadvantage. The main thing is that the manager sees actual results. During the work process, he will not push you, unless you miss deadlines.

Taurus is peaceful and pleasant in nature. It is unlikely that he will raise his voice or use abusive language. He will give his subordinates one chance, and then another. However, the patience of even this sign is not unlimited.

IMPORTANT ! If Taurus explodes, not only the culprit will get it, but the entire department. It would be a mistake to assume that he is incapable of being tough and demanding.

This zodiac sign does not accept hack work and a frivolous attitude to work. He himself is used to “ploughing” and expects the same from his subordinates: methodical and conscientious performance of duties.



Establishing a relationship with your Gemini boss is not that difficult. He is ready to give his subordinates broad powers and will not monitor their every move, demanding detailed reporting. But what will irritate this zodiac sign is if you constantly approach him with small questions that you are quite capable of solving on your own without the help of management.

Gemini perceives the world from a logical point of view. He is not affected by emotions, at least at work. Therefore, when arguing your point of view, you should speak clearly and rationally, avoiding the expression of feelings.

BY THE WAY ! This boss is usually democratic, he often addresses himself as “you” and considers it natural if he is addressed in the same way.

After work on Friday, he enjoys going to a bar with his colleagues or organizing an evening event “for his friends” in the office.

To make a good impression on your boss, show interest in the innovations he offers (and he will definitely offer something). Express your readiness to implement his ideas in life.


Boss Cancer is quite demanding. However, he is also patient, able to gradually teach his employees the intricacies of work. Thanks to this, subordinates quickly achieve success in their careers.

You need to behave with Cancer delicately, so as not to inadvertently hurt or offend. Because you are dealing with a receptive person who subtly senses your intonation and the general atmosphere in the team.

He is observant, likes to give advice and give assignments. This should be taken with due care. Pay special attention to office-related tasks: buy flowers for the holiday, decorate the office, etc.

Cancers have an excellent memory. He remembers both your achievements and failures. Try to maintain goodwill towards him so as not to become an enemy overnight.

IMPORTANT ! If you need to convince this zodiac sign of something, try to influence his emotions.

One of the surest ways to win the favor of a Cancer is to bring delicious food to work and treat your boss to it. What will please him most is homemade cakes. Just find out if your boss is on a diet.

a lion

Leos are the most powerful bosses. You should behave with the utmost respect with this zodiac sign. He is also sensitive to flattery. A compliment given at the right moment can change the boss's attitude towards you. However, it is important not to overact: they hate outright and false flattery.

The leader Leo is a king, but not a tyrant . He loves and appreciates his subordinates. Always ready to stand up for them in front of strangers. He also tries to be fair, rewarding for achievements and punishing for mistakes.

Leo cares about everything; the leader of this sign tries to understand all the processes taking place in the organization. He will be offended if important information passes him by. Therefore, always keep your boss informed of events, thereby demonstrating how important his opinion is for the business.

ATTENTION ! The favorites of this zodiac sign are employees who are devoted to the work and personally to the boss. Be prepared to do him a small favor, even a personal one. Leo will appreciate your efforts.

Sometimes Leos can show a quick temper, sometimes even commit rash acts under the influence of emotions. It is important not to fall under the hot hand (Leo can even fire you rashly); it is better to wait out the storm in a safe place.



Virgo's bosses are very punctual, and they expect the same from their subordinates. The worst thing you can do is be late for the start of the work day, delay the completion of projects (even if by 1 hour), or be inattentive to your work.

Virgos notice the smallest details. Everything is important to them. Therefore, if such a boss says to make a sketch with an inscription in a certain font and a certain color, then do not even think about not fulfilling these requirements. And there can be many such requirements...

IMPORTANT ! If you are discussing a work project with a Virgo leader and defending your point of view, then you need to focus on logic and rational arguments.

Virgos value practicality and are, in a sense, very down-to-earth people. Therefore, one should not express enthusiasm for the social significance of the project or its ambition. You will be misunderstood and not appreciated.

It is better to direct your enthusiasm towards the accuracy of completing tasks and strict adherence to deadlines. Another important point: Virgos love neatness. Therefore, always maintain order on your desktop, sort files on your computer, immediately delete unnecessary items or organize them into folders.

Virgos are reserved people. They rarely show feelings, but are often fussy. You too should exhibit similar qualities. Do not express strong emotions, restrain your ardor . Demonstrate that you are busy, be punctual, pay attention to details, avoid even minor mistakes (it is better to double-check your work) - then Virgo will respect and appreciate you.


Libra is the main aesthete of the zodiac. They value beauty, and expect their subordinates to have an elegant appearance and the ability to take care of themselves. If your work involves going out to people and participating in events, then the ability to conduct small talk and make acquaintances becomes very important. The boss will certainly monitor you and draw conclusions.

BY THE WAY ! This leader is a pleasure to work with. In most cases, he is polite, respectful, friendly and smiling.

He hates conflicts and tries not to engage in them, even if he has the advantage of his high position. He just doesn’t want to disrupt the harmony in the team, which is so important to him.

However, Libra bosses are not always so cute and charming. At times they experience periods of low mood and depression. And that’s when it becomes difficult for employees. The boss’s bad mood interferes with work; it is impossible to approach him even with a small question. There is only one recommendation: wait it out. Soon the sun will come out from behind the clouds, and Libra will smile.

Subordinates are required to maintain the harmony so necessary for the boss. Be pleasant in communication, show respect and willingness to help not only the boss, but also colleagues. And in particular, avoid quarrels and scandals, because for Libra all this is terribly unpleasant.

Libra bosses are fair. Therefore, in a controversial situation, call for justice and give arguments in its favor. Emotions are unlikely to get through to the boss, but rather logical arguments. He knows how to weigh the pros and cons and makes thoughtful decisions.


The Scorpio boss is powerful and insightful. He senses the mood of his subordinates well and knows how to see what is hidden. Therefore, there is no point in trying to deceive him or hide something. Soon the boss will discover this, and for deception you will get so much punishment that it will not seem like enough.

Scorpio has obvious likes and dislikes for employees. He has favorites and those he doesn't really like. The former can count on quick promotion, but the latter cannot be envied...

IMPORTANT The main qualities that this zodiac sign values ​​in subordinates are responsibility, decency, honesty, dedication and interest in the common cause.

If you once show that work is in 10th place in importance for you among other activities and hobbies, Scorpio will not forgive such an attitude.

This boss is a maximalist. He strives for the goal at any cost. And he expects the same from his subordinates, including a willingness to stay late after work, go out on days off, take some of the work home, etc. Perhaps he will provide time off for this. But it may well be that the boss will take such sacrifices on your part for granted.

If you offer Scorpio your ideas for work, then you should focus on the financial effect for the business. Show financial calculations and, if necessary, a business plan. Compare your income now and your income after implementing your idea.



Sagittarius bosses are friendly, sincere and pleasant to talk to. It is comfortable to work with them; you are unlikely to feel pressure when entering the director’s office. In terms of management style, they are Democrats. They provide their subordinates with wide scope for activity, giving them the opportunity to realize personal ideas.

But there is also another side to the coin. The Sagittarius boss's instructions are unlikely to be precise and step-by-step. It will simply indicate the direction and expected results. And the rest will be left to the employee to decide. Such leadership is not suitable for everyone; not everyone can cope with such freedom of action.

Sagittarius does not like lazy people. It will track the completion of tasks by employees. And if he sees that the subordinate is not doing anything, then with his characteristic directness he will speak out and demand the fulfillment of work duties. In addition, this sign does not relate well to people who are sad and pessimistic. Therefore, maintain a cheerful disposition so that your boss will like you.

BY THE WAY ! This leader loves all kinds of innovations. Changes occur regularly in his department. And it is better if subordinates greet them with enthusiasm than resist them.

Sagittarius considers everyone who avoids change to be retrograde and does not really respect them.

The boss of this sign loves all kinds of trips, business trips and corporate outings. He goes on business trips, combining business with pleasure, excursions to new cities with signing contracts and establishing partnerships. Subordinates must also express their readiness to travel with the boss at least to corporate events, never shirking this responsibility.


Capricorn bosses are strict, demanding, but fair. They expect to see discipline and strict fulfillment of work responsibilities in their employees. In case of non-compliance, penalties, reprimands, deprivation of bonuses, etc. are applied.

They themselves devote a lot of effort and time to work, often working to the limit of their strength. It is not surprising that complete dedication is expected from subordinates.

IMPORTANT ! Comparing employees with themselves, Capricorn sees in them laziness, irresponsibility and lack of performance. This irritates him greatly. Therefore, he sets strict boundaries, sets requirements and checks their implementation.

Capricorn does not respect those who like to do things their own way, to show originality where clear instructions are given. He can punish any decisions made without permission, because he does not accept excessive initiative. In addition, the boss monitors how employees spend their working time. He does not welcome frequent tea parties or irrelevant conversations.

To work together with Capricorn, you need:

  1. be disciplined;
  2. never be late;
  3. wear formal clothing appropriate for the workplace;
  4. When communicating, avoid emotions, appealing to rational arguments.


The Aquarius boss is a true democrat. He treats his subordinates with respect and listens to their opinions. He is a friendly and not arrogant person. He often keeps his daily and work schedule as free as possible. For example, he will respond with understanding to the request to start the day an hour earlier or later, to shorten the lunch break or increase it.

Such a manager is unlikely to reprimand a subordinate for being 10 minutes late. But if you are half an hour late, you may well be asked to stay for the same amount of time after work. In general, Aquarius stands up for justice. Whoever deserved it got it.

ATTENTION ! The style of communication is respectful, without familiarity and excessive intimacy. Even if the boss is a woman, consider whether it is worth discussing your personal life with her.

Many Aquarians do not recognize such topics. It’s better to talk about new products in the electronics market, social problems, global warming, etc. Representatives of the zodiac sign talk about this with great interest and may even respect you more if your point of view seems correct to them.

Aquarians do not tolerate narrowness of consciousness. In their presence, you should not gossip or judge someone, even if there are reasons for this. And even more so, do not condemn any social groups, for example, people of a different race, religion, nationality or orientation.

Aquarius does not like to delve into numerous details. If you are preparing a report for him, then you do not need a lot of small details. Present the big picture, this is usually enough. Also, you should not contact your boss with minor questions, he does not intend to delve into them, he is bored. He is confident that you can handle it yourself.


Five types of leaders

In psychology, there are 5 main types of bosses. The main differences between them are the attitude towards employees, personal qualities and behavior patterns.


It is important for him to feel superior to others. Overly arrogant and self-confident. Makes decisions thoughtlessly. Believes that he knows all the working nuances. His behavior often becomes the object of gossip and objections. Unable to tolerate this, he wants to punish in any way those who spoke badly about him. There is no use arguing with him. He considers almost every subordinate to be a bad employee. He will never listen to someone else's opinion, considering it wrong. Instead of arguing, you need to use advice that will emphasize the mentor’s position.

Other actions:

  • ask for help with solving a work problem;
  • ask for advice;
  • show respect;
  • ignore negative feedback, etc.

The main thing is for the leader to feel needed. Such actions will help avoid conflicts and scandals.


They are excellent businessmen. They like to take risks and are not afraid of failure. They perceive any mistake as a challenge to become better and do not tolerate competition. Therefore, the presence of an informal leader in the team is perceived sharply and they will try to eliminate him from the workplace in any way. “Jokers” are excellent bosses for those who like to work in a team. They know how to properly organize work with a focus on results. Don't try to compete. Nothing will work out for you anyway, and the relationship will be ruined forever. The best thing you can do is listen carefully to the commands and submit your work on time. Then conflict situations will not arise.


The most common type of boss. May call late at night on a business matter or give a difficult task for the weekend. Being a workaholic, he does not know how to rest. The results of the activities of his subordinates rarely please him, so quarrels happen often. He considers his subordinates to be property and often calls him bad employees.

How to behave with the “master”:

  • initially set boundaries;
  • do not take work home;
  • do not stay late at work;
  • Don't be afraid to say no.

It is important to defend your interests. If work is not a priority, make that clear. If he calls late at night, it makes sense not to pick up the phone. Show that you welcome the division of the day into work and rest time. At first the boss may be offended, but later he will stop being so intrusive towards the employee.

boss and employees


He voices tasks loudly and specifically. Requires their immediate implementation. Constantly positive and energetic. Always has a plan of action that he always adheres to. He does not like brave and enterprising workers and often punishes them. It’s hard for him to ask to leave work early, even if the reason is good. The award is also a rare occurrence. The only correct decision for an employee is to focus on results. Submit work on time, constantly improve productivity. This behavior is a guarantee of a good relationship.


The most polite and courteous. Has a sense of humor and loves to communicate with subordinates on work and everyday topics. Always maintains morale and takes care of each employee. For him, human values ​​are more important than professional qualities.

Behavior rules:

  1. You can offer ideas to improve the team's work. He will definitely take them into account and try to implement them.
  2. It is better to ask about work issues in private.
  3. You don’t have to be afraid to talk to him about a promotion or ask for a salary (if there were real successes in your activities).

It is advisable to praise for success, but only sincerely. He does not welcome hypocrisy.

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