Communication of preschoolers
Rules for communicating with peers to develop good relationships
Features of communication, their explicitness depend on the individuality of people, on the verbal and non-verbal used
Personality. Character. TestsPsychological tests of the emotional and personal sphere. Personality tests. Character, temperament, emotions, character types, achievement motivation
Every person strives to realize himself both in his personal life and in the professional sphere.
Picture plan: what is it and how to make it
“Kommersant” became aware of the details of the national economic recovery plan
What is it? In the picture plan, points are indicated not by words (or not only by words),
Violent acts by adults
Psychological trauma of childhood: stages of working with childhood trauma
Psychological traumas of childhood occur in almost every person, but for the development of some people they
This is contagion in psychology. Infection
Articles on psychology Social psychology Mental infection - Gustave Le Bon A person cannot fully
Darkness of consciousness and complete apathy towards life - what to do?
What is this in psychology? Indifference is a psychological state in which an object or
ways to control attention
How to manage your attention? Tufte techniques. Practice + video!
Types and properties of attention Types of attention: External. Directed towards the world around us. Internal. Directed to
Business communication technique. How to ask questions correctly and what mistakes to avoid
Common questions When asking, we want to receive information that confirms our vision of the world, our perception
marginal behavior is
Let's consider the characteristics of marginal, conformist, habitual socially active lawful behavior.
Surely you are familiar with the concept of marginal behavior. Examples from life that illustrate it:
effective hypnosis treatment
Hypnotherapy - the essence of the method, theory, training, books, techniques, how does the session go?
Hypnotherapy is one of the methods of psychological treatment. Back in ancient Egypt and Greece