Chapter 10. The method of word associations and active imagination according to Jung.

The free association method or associative experiment is a special technique for working with the subconscious. Agree, when talking with other people, be it a relative, a friend or, for example, a psychologist, you always control your speech and think about what to say. In this case, you have the opportunity to say anything, any thought that appears in your head at the moment. What does this give? How effective is this approach?

Association in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:

Association - union, association.

plant - the main classification unit of plant communities (phytocenoses). Characterized by a certain floristic composition. The association is named according to the dominant species of one or several tiers, for example. in the forest there is a spruce-blueberry association.

in psychology - a connection that arises under certain conditions between two or more mental formations (sensations, motor acts, perceptions, ideas, etc.). basic concept of associative psychology. Associations are distinguished by contiguity (in space or time), similarity and contrast. The term was introduced by J. Locke (1698).


See what “Association” is in other dictionaries:

  • Association - (from Latin accosiare to connect) association. Associations in various fields of science: Association (archaeology) Association (astronomy) Association (programming), associative array Associative memory, a special type of computer ... ... Wikipedia
  • ASSOCIATION - (Latin assotiatio, from associare to connect, enter into partnership). A free union of several persons for a common purpose. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ASSOCIATION 1) a society of people united for ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language
  • association is the opposite of dissociation. In dissociation, you see yourself there. Typically, dissociation removes emotion from an experience. When we are in a state of association, we directly experience all the information and therefore react emotionally. (Look... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia
  • ASSOCIATION - ASSOCIATION, associations, women. (from the Latin associo I unite). 1. whom what. The same as a joint union, society, partnership (as applied to some organizations). Russian Association of Scientific Research Institutes. 2. what and what, what... ... Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary
  • association - See connection... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. association communication, connection; society, league, corporation, organization, association, commonwealth, camp, party, detachment, union,... ... Dictionary of synonyms
  • Association - ecological (from the Latin associatio connection), a group of homogeneous or heterogeneous organisms, populations living in certain conditions, regardless of the interaction between them; a group of populations of plants or animals living together in ... ... Ecological Dictionary
  • association - and, f. association f. <lat. 1. Association of persons or institutions, organizations of the same type of activity to achieve a common (political, scientific, economic, etc.) goal. BAS 2. How to arouse the spirit of camaraderie (association) for the fold... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language
  • ASSOCIATION - (from Late Lat. associatio connection) in psychology, a connection formed by a certain. conditions between two or more mental. formations (sensations, motor acts, perceptions, ideas, ideas, etc.); the effect of this connection... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia
  • ASSOCIATION is the basic plant classification unit of plant communities (phytocenoses). Characterized by a certain floristic composition. The association is named according to the dominant species of one or several layers, for example. association in the forest... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary
  • Association - (union) - commercial organizations, in order to coordinate their business activities, as well as represent and protect common property interests, can, by agreement among themselves, create associations in the form of associations or unions, ... ... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials
  • ASSOCIATION - (from the Latin associatio connection) a voluntary association of individuals and (or) legal entities for the purpose of mutual cooperation while maintaining the autonomy and independence of the members of the association. The association represents the softest... ... Economic Dictionary

The meaning of the word Association according to the Psychological Dictionary:

Association - Association (from Latin associatio - connection) is a connection between two mental elements that arose as a result of experience and determines the manifestation of the other when one element of the connection is actualized. In various areas of associative psychology, it was proposed to distinguish associations according to the type of their formation. Thus, associations were identified by similarity (red - purple), by contrast (large - small), by contiguity in space or time (the smell of food seasoning causes appetite), cause-and-effect (strong wind - chills). It was found that the strength of the connection depends on a number of conditions (the strength of the impressions caused by the elements of the connection, their novelty, as well as the individual’s abilities).

Meaning of the word Association in the Financial Dictionary:

Association is a voluntary association (union) of enterprises, organizations or individuals to achieve a common economic, scientific or any other goal. The economic ASSOCIATION on a voluntary basis may include scientific, design, design organizations, experimental, production and transport enterprises, supply and marketing organizations. Participation in the ASSOCIATION imposes less stringent restrictions on the enterprise than in the concern. Any member of the ASSOCIATION, without the consent of its other members, may be a member of other contractual associations of enterprises. Unlike other associations within the ASSOCIATION, the process of creating and selling the final product does not necessarily have to be completed. Their task largely includes activities to coordinate work and concentrate forces and resources.

Association - what is it?

The meaning of the word becomes clear after its translation from Latin. "Associatio" means " union, connection ."

Therefore, associations are the connection or interrelation of any objects. Moreover, objects can have both material and immaterial nature.

Its interpretation depends on what objects, material or intangible, this concept is applied to. Let's consider the main areas of application of the term.

The meaning of the word Association according to Ushakov’s dictionary:

ASSOCIATION of associations, w. (from Latin associo - unite). 1. someone or something. The same as a joint union, society, partnership (as applied to certain organizations). Russian Association of Scientific Research Institutes. 2. what and what, what with what, between what and what. The connection between individual ideas, due to which one idea causes another (psych.). Association by similarity. Association of word sounds with meanings. Association of word sounds and meanings. Association between sounds and meanings.

The essence of the method

The essence of the free association method

As stated above, the psychologist invites a person, without hesitation, to say everything that appears in his head. He shouldn't be afraid to say something wrong, and he shouldn't hold back his emotions. You can say whatever you want. The specialist will not interfere, but will remain on the sidelines. Its task is to isolate from the verbal stream information that directly relates to the problem being solved.

When using the method of free associations, it is possible to remove restrictions from consciousness. They are the ones who sometimes prevent you from getting to the bottom of things, forcing you to think, comprehend and filter what will be said.

A good example

example of using the free association method

How to carry out the free association method? Let's look at an example. Let's say you have a certain dislike for men with beards. We need to understand why. Take a blank sheet of paper and a pen. Write the word “beard” at the top. Number 16 lines. Relax, try not to think about anything. Quickly write down 16 words that come to your mind when you look at what is written above.

Have you written? Now pair them up. Add associations to each of them. And so on until 1 word remains. Now think about how it might be related to your problem. To do this, you may have to plunge into the past.

Definition of the word “Association” according to TSB:

Association (late Latin associatio - connection) association, union: for example, an association of organizations or individuals to achieve a common economic, political, scientific, cultural or some other goal.

Association - in psychology, a connection formed under certain conditions between two or more mental formations (sensations, motor acts, perceptions, ideas, ideas, etc.). the effect of this connection—the actualization of A.—is that the appearance of one member of A. regularly leads to the appearance of another (others). The psychophysiological basis of A. is considered to be a conditioned reflex. Although the idea of ​​the connection of ideas was already developed in ancient philosophy, especially in Plato and Aristotle, the term “A.” was introduced only by the English philosopher J. Locke in 1698 and from that time on became the main concept of Associationism. In the history of psychology, A. were classified on various grounds (see P. A. Shevarev, Generalized associations in the educational work of schoolchildren, M., 1959). One of the common classifications is based on the temporary conditions of the formation of an aura: if the connection between mental formations arises due to their simultaneous appearance in consciousness, they speak of an atom by contiguity in space. if the connection is formed as a result of their appearance one after another, then they speak of A. by contiguity in time. Another classification is based on the difference between the content of mental formations, between which a connection is established, and the content of the members of that A., which is updated at the same time. on this basis they distinguish between A. by contiguity, A. by similarity and A. by contrast. Generalized A., identified by the Soviet psychologist P. A. Shevarev, also fall under the same basis of division. Lit. see under Art. Associationism. V. A. Kostelovsky.

Association is a plant, the basic unit of classification of vegetation, representing a set of homogeneous phytocenoses with the same structure, species composition and with similar relationships both between organisms and between them and the environment. Each ecosystem is closely related to certain environmental conditions—climate, soil, and the fauna inhabiting it. A. is characterized by a certain productivity (stock and growth) of plant mass. When external conditions and the composition of the flora of A. change. Thus, modern European A. broad-leaved forests arose from Arctic-Tertiary forests and, in turn, can give way to other A. areas of modern vegetation under the influence of changes in relief, hydrological and soil conditions, as well as due to direct (for example , haymaking, forest cutting, construction of reservoirs) and indirect (for example, grazing) anthropogenic influences can change radically. Examples of A. are a pine forest with lingonberries in the ground cover on dry and poor soil, a pine forest with blueberries on more moist soil, oak forests with lingonberries in the grass cover, areas of meadow with a predominance of foxtail and with a similar composition of other plants, swamps with a sphagnum cover, cotton grass, wild rosemary, etc. When assessing forest and forage lands, they are based on the properties of the dominant A. For example, during a detailed study of meadows and when compiling large-scale maps of vegetation cover, individual A. are plotted on them; when the scale is reduced, associations of A. are usually called A. according to the dominant plants in them, for example, boron lingonberry - Pinetum vacciniosium, spruce-pine forest with lingonberries and sorrel - Piceto-Pinetum vaccinioso-oxalidosum. Russian and Soviet scientists made a great contribution to the study of A. - G. F. Morozov, V. N. Sukachev, V. V. Alekhin, A. P. Shennikov and others. Lit.: Vegetation of the USSR, vol. 1-2 , M., 1956. Fundamentals of forest biogeocenology, M., 1964. V. N. Sukachev.

In the dictionary Dictionary of foreign words

and, f.

1. Association of persons or institutions of the same type of activity. Sociological a. A. nuclear physicists.||Cf. CONFEDERATION" title='CONFEDERATION, CONFEDERATION is, what is CONFEDERATION, CONFEDERATION interpretation'>CONFEDERATION.

2. psychol. A relationship between separate representations, in which one of the representations causes another. A. by similarity.

3. chem. Combining molecules (or ions) into doubled, tripled, etc. aggregates, as well as such aggregates themselves.||Cf. DISSOCIATION" title='DISOCIATION, DISSOCIATION is, what is DISSOCIATION, DISSOCIATION interpretation'>DISSOCIATION.

4. astr. A cluster of young stars, indicating the ongoing process of star formation in the Galaxy.

5. bot A set of homogeneous plant communities with the same composition of plant species and with similar relationships both between organisms and between them and the environment.

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