Remember that you are a whole person and a self-sufficient person.

A holistic personality. Description

And someone who is firmly confident in himself, knows what he wants, and accepts everything around him as it is, and does not try to resist fate, can call himself such a special person. A person respects everyone’s choice, including his own. We can say about such a person that she looks at things with a realistic look and draws appropriate conclusions, even if they contradict external pressure. This is a person whose inner world is harmonious with the outer. Self-confidence and peace of mind accompany him in life.

qualities of a holistic personality

Material and spiritual flows are in balance with each other. When a personality is holistic, it is guided by its own internal compass—truth. Man is part of the Universe and feels unity with the world. It is filled with vital energy. He shows interest in the world, realizes his talents and activates his internal resources. The personality is filled with vital energy thanks to energy channels.

Personal integrity

Personal integrity is one of the most important components of leadership. The meaning of the word “whole” in relation to a person in the dictionary is interpreted as distinguished by the unity of character traits. A complete personality is a person whose words coincide with his deeds, who is everywhere, in any environment, as he really is. The modern world, in which everyone is chasing success and fortune, has long felt a shortage of such individuals. Moral requirements have long ceased to be something important; people go towards their goal, sweeping away all obstacles on their way, without being distracted by the concept of morality.

Applicants were recruited for the vacant position. Everyone had to answer a series of questions in a questionnaire. When filling out such a questionnaire, the applicant answered negatively when asked if he had ever been arrested. The next question, which he would have to answer only if he were arrested, caused a fit of honesty in the applicant. When asked “Why,” he replied matter-of-factly: “Probably because I’ve never gotten caught.”

How often do we learn from the media about the latest corruption scandals, about abuse of official premises, about some shady dealings or “skeletons in the closet”. This is all due to the lack of integrity of the personalities of these people who became the heroes of scandalous chronicles.

A whole person has nothing to hide, his whole life is like an open book. He can look people directly and boldly in the eyes, he has nothing to fear from law enforcement agencies, running away and hiding is beneath his dignity, as well as lying and duplicitousness.

Integrity of the individual is not something we do. The integrity of the individual is ourselves. Who we are further determines what we do. Our personality creates a value system that a person subsequently follows in everything. The value system is the navigation system that guides a person along the path of life. Depending on it, a person sets priorities, determines and evaluates what should be accepted and what should be discarded without regret.

Each of us constantly struggles with our desires. Even the most highly spiritually developed person is not immune to the conflict of desires and possibilities. Who will emerge victorious from this clash determines the integrity of the individual. The choice between what a person wants and what he should confronts him every day. An integral person will make the right choice because she has all the prerequisites for this.

An integral person is convinced that he lives and acts correctly, he is completely satisfied with his life. The integrity of the individual is for a person an arbitrator who forces our beliefs to be reflected in our actions. Therefore, it does not matter what situation the affairs of the integral personality are in. She will remain herself in times of prosperity and in difficult times. For others, family members, friends, an integral personality remains unchanged in any situation.

Socrates noted that the main key to greatness is to become what you appear to be. So much meaning in one line! Often we try to act humanely, while we ourselves have not yet become humane. A leader needs to be himself, not pretend to be someone else, then he can gain people's trust.

10% of information comes to us through hearing, 85% through vision, and only 1% of information we receive through all other senses. When a leader himself acts as he encourages his followers to do, their trust in him grows more and more. This happens because a person understands what he hears, and he believes what he sees. There is no need to motivate people by resorting to petty tricks and all sorts of tricks. People want to have a role model in front of them. Therefore you must be one.

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The holistic formation of the individual occurs due to the fact that a clear awareness of everything that is happening comes. Each lesson brings something necessary for development into a person’s life. This person also allows herself to experience any emotions and accepts everything, even the dark sides of her character, with the confidence that all this will teach her something. Such people know how to enjoy every moment in life, feel inner freedom, as they look at the world from the position of God. And we can say with firm confidence that these individuals lack excitement and experience.

formation of a holistic personality

Opportunities open up for them for constant development, learning everything new, and life itself becomes a great adventure. A person emits energy such as joy, warmth and light into the outside world. He wants to share all this with the surrounding society.

When does formation begin?

The formation of a holistic personality occurs only when a person thinks that something in life does not suit him. This also happens if an inner voice tells him that he is going down the wrong path. Perhaps a person does not even suspect that it is a matter of integrity and that he should pay attention to his inner world.

holistic personality development

Often such a person does not take into account all the components of his essence, mainly only his appearance, character or physical form. At the same time, she forgets that a person is a combination of mental, energetic and physical processes.

Remember that you are a whole person and a self-sufficient person.

You don't need another person to become yourself - you are already a whole person. If you spend time alone at least sometimes, you probably understand that you can live quite happily in this world on your own. You understand that true joy lies in your own strength, enthusiasm, ability, beauty and soul. Not the people you want to be with. Not in the people you want to keep around you. You are created with built-in inner independence. You were created to walk fearlessly on your own unique path.

Stop listening to false thoughts that whisper to you that a person cannot survive alone.

Do you want someone next to you who you think is the missing piece of the overall puzzle called your life? But that's not true. You are you, a completely self-sufficient person. Learn to trust yourself and take advantage of all the opportunities given to you. This is quite enough to survive and realize your dreams. This is why you have difficult times - so that you can tap into the incredible power that you possess. You can handle everything yourself.

The most eternal and enduring love is love for yourself.

Self-love is the beginning of true love. You cannot give your love to someone else without knowing how to give it to yourself first. Self-love teaches you that you cannot force someone else to be responsible for meeting your emotional needs - this is a sure path to deep disappointment. Self-love strengthens your integrity because once you stop chasing people and start focusing on your personality, you will find happiness. It is normal to try to earn the love of another person. It's okay to wait for her. But never consider this person to be your missing part. Rather, consider it a bonus. A gift you will live with.

Personal integrity needs to be developed and accepted, so give yourself some time.

Everything is fine. It really takes time. It requires deep thought, effort and full awareness so that you can understand and accept your own self-sufficiency. Change your views and slowly move away from the people you used to hold tightly to. Get out of your past and remember that people will always come and go from your life. Focus on loving yourself. Think about your needs and passions. Remember your dreams. Spare yourself the future, non-essential suffering caused by over-dependence on people. You only need you.

And if someone knocks on your door, be grateful. Greet them. But if they leave, like others, be grateful too and always remember the integrity of your personality.


Defense Mechanisms

First of all, the holistic personality is considered from the perspective of such a science as psychology. Here the person herself is the main object of study in this area. The personality is considered from the social side, its behavior in society, the presence of individual properties and character traits. It is formed under certain beliefs and principles realized by the person himself. Holistic personality psychology implies a certain defensive reaction. There are several such mechanisms in nature, and they are triggered when something threatens a person. Some personality traits can be classified as a defensive reaction, such as:

  • substitution, when aggression received from someone on an individual is transferred automatically from her to another person;
  • repression - a person forbids himself to perceive those thoughts and feelings that caused suffering, forgetting or not knowing that all this remains in the subconscious, which is not good for her;
  • projection - when one imposes his irrational thoughts on another or several people, thus shifting his shortcomings or shortcomings onto others.

A person personally chooses and adheres to them. Thanks to integrity, he gains psychological stability at a high level when there is a choice between achieving goals and proposed values. Not everyone is given the status of a complete person. It all depends on the characteristics of upbringing, on the relationships in the family where a person grew up, on interaction with the environment and on its influence. People are not born with a complete personality. Its formation depends on the interaction and influence of the external environment.

Power model of development

Personality can develop according to two models: strength and the model of internal harmony. In the first case, beliefs are rigid, and they are defended in open conflict. Moreover, the person is not going to “give up his position.” As a result, the personality breaks down entirely, which cannot be said about the harmony model. Where there are not only beliefs, but also morals and spiritual values. A person is ready to sacrifice himself and his life to his beliefs.

whole person whole person

The power model can be attributed more to a man. It is not easy for him to accept external laws and demands with control. Although the main thing for him is to agree with them. After this happens, the man monitors all this himself. He came to this.

Model of internal harmony

A holistic personality, located in a model of internal harmony, is also supported by internal flexibility. That is, when a person safely accepts the environment as it is, and it accepts him.

The presence of harmony within can be defined as the absence of conflict between the internal parts of the personality, as well as only a positive worldview. A person realizes and accepts that understanding others and oneself should come first. Moreover, he himself strives to notice only the strong and positive sides. Such people do not engage in self-accusation. Internal flexibility helps to adapt for some time to the harsh demands of the external environment, allowing you to use every opportunity to return to your original state. This model is mainly typical for the fair sex.

Unintegrated personality. Description

If a person does not have goals, constantly contradicts both everyone and himself, does not know how to make decisions, or shifts them to others so as not to bear responsibility for them, then such a person can hardly be called holistic. For these people there is no guideline in life; their companions are self-doubt and low self-esteem. The consequences of all this are a constant change of personal beliefs and disappointment in everything.

holistic personality

Why is this happening? Perhaps upbringing or the surrounding society played a role here, which introduced limits. Or maybe situations that caused pain and influenced a person’s rejection of himself. Then the feelings are prohibited in order to avoid suffering in the future. The connection with the soul is lost, and the mind takes responsibility. Surely many have been in a situation where betrayal, disappointment, stress or severe grief led to a loss of integrity.

But not everyone, being in critical conditions, retains their qualities as an integral personality and remains unchanged in relation to their life positions. It all depends on the temperament and type of person. A person who does not want to recognize her talents, wants to be successful, but does not take any steps for this, sees only shortcomings in herself and in others, experiences self-hatred to a greater extent than love, the definition of “integrated personality” is not suitable. A holistic person understands his purpose. He follows inner guidance in a given situation.

What does it mean to be whole?

Do you know what it means to be holistic, and what are the advantages of it?

People often do not think about the meaning of their lives and do not pay any attention to themselves, to their true essence.
They live by inertia, satisfying their material needs, and do not bother about why they live or about their internal state. But what is inside is also outside. What we put out is what we get back!

A good internal state is the basis of life. How you perceive the events and people around you is how you live. If you take everything with hostility and “snap” at life, then you see it only from this perspective, but if you live positively and accept what is happening to you and around you, then your perception of the world is completely different.

Today it is very important to be holistic and be friends with yourself, then it is easy to go through life, receiving pleasure and joy from it. It seems to me that this is the only way to survive and save yourself in the current world! Do not waste it in vain, but taste all the delights of the “I am presence.”

What does it mean to be whole?

There are various techniques for working on yourself. But not everyone knows them, and not everyone who knows uses them. Life throws us many such moments when we need to be able to interact with people and at the same time preserve ourselves, without wasting our energy in vain, and often to our detriment.

If a person is whole, then even no energy vampire can hit him or disrupt his state of internal balance and calm. You do not get involved in his intrigue, in his provocation, but listen to him “soberly”, accepting that he is who he is, such energy potential, such character, and so on.

A holistic person does not create illusions, does not have his head in the clouds, somewhere out there, but really assesses the current situation and lives here and now!

A lot can be said about the state of integrity, but achieving this state is not at all easy. You need a lot of work on yourself. Working through such qualities as resentment, anger, envy, fear, etc., which are included in the “bouquet” of a person who is loose and disheveled in feelings and emotions. And often confused in life.

To become holistic, you must, first of all, have a desire to change yourself, in order, as a result, to change your life for the better.

What does it mean to change your life for the better?

For the better, it means changing the quality of your life, removing all the obstacles and reasons that prevent you from living well and joyfully.

Everyone has their own concept of “living well,” but in reality, it is living to the fullest, that is, seeing life in everything and enjoying it. For themselves, and not for someone else, as parents often do when they motivate the meaning of their lives “for their children.”

Many people think that they will live well only when they have a lot of money, an apartment, another car, and more, that is, “living well” is associated with the material aspect of existence. This is, in fact, their limiting belief; they isolate themselves from the world and do not see joy in life because of it.

What does it mean to live to your liking?

People, my dears, come to your senses! Remember that, first of all, you have a Soul! You are the Soul!!! But for a soul that exists according to the laws of the universe, all this tinsel is not needed! She needs satisfaction from what she sees, feels, does, lives. This and only this enriches her energy potential and, as a result, prolongs her life!

A person in this physical world is a temporary creature, so all the accumulated material belongings will remain, and it’s good if you are remembered with a kind word. And the soul will take the emotions and feelings with it and will come into embodiment again with this experience.

When they think: “Why do I need this, I’m so “fluffy”?” - Well, you think that this is who you are, but in fact, this is a consequence of your past lives, where you were also irreconcilable, touchy, unnecessarily angry, envious, and so on. And now, in our present life, we must live with this inheritance. And if you come to your senses and want to stop this, then you need, as they say, to “come to your senses” and start living for yourself, finally get rid of all this burden of the past and start enjoying life.

What does it mean to enjoy life

Literally every soul, going through any lesson, must learn to enjoy life. Joy is a high vibration, high-frequency energy, and therefore a high level in the system of the universe.

Rejoice. Rejoice. Rejoice!

Finally, see a beautiful leaf under your feet, an unusual pebble, a picturesque cloud, the sun that is shining today “only for me and somehow in a special way”!

Don't get scattered all over the place with little things!

Wish Good to everyone and everything in existence! And first of all, to your enemies and “well-wishers,” if you have any. May you come to your senses before they do and turn your face to goodness, life, happiness! After all, all actions, any, are directed in the name of life or in the name of death. And evil and various negativity are aimed at death, at the end of life, and do not allow or interfere with the manifestation of his divine essence in a person - “I am Love! I am the Light! I am Joy! I am Success! I am Happiness!!!

The way to yourself

All wealth sits inside us and will always be with us - this is our inner state, our spiritual potential. If you have a lot of “garbage” in you, then you need to finally get rid of it and manifest yourself as a conscious person, filled with the desire to live, rejoice and do good.

Start the Path to Yourself! The time has come!

Get started! This will repay you handsomely. Look at this!!!

Now everything is coming true quickly. All you need is your intention and great desire, and then everything will begin to develop around you in the best possible way. The magic of life will surprise you! Hints will come one after another, just don’t miss them!

The necessary books, new acquaintances, new opportunities will definitely come to you and turn your life upside down. Don't refuse the opportunities that open up! These are windows to a new world! To a new life, hitherto unknown to you!

I love you!

What state of mind are you in???

Tips for Finding Wholeness

A person who is not in integrity cannot see his true state, it is difficult for him to do this. To do this, you need to look into the soul, ask yourself about what is needed for the holistic development of the individual to come into his life.

holistic personality education

Restore connection with your inner world, open to the light and all positive energies. You need to strive for this and sincerely want it. When a person establishes contact with his soul, the necessary circumstances, bright people and opportunities come into his life. The main thing is to notice all this and be grateful for everything. Usually a teacher or mentor comes into life and brings him to the level of awareness.

When everything that comes into life is accepted as something that was planned by the soul, as some kind of experience or game, then unity with the world is restored. Cleaning the subtle bodies and working with all internal blocks will help you achieve a complete revival of integrity. The highest source of energy will bring all aspects into harmony with each other using powerful vibrations into a single whole. You can also reach this state in a different way.

formation of a holistic personality

A person must express himself in creativity. Accepting responsibility for your life, trusting the world and turning attention inward - this will also help restore a person’s integrity. The readiness and desire to feel this state must be present. Do not contradict anything or anyone. Everything should happen easily and naturally. Meditation and proper breathing will help you achieve unity. Afterwards, the person himself will be able to freely enter the common flow with higher energies. Entering a state of integrity has no boundaries; a process of unification with the Universe, nature and the right energies occurs.

How to gain personal integrity

This is part 3 of a series of articles about accepting yourself and finding wholeness through the return of your lost fragments (Shadows).

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