Perceptual component
Perceptual actions: definition, types, properties, characteristics, stages of formation and development
Mechanism of formation Mechanisms: Identification. Comparison of the subject with images that were perceived before. Built on personal
Don't make mistakes when making sentences with the word "contempt"
What is contempt? Contempt is a negatively colored and deliberately derogatory emotion that is caused by
negativism in psychology is
Negativism in psychology. What is it in children, definition of speech, teenage
Various forms of manifestation of resistance In psychology, the phenomenon of negativism is divided into two forms of manifestation: passive
class and lifestyle
The right way of life: what is it? One of the versions
What does this phrase mean? What is a lifestyle? This is a set of individual concepts about the world,
N. Gegen. Psychology of manipulation and submission. Book digest
What are manipulations in communication and their types and techniques
Manipulation in communication is a quite common phenomenon and is constantly encountered in society during interaction.
inert people
Inertia of thinking is a psychological problem that prevents fantasy from taking off.
All people are different and have different properties of the nervous system. Everyone is strong at something and
what is combat experience
What is the value of your own experience for spiritual development?
What is experience? Experience is a set of impressions, conclusions and judgments obtained as a result
Sitting on the beach
Drop everything and go to the village. Who are downshifters and why do they change their lives?
The faster the standard of living grows, the more people think about the need for an endless struggle for
Types of amnesia, causes, symptoms, treatment of memory loss
Prognosis and prevention Considering the different severity of the primary disease in each patient, as well as
How to become a punctual person in any circumstances?
Punctuality is a special characteristic of a person, which means extreme systematicity, accuracy and pretentiousness to